
6.After her

I observed Guendolin, I did not dare to speak to her, when our eyes met it was like there was no one else in the room, just me and her. I ate her with my eyes and she did not understand.

Sinthia was the only person she made friends with, there were humans among us at school but it seemed she did not like to get involved very much. We were in the school hallway where the student art fair was organized, there were paintings, sculptures, most of them wolves and things reflected about us.

As always I watched, eavesdropped but could not read hee mind to know what she thought of me. I had her so close and at the same time so far.

" You said you would reject her as soon as you meet her huh?" Sinthia put her hand on my shoulder pulling me out of my thoughts.

I just exhaled as if I had been holding my breath for too long. I no longer had control over what I felt.

"Okay bro, I'll deal with it, no worries. Open your ears well." She continued again as she walked towards her.

"Guen, what do you think?"


"Just beautiful?"

"Is the wolf thing a familiar symbol here? It seems that almost everyone is obsessed with wolves."

"Ah , stories, legends, tales to put children to sleep. Where is your painting?"

"In fact I lost the wolf, but I brought this ..."

"Wow ! Did you paint that?"

"It looks like I did it."

I could not see what it was because they were both on their backs , but I could hear them.

"Oh, no!"

"What happened Sinthia?"

"I left my painting at the gym. And I do not have time to go get it because I'm on the student committee, I'm so busy I'm forgetting things. How will I do it?"

"If you want I can take it for you, you just have to describe it to me."

"Really? You are my savior. In the sports hall in the first row of seats left arm as you enter the door, the first seat from the end of the first row. I made a mess."

"No , I understand it. I'm going to the gym."

"You are my hero, thank you."

After Guen left Sinthia spoke to me knowing I was listening, as if talking to herself.

"What are you waiting brother? It's a bit dark there I fixed it."

I didn't wait for her to finish, she had planned everything according to her mind, but I had the opportunity to be alone with her. I walked towards the gym, pushed the door a little and it was really dark, there were no windows to let the light in, I had to turn on the lights to light up despite it being day. But we also had the ability to see in the dark, not as clearly as in the light though.

I smelled her scent as it slammed into my lungs, I watched her movements as she searched the seats. I walked towards her so fast that I happened to be behind her without her realizing it.

She seemed to feel my presence, her heartbeat quickened and she breathed like she couldn't be filled with air. I was scaring her, she turned slowly towards me. I could not bear to look at her scared because of me. I looked at her widened eyes and trembling lower lip.

"Shshsh! I won't hurt you! "

I whispered as I took steps towards her and she took steps backwards, until her back hit the iron that separated the field from the seat area. She gripped the iron with her hands as if holding into it and I was already very close to her face. I leaned over and smelled near her neck leaning my cheek against hers while my lips stood millimeters away from hers.

I pulled her by the waist and felt millions of sensations from her body colliding with mine. It burned in every millimeter of the body I had contact with. The moan that she let out when I pulled her , her heart was beating like crazy, she did not see me, but I was looking at her, god how beautiful she was. She was pulling me like a magnet without realizing it, she knew nothing.

I was very close to her physically and I could not make her mine, I could not tell her she was mine. I who did not believe in tmates and the bond that was created or had been created until we met physically. I would kiss her, no matter what, I could not bear it anymore.

As soon as my lips would touch hers a noise was heard from outside, a noise which only I heard as it was far away.

"Wait here." I whispered as I pulled my hands and body away from her, I felt as if emptiness had taken over me, as if to detach a part of my body. But I had to.

I hurried and left the hall before ignoring all the noise and staying away from my responsibilities as the future alpha. Sinthia was coming toward us.