
In Douluo Dalu with Space and Time

A young child ran away from home while living by stealing money from people on the road with the help of his Kunai spirit, which had been awakened. But there were many mystery things concealed inside his spirit as he unveiled those secrets and became the strongest one, even frightening the Gods along side with his crazy lovers. Tags: #Yandare

Doldman116 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 2- Find out

"Where am I?" Qian Feng muttered as he found himself floating in an unfamiliar expanse of sky-blue colour. He gazed upon his Martial Spirit, the Three-pointed Kunai, and noticed an unusual word forming on the Kunai's hilt.

"What's happened to my Spirit?" Qian Feng exclaimed, gripping the Kunai to inspect the newly formed word. Suddenly, the strange word shone in a vibrant yellow hue and flowed into his mind.

His face changed from surprise to utter ecstasy as he absorbed the knowledge carved into his mind by touching the Kunai.

"Wow! This is a Space-Time Technique, so it is an innate skill of my spirit; there are other additional techniques, but how can my spirit have them?" 

Then he slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the lovely lady who was smiling back at him. He hugged her as she tenderly stroked his head. 

"What happened son, You are suddenly smiling unusually," asked Liu Erlong but he didn't explain as he threw his kunai at a distance. Suddenly he disappeared on the bed and teleported to the ground where Kunai was struck. She was shocked while opening her mouth and suddenly saw her son fall in upside down. 

"Feng! Are you alright?" shouted Liu Erlong with a worried face and immediately checked him. 

"Ouch! I need to practise more to gain better control of this technique," Qian Feng stated, stroking his forehead and he was shocked to see that his Spirit power dramatically reduced.

"Oh...I'm fine, Mommy, and what do you think about this skill?" questioned and reassured Qian Feng with a bright grin. Qian Feng's heart was delighted because she checked on him even after his remarks. 

"Never scare me like that again, and how can you have a Spirit skill without a Spirit ring," Liu Erlong murmured as she took him in her arms. 

"Mommy, this is not a spirit skill; rather, it is an innate skill of my martial spirit, My martial spirit also possesses other skills, and..." 

He wanted to tell her more, but he gazed into her eyes for a second and stared at her with a serious face. Liu Erlong sensed something her son was about to tell her. 

"I have a Second martial spirit, Mommy, but it was sealed in the Sphere halo with sealing words surrounding it continuously," Qian Feng explained. Liu Erlong was surprised by her son's talent and became serious right away. 

"Son, never say this to anyone understand," Liu Erlong frowned. 

"I know Mommy, and if I tell anyone, not just me, your life will be in danger," Qian Feng said as Liu Erlong smiled at his words and considered Yu Xiaogang becoming his son's teacher but rejected her idea because Yu Xiaogang was the son of the Blue Lightning Tyrant dragon clan leader and there might be a chance her son would be involved in political matters. 

"And Mommy I want to change my Surname to Liu," said Feng as Liu Erlong nodded and hugged him tightly. 

"Haha I am going to tell everyone I have a son" shouted Liu Erlong happily and went out for breakfast. 

After breakfast, Liu Feng was now standing on the plain ground in the backyard of the academy while Liu Erlong prepared a little proclamation to make him her son in the Academy. In a mean while He wanted to reflect on all of the abilities he had gained from his Martial Spirit. 

'My two spirits are mysterious, and how I didn't have innately full spirit power may be related to my sealed Second spirit, but for now, I will develop these skills carefully,' Liu Feng mused. 

Red Target boards hung on the tree in front of him, and he shot at them with two Three-pointed Kunai in his hands. Liu Feng was amazed when two kunai precisely stuck in the target. 

'Shurikenjustu, Rasengan, Surface walking, Nature transformation and finally Space-time technique are the skills I obtained from my Martial Spirit, but these skills I naturally able to do because it's like my body will move according to muscle memory, and I still don't know why I able to perform these skill perfectly,' Feng reflected as he practised Shurikenjustu in various ways, failing occasionally but correcting himself. 

"Next Surface walking," he said as he walked on the tree's surface, where the Spirit power was glowing beneath his feet. He fell suddenly while walking the half of the trunk, which upset him and made him know that his spirit power was insufficient to do the Surface walking skill regularly. 

