
Chapter 23: The Overlooked Tale

When Salim returned, he found Elrond busy at his workbench, while Serena sat to the side, engrossed in a book.

"Is it over?" Salim inquired.

"Same as usual," Elrond responded.

It was evident that neither the grandson nor the granddaughter were taking the recent events to heart. Elrond knew well the capabilities of his grandson. Little wizards like Adelaide and Wright posed no challenge to Salim; this scenario had played out many times before. Even during the scuffles between the young ones, the adult wizards observing would be left astonished.

"How's my favourite sister doing?" Salim greeted Serena with a warm smile.

"Business as usual – finding solace in books," Serena replied without looking up.

Serena and Salim exchanged knowing glances.

"Hasn't your brother shared some good news with you?" Salim approached his sister, gently closing the book in her hand. He noticed she was reading "The Tales of Beedle the Bard."

"Oh? What news? I hope it's good news." Serena looked up at Salim, her curiosity piqued.

Taking a breath, Salim slowly revealed, "Guess what? Our dear Serena is about to become a wizard. What do you say to that?"

There was a momentary pause as Serena looked beyond her brother to her grandfather, seeking confirmation.

"That's right, my dear. Next year, you'll be heading to Schuyler" Elrond affirmed, a proud smile on his face.

Salim turned back to his grandfather, disbelief written across his features. "You actually intend to send Serena to Schuyler? She's already ten! Schuyler doesn't accept new students older than eleven!"

Elrond shot Salim a reproachful look. "Mind your tone! The age restriction applies only to boys. Serena, being a girl, is exempt from it. You mean to say you didn't grasp this simple concept even after years of study?"

"No, Grandpa! You know what kind of place Schuyler is! Do you genuinely think Serena will fit in there?" Salim vehemently objected, his protective instincts flaring. "And as for the age restriction, how come it was never taught during all those years of schooling?"

Elrond's patience seemed to be waning. "Why it didn't register with you is beyond me. This is common knowledge. Furthermore, given that Serena is a Selwyn, she's bound to attend Schuyler."

"Grandpa, you're fully aware of my experiences there! I barely escaped from that place..." Salim's voice trailed off, and as he saw the corner of his grandfather's mouth curling up, realization dawned upon him.

"Hmm... Or was it more accurate to say you 'endured'? Found it 'challenging' to 'adjust'? Hmm?" Elrond raised an eyebrow, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Did you not fight tooth and nail, or was it perhaps your impulsiveness that played a part? Have you finally spoken your heart?"

Salim mentally facepalmed.

The old man was a master of wit and cunning!

Salim closed his eyes briefly, taking a few calming breaths before meeting his grandfather's gaze. "So, all that talk about age restrictions was just a ruse?"

"No, that part holds true. Consider it logically. Did you ever encounter girls your age during your time at Schuyler? The elder female students you encountered were transfers from other schools. Your education is structured, with specific ages for certain classes and a separation between male and female students until a certain age. Didn't you notice the absence of girls your age?" A peculiar smile tugged at Elrond's lips as he posed the question.

Observing Salim's perplexed expression, Elrond seemed assured that his grandson was genuinely oblivious. "Oh my, oh my... It seems I've been neglecting your understanding. Tsk tsk tsk... My concern for your future might have been misplaced."

Salim inwardly groaned. Who had the leisure to ponder the gender dynamics within Schuyler?

Serena watched her brother and grandfather's banter with a smile. She cherished these moments, where warmth shone through the sombre castle's surroundings, emanating solely from these two individuals.

"Enough, old man! Spare me the jests. Serena is destined for Hogwarts. If not, then Beauxbatons. But Durmstrang is out of the question."

"Of course it's Hogwarts, what's the point?" Elrond gave Salim a puzzled look before continuing, "It's getting late. Let's head up for dinner."

The three of them, grandparents and grandchildren, had a tradition of dining in a quaint restaurant whenever they gathered. They preferred to keep their distance from other relatives. The complex web of family dynamics had created an estranged atmosphere that pushed them apart.

Elrond led the way, with Salim engaged in conversation with his sister as they followed closely behind.

"I noticed you were engrossed in 'The Tales of Beedle the Bard'. Haven't you read that several times already? There's a world of books out there. What's so captivating about that one?" Salim's sister, Serena, inquired.

"Brother, did you ever read that book when you were younger?" Serena shot back with curiosity.

"Of course, I did. What's the matter?" Salim responded.

"Don't you find the story of the three brothers incredibly intriguing?"

