
Dr. Polaris

A young man was driving a 2014 Ford Mustang. He parked the car in front of a suburban house just outside the city.

He was wearing a black tux with a nice bow-tie to go with it.

He got out of his car and walked to the front door.


The door was opened by a woman in her late 40s, she was wearing a white dress and a nice smile.

Nathan: "Hey mom, you look lovely. Ready to go yet?"

May : "Aww. My little baby boy has grown up so much that he is taking his mother to events. We need to take a picture."

She takes out her phone from her purse and tries different filters.

Nathan: "Mom, we are gonna be late! Could you please hurry a bit?"

She ignores him and after trying a dozen more filters she finally chose a filter she liked and took the picture.

May: "Alright. We can go now."

Sharingan user sighs in relief.


- L.A. Unity Festival-

Nathan and May walked towards their table and sit down. They started to chat with the others in their table, but Nathan's entire focus shifted towards a very handsome man.

This man looked like Tyler Hoechlin from Teen Wolf but without his famous beard, instead he was wearing 'nerdy' glasses.

Nathan: "Excuse me for a second" and quickly walked towards the iconic hero. 'I'm actually gonna meet Superman. He is the most famous hero of all times.' he thought to himself as he looked at the 'mild-mannered reporter'.

Nathan: "Hello. Are you Clark Kent?" he finally got his sense of reason back and thought 'Why did my inner fanboy had to take over, I gain nothing from meeting him. And he is not even in my top 10 favorite heroes.'

Clark: "Yes I am. And who would you be?" he asked suspiciously.

Nathan: "Nice to meet you Mister Kent. I'm Nathan Winters, a paediatric. I'm a big fan of yours" he says while thinking 'Stop there. Don't go full fanboy by asking him how the hell no one figures out he is Superman behind those stupid glasses.'

Nathan quickly makes up a lie "I read your piece about corruption in Mayors office and was blown away"

Clark relaxes a bit: "Thank you. I'm particularly proud of that story. Also please call me Clark."

Nathan: "Okay Clark... I have to ask. Why is a famous reporter from Metropolis is here, in LA?"

Clark: "Well my editor believes there might be a big story in this 'festival', he sent me to find out about it."

Nathan: "Good luck with that. It was really nice meeting you Clark." but before he could leave a bold man walked up to the stage.

???: "Good evening ladies and gentleman. My name is Max Underwood. I'm happy to welcome you all to 2019 Unity Festival on behalf of Polaris Inc."

There was a small applause, but before the man could continue with his speech the entire room shook, the ceiling made out of glass was destroyed and a man with a horn helmet float down "Hahahaha"

The debris hurt many people, including one May Winters. A large piece of glass pierced her shoulder and she was bleeding out.

Nathan: "MOM!"

As everyone was shouting and running away, 2 people were thinking relatively clearly. Nathan run at a speed too fast for anyone but Superman to follow, and luckily he was too busy trying to find a place to change.

Nathan: "Mom, you are gonna be alright. I'm going to treat your wound right now."

May nods at him. After activating his Sharingan Nathan places his mother in an illusion and carefully removes all the glass pieces in under a seconds and "[Ox → Tiger] [Mystical Palm Jutsu]", closes the as much as he could.

'Shit... she lost too much blood. She needs blood transfusion as soon as possible' [Kamui] a Field Blood Transfusion Kit and an O positive blood pack appears in Nathan's hand.

While Nathan was trying to help his mother, Dr. Polaris had already killed his company's board of directors and the man of steel appeared out of nowhere, taking the fight far away from the building.

After his mother was no longer in a critical condition he created a clone to take her to hospital and did the tiger seal. His clothes changed and he was wearing a non metallic version of his 'super suit'

[Kamui] and just like that he was gone.


Dr. Polaris was throwing bunch of automobiles at Superman and as some of them had passengers, man of steel was forced to carefully save all of them.

Getting annoyed at how easily man of steel was handling everything he threw at him he takes a glowing rock from a lead container.

Superman was quickly slammed down to the ground.

Dr Polaris: "The invincible guardian of men falls down before my migh..."

As everyone was too busy either running or fighting, no one in the area noticed as a blur rushed towards Dr. Polaris and pierced his abdominal with a [Raikiri]. He removed his hand, leaving Emerson alive, albeit barely.

Nathan [Kamui]'s the Kryptonite into his own dimension. Resulting in a quick recovery for the last son of Krypton

As he was recovering Superman thinks about what just happened. He had heard rumours about the vigilante of Los Angeles, but this was way too brutal, even for his friend from Gotham.

Kryptonian flew between them. Not sure what to think.

Superman: "You should stop there." while putting his hands on his sides, trying to look intimidating.

Nathan: "Don't worry he is already down. I'm not going to hurt him more than I have to." ... 'Well unless my mom doesn't make a quick recovery'

If anything happened to his mother, Nathan would probably kill Polaris, and even Superman if he had to.

Knowing he was telling the truth as he was listening his heart beat Kal-El relaxes a bit, but he was taken by surprise as Nathan disappeared before his eyes and was next to Polaris, apparently healing his wound.

What Kal-El did not know was that Nathan secretly placed a tracking seal inside Emerson. So that when/if he breaks out of the prison, Nathan could capture him in a matter of minutes.

After Polaris's condition was no longer in a critical state last son of krypton approached the sharingan user.

Superman: "Thank you for saving me. But what happened to the kryptonite?"

Nathan: "It's gone. And thank YOU for your help. If it wasn't for you he would have hurt far more people before I could get here." Trying to change the subject of kryptonite.

Superman: "That's good. Those things are very dangerous. I wouldn't want anyone to have it, let alone someone like Dr Polaris"

Nathan: "No problem."

Superman: "So do you have a name?"

Nathan: "You can call me Phantom"

Superman nods: "It was nice meeting you. It's always good to see people try to do the right thing. I was afraid you went too far in there for a second, but seeing you heal him was enough for me."

Nathan nods and they shook hands. Both of them would have wanted to chat for more, but people start to gather around them.

Not wanting to stick around for the masses, Nathan [Kamui]'s to his mothers side, while Superman flies away.

Nathan waited all night for May to wake up, if she doesn't wake up soon he would have to pay a visit to the master of magnetism.


Quote Of The Chapter:

"Love's the most powerful emotion and that makes it the most dangerous"

Hey guys, I have an important exam coming up so I will stop writing until I’m done with it.

Wish me luck and have a happy New Year

PS: the reason fight might seem a bit easy was because Dr P was too busy with his monologue and he didn’t expect a teleporting ‘ninja’ who could run faster than sound pierce his armor with a lightning cutter.

NoobMastar69creators' thoughts