
Food for the day

As chris talks to rook he was being quite loud and didn't relise as a gaurd comes over to his confinement cell "who are you talking to you little shit" he says pounding his baton on the cell door and after 30 seconds and no answer he goes to peek through the hole in the door seeing chris sitting there in a meditative pose "guess i must have been hearing things again this prison is really getting to me" he says as he walks away with Chris peeking his eye open the second he heard the peek holes rusty hinges close resummoning rook "so did you tell the others about the plan" he says as he looks at rook who is now in his armor "ya i got it to them but just to let you know there are some who dont think you planed this out enough they want you to at least get out of solitary as it will make it so your not swarmed by cops plus its only 3 days left" rook says as he looks at chris who is in deep thought "so if i wait 3 days and get out of here would it have higher chance of my escape ore lower as i would have might have a cell mate with me and the i have to serve a full 30 years here but a also want to kill everyone here, thats where the plan comes in if i wait and get out of here i can spend a couple weeks in here hiding smoke canisters and hide them behind some azami walls near all of the cells before castleing myself into my cell and blowing the wall down with a breach charge hopfully killing most if not all the people here but the only problem with that is that it takes time and i dont know what's going to happen in that time" chris says in a serious mood "rook you can go back i need to speak with Flores as he is the one with the most experience at prison breaking" chris says with a whisper as rook flashes purple and dissapers.

With Amanda Waller

"Ma'am someone wants to talk to you," a tall lady says to Waller as she looks at a screen "who is it," Amanda says as she continues to look at the screen as the CTV camera recording shows a masked man killing several gang members "its Deadshot ma'am he says he has someone for your initiative he will give you there name for a few years off his sentence," the lady says as Waller turns around "tell him no need I already know who he is talking about and we will be visiting him later today," she says as she leaves the room leaving the tall lady and the video playing.

with batman

As batman got back to the cave after the nightly patrol and crime-fighting he couldn't