The story of the three brothers was legendary among wizards. "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" held a special place in the wizarding world, serving as an enlightening piece of literature. Salim was well-acquainted with it, even from his previous life.

"Oh? Enlighten me, Serena. What insights do you have?" Salim prodded.

"Look, brother. The eldest brother obtains the Elder Wand but meets his doom, the second acquires the Resurrection Stone but meets a tragic end, and the youngest gains the Invisibility Cloak but eventually dies too. It's fascinating how these three items symbolize different paths to death. Tell me, if someone possesses both the Elder Wand and the Resurrection Stone, how do you think they would meet their end?" Serena posed a thought-provoking question.

"Hmm? What?" Salim, just hearing the mention of the Resurrection Stone, couldn't shake off the upcoming encounter with that perilous Horcrux he and Elrond were planning to face. His mind drifted slightly.

"Seriously, I'm repeating myself. Pay attention!" Serena reiterated her query, noticing her brother's distraction.

Salim's attention was regained as Serena kicked him playfully.

"About your question, Serena, I think... they might meet a fate they willingly embrace, perhaps," Salim finally responded after collecting his thoughts.

"Brother, you zoned out for a moment there. Did my question trouble you that much?"

"It's nothing. Do you have more insights about the story?" Salim inquired, now fully engaged and ready to listen attentively.

"Certainly! Consider this: the wand compels violence, the stone tempts one to end their life, and the cloak alludes to a natural death. There's an undeniable connection to death among the Hallows. However, if we reverse the perspective, those possessing a wand can only be killed, stone bearers are predisposed to suicide, and cloak wearers can only die naturally. Isn't it intriguing to view it from this angle?"

Salim echoed Serena's words, contemplating their implications.

If the Elder Wand symbolizes violent death, the Resurrection Stone signifies self-inflicted demise, and the Invisibility Cloak represents a natural end, could it mean that possessing any of these items eliminates the other two potential outcomes? If someone holds the Elder Wand, are they precluded from dying of natural causes or by their own hand? Could someone with the Resurrection Stone survive an Avada Kedavra curse? Could they cheat death forever?

Salim chuckled at his earlier concerns, relieved to consider Dumbledore and Voldemort's demises as coincidental rather than fated by the Hallows.

As the conversation continued, Elrond's grandchild realized the intricate nature of the Deathly Hallows. The Elder Wand's owners seemed to meet a violent end, yet were Dumbledore, Grindelwald, and Gregorovich's deaths inescapable due to their ownership? Dumbledore embraced his death willingly, while Voldemort's Horcrux-laden path led to his self-inflicted downfall. If the Resurrection Stone compelled suicide, were Dumbledore and Voldemort also subject to that fate? Dumbledore's willingness to die defied the stone's supposed influence.

Salim's thoughts raced. Voldemort, however, didn't truly possess the Elder Wand. The final clash with Harry—whose disarming spell triggered the wand's rebellion—led to Voldemort's own curse rebounding, causing his death. It was, indeed, a form of self-inflicted demise.

The Resurrection Stone's history was also sobering. Other than its appearance in the story, the fates of real stone owners like Voldemort and Dumbledore remained a mystery. Dumbledore's death was a choice, while the Horcrux within Voldemort contributed to his ultimate undoing. The Stone's connection to suicide wasn't as evident in these cases.

Salim's musings led him to question the upcoming encounter with the Resurrection Stone and its potential influence on him and Elrond. The chilling realization hit him: Could the tales hold a grain of truth?

"Brother, you've drifted off again! Are you even listening?" Serena's frustration pulled Salim back to the present.

It took a nudge from Serena to snap him out of his reverie.

"In response to your question, Serena, I believe... embracing their demise willingly, possibly," Salim responded more assuredly this time.

"Brother, you've been quite absent-minded during our conversation."

"It's nothing. Do you have more insights to share?" Salim inquired, newfound determination colouring his voice.

"Certainly. Ponder this: the wand begets murder, the stone beckons suicide, and the cloak alludes to a natural demise. All pathways lead to death. However, if we flip the perspective, wand possessors become targets for killing, stone bearers are allured into self-destruction, and cloak wearers become resigned to a natural end. Isn't it fascinating to view it this way?"

Salim echoed Serena's thoughts, mulling over their implications.

Could it be that ownership of the Elder Wand invites a violent end, while the Resurrection Stone tempts one towards self-inflicted death? As for the Invisibility Cloak, does it mark its wearer for a natural demise? Salim pondered, sceptical yet intrigued.


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