'I shouldn't try Rasengan with this spirit power, I'll dry out soon then I'll try a small Rasengan,' Liu Feng thought as a small blue circle ball formed on his hand but suddenly stopped as sweat formed on his forehead due to excessive use of Spirit power and he decided to stop training. 

"You still haven't recovered my son, Don't stain your body, rest for a while You can practise later," Liu Erlong stated as she wiped his sweat away with a towel. He also paused for a moment before nodding to his mum. 

"OK, now we're going out to buy new dresses for you," Liu Erlong remarked with a smile, taking him to the carriage after he freshened up in the morning. 

Liu Feng was exhausted from shopping with his mother and vowed never to go shopping again in his life. It was getting dark, and Blue Tyrant Academy was lit up with lights and decorations.

Teachers and students were astonished to learn that their headmaster was adopting a child, but they nonetheless enjoyed the occasion and congratulated Liu Erlong and Liu Feng. Then Liu Erlong appeared on stage, holding her son in her arms, and everyone's attention was drawn to Liu Feng, who thereafter became Liu Erlong's son. 

"Thank you very much for coming..." 

After the speech, everyone celebrated the fantastic event, and Liu Erlong joined them because this was the movement she was delighted with after her failed marriage. 

One week later, Liu Feng was sweating as he ran on the ground. After hearing his mother's worries, he didn't practise the skills, but he was focused on his physical strength as he worked out in the morning and evening. Meantime, he either studies the Spirit Beasts or Martial Spirits. He also spent most of his time with his mother, with whom he had grown so close that Liu Erlong couldn't bear the thought of leaving him for even a moment. 

He also liked her presence and care for him, which he had never experienced before, and he was aware that once he became an adult, he might not be able to experience this again. 

'My Rank reached 6, yet it was still insufficient. If I compare it to her, this is nothing,' Liu Feng thought of a person who was very talented in the entire Douluo continent as he began to exercise his controlling spirit power. First, he let his spirit power envelop the Kunai, forming a blue light on its keen edge. 

'Its power was lower, but I'll attempt to cover my spirit power on the complete body,' Liu Feng thought, and he felt as though he was gaining prominence in controlling the spirit power, as his level and skill attack power were increasing dramatically. 

But he didn't practise the Space-time technique because he wanted to learn the other skills first. After all, they were less hazardous to his young body and, more importantly, he didn't want his mother to be concerned about his health. 

"My bady practising hard in the early morning," Liu Erlong replied, holding the towel and lifting him in her arms. 

"Mommy, I'm sweating you will become dirty," Liu Feng murmured as she wiped the sweat off his brow.

"It's okay, I'm doing it for my son, and after seeing your hard work, I've decided to raise my Spirit rank," Liu Erlong replied, pleased by her son's training and hoping that her strength would help her keep her son safe in the future. 

"Finally, you decided to train Mommy with your talent, You will be able to reach Spirit Douluo, but I want you to reach Titled Doulou, and I have a perfect plan for your growth to reach that Rank," stated Liu Feng, which perplexed Liu Erlong as to how a young child could help her in her training. 

"I created a technique called the Compressed ring method though I didn't try because I don't have enough Spirit power to form a Compressed ring in my Spiritual sea What I learned is that every person should form a Soul core when Spirit rank reaches Titled Douluo and Mommy my method helps to form the Soul core in early Ranks," Liu Feng said excitedly, but Liu Erlong only looked at him with a sad face as he sensed it and glanced at her.

"What happened, Mommy?" Liu Feng inquired, concerned, as Liu Erlong caressed his chubby cheek. 

"You are from Spirit Hall, right son?" Liu Erlong said, causing him to shake and lower his head. 

"I had this doubt when you first said your name, and now I have confirmed it, Son, Tell me your problem, and I will help you with all my might," Liu Erlong said firmly.

"Why don't we talk inside, Mommy?" Liu Feng suggested. Liu Erlong nodded and went inside the house, which was located on a green hill with many flower plants which she planted for Fifteen years, It was a tranquil spot as both sat on the chairs between the table facing each other.