
In DxD as Raizel

This Fanfic is gonna a laidback and chill fic. If you want an overly serious fanfic, then this is not for you. This is one of those that you read while relaxing, so don't expect a dramatic plot for this. *There will be many flaws in this, I know since I'm a noob writer. So don't expect much from this. Warning: Semi-Op? Mc. Disclaimer: I do not own any characters I used in this fanfic except my OC. All the source materials I will use in this belong to their respective owner.

True_Noblesse · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


As the seasons change, time also passed by quickly. A year and few months passed since Raizel's first visit to Baraqiels family.

Under the moonlight's shine, you can see a boy with flowing black hair relaxing. He was lying down the grass staring at the starry sky. But he was not alone, beside him sat a girl with long raven black hair.

"Sigh...Its been 10 years since we arrived in this world...huh." The boy said in a low voice, the girl beside him who was also watching the stars above replied,


"You've changed Raskreia..." Raizel turned slightly and glanced at the girl beside him.

Raskreia stayed silent for a moment before replying, "I'm not the only one who changed...you as well. If it were in the past, you would've just stayed at a quiet place and observe the world around you." The tone of her became sad at the last part of her statement. Just remembering all their friends in the past who died, she became sorrowful.

"*Chuckle* You're right...haah. Ever since coming to this world, I've had so much fun. But...remembering the past in our previous world..." He didn't continue what he's about to say and changed the subject, "How's your training going?"

"It's going great, and I can also brought put Ragnarok now." She replied, she also didn't continue in about their previous subject.

"Hmm...I see," Raizel nodded in understanding, he already knew that her soul weapon also manage to go with her.

After that, the two stayed sil ent but it was not awkward, the silence around them gave this unique atmosphere around the two. They continued to watch on the stars in the night sky.

But Raskreia sometimes glance at Raizel, as for what she's thinking, only she knew. The two continued their relaxation, but it was ruined after two voice were heard.

"Ah! So this is where you two went, nya~" A girl with long black hair with cat ears and two taild behind exclaimed.

"Rai, why did you sneak out?" Another girl came, she has long blonde hair.

Hearing those voices, Raizel and Raskriea smiled wryly. The former then stood up as he knew he can't relax in silence now as those two girls came.

"Kuroka, Jeanne Dont be so noisy." He said towards the two newcomers.

"Hmph! Why are you two sneaking out nya~?" Kuroka asked

"Enough about that, lets go back now." Raizel said and the three nodded. They then walked back towards their base which is near, the place Raizel and Raskreia was relaxing was at the back of their base.

A they walked back, Raizel was getting excited for tomorrow as he will finally be 10 years old at that time. That means his pocket world will be unlocked soon.

His strength has been increasing slowly now, so he needed that pocket world to train. He's still at Satan class power level if compared to the devils power ranking.

His other companions also grew stronger but still far from him. The fastest in growth in terms of strength were Vali and Raskreia, while Kuroka and Jeanne was not as fast but still faster than many.

As for the children he rescued, they officially joining his group and started their training. Their strength are still weak as most of them was only low class in strength.


As the sunlight shone upon Raizel's face, he woke up. A smile adorned on his face, as today was finally the day he was waiting for. Today, is his 10th birthday and his pocket world was also unlocked.

All the information about the pocket world was already inside his head. And suffice to say he was very happy at what he knew.

"I'll check it put now..." He muttered and he closed his eyes, then thought of entering his pocket world. Upon opening his eyes again, what greeted him was a different sight.

Opposed to the sight of his room, he was now standing on a grassy plain. There were some trees scattered around, along with a river flowing.

He raised his head, and was astonished as he saw clouds as well as a blue sky. If he didn't know better, he would think he was still on earth but he was not.

"Looks like God made some changes from my wishes, I appreciate it though. And from the information I got, even if I increased the gravity here, the surroundings wouldn't be affected." Then a thoughtful expression appeared on Raizel's face, "...Hmm, the air here is also full of mana. The mana here is also dense, luckily I am strong enough. If not, I would suffocate due to the sheer amount and how densely the mana here. Though I can also feel some other energy...Look's like I can't bring the others here for now. They need sufficient strength to survive here." he muttered the last part with a bit of disappointment in his voice.

After looking around for quite some time, Raizel was astounded at the sheer size of this pocket world. It was actually half the size of earth, and from his observations, plants could grow here.

Animals could also possibly be brought here, which gave him an idea. But Raizel stopped looking around after a bit. He then exited the place with a thought.


"Fuuh...Now then, maybe I should treat them today. Hmm, I'll just do that, anyway we don't have things to do for now."

Raizel was back to his room after exiting the pocket world. After exiting he thought of treating his companions as a way to celebrate today. So with that thought in mind, he took a bath and changed his clothes.

Then he invited his companions, to which they agreed readily. And so, they left the base to celebrate by going around the world to eat various foods.