
Time skip

After getting to school Chris walks down to the office to get his schedule and then sets off to the first period. Upon arriving he is told to wait outside the class well the teacher gets the class settled. After around a minute and a half, he was told by the teacher to come in and introduce himself. Entering the classroom he sees around 30 other students "hello everyone my name is Chris Redfield" he says as he looks at the teacher "there is an open seat in the back of the classroom" says the teacher as she gets ready to start her lesson. Looking around the classroom Chris finds out the name of the teacher at the top right of the whiteboard "well ain't that surprising" Chris thinks as he reads the name "Selina Kyle what is she doing here" he wonders as he stares at the whiteboard.

Damian pov

"what" is all Damian could think as the new student was introduced "I've got to tell Bruce about this when I get home but for now I can get information about him," he thinks as he watches Chris get surprised by the name on the board.

half the day later Chris's POV

After finishing his fourth period he starts to head over to lunch. Ordering his food he sits down at an empty table, midway through his food he is approached by Damien "so why this school?" He asks as he starts to eat his food "well I didn't choose to go to this school, I was transferred here after my parents died" Chris says lying as smoothly as he breaths "well sorry to hear about your parents my parents died as well" Damien says sadly "so do you do any after school activities Chris" Damien asks trying to change the subject Lon not really I am just getting to know this city right now" Chris says with a mouth full of food "well if you ever want to the tennis club is always looking for new members" Damion says walking away. Finishing up his food Chris continues his day.

after school Chris's POV

"It's been a day since my encounter with Batman and I have realized I am incredibly underprepared to go against Gotham so for the next year I will train my body in every way possible," Chris thinks as he gets home and pulls out an iq scanner and a pistol "alright let's see where Batman left those cameras" as he puts the scanner up to his face and sees "woah batman works fast 36 cameras," he says as he starts grabbing the cameras and crushing them in a bag with a hammer then throwing them into the ocean by the docks.

time skip 1 year

1st month

Chris had started working out after school observing Batman and his fighting style along with using the operators to make an all-around fighting style to use, still in school.

2nd month

Chris had become fitter his fighting style had become more refined and now can use some operator abilities without using the operator, still in school.

3rd month

Chris has become well-defined with his muscles his fighting style is a mix of all operators from across the world he is using operators without switching to them but so things happing he is starting to get visions of the operators, and he has begun to go out at night taking down small gangs and warehouses of criminals putting him on Batman and the criminals radars, still in school.

4th month

Chris is now muscular he has grown taller by 2 inches and has been announced a criminal by Batman for his ruthless ways his vigilante name, is OPERATOR, and the visions have become worse he sometimes thinks that there actually there with him, still in school.

5th month

the visions have been worse they are frequent and long Chris is going through their memory's to fast so much muscle memory his body doesn't feel his anymore, hasn't been to school in 3 weeks

6th month

Chris has become paranoid about hearing and seeing things that aren't there the only release he gets is hunting criminals the only one there for him right now is Charles who has turned his life around after talking with Chris, but Chris has become more ruthless with several conflicting opinions in his head he prays to ROB to make it stop hasn't been to school for 7 weeks

7th month

Chris can't sleep without seeing them he has spent the past 4 days just meditating he has opened up a lot to Charles with them forming a sort of friendship he has regained some control of his body the voices can't come in without his permission, and has been expelled from school

8th month

Chris has finally got the visions of others' life out of his eyes he can now see his own, he sits there observing his own life from before being transported here, he has finished the lives of almost all 65 operators and has moved in with kite man.

9th month

has come to terms with the fact his life will never be the same and now wants to make it better than before, he has excepted Charles as a friend

and they openly talk about their problems Charles is a good listener.

10th month

Charles has become somewhat of a father figure to Chris who has regained full control of his body but has discovered something in his brain, he doesn't know what it is but meditation makes him feel closer to it, has gone back to school, and is now a full-time night time vigilante.

11th month

Charles has got a part-time job and is working for decent pay Chris has managed to catch up with all his missing schoolwork and is now back in school he has been just focused on his life and Charles.

12th month

Charles got a promotion and Chris made a huge discovery well meditating one day he was looking inside of him and he finally found the key to his lock in his brain well looking through the memories of his childhood he found one that was just one of him looking at a photo of his family and suddenly he is teleported in front of an apartment complex In his brain.

Entering the apartment complex he is greeted by nothing just a bunch of ruckus upstairs. Heading up the stairs he walks by each door each with the name of an operator on it. He heads up the next stairs and comes across what seems to be a common area. In the area, there seem to be a couple of operators sitting around reading and eating food mainly the French operators it seems. Finnaly taking notice of him Julien Nizan aka rook makes his way over to him and in a deep French accent says " so your finnaly here, we've been calling."

Sorry for the late chapter things have happend with my family but I hoped you enjoyed the chapter and are not to mad about the time skip I couldn't find a way to write a school life without it sounding boring so I kinda skipped it also I love charels I might rewrite depending on how you guys react

Kaguya_otsutsukiicreators' thoughts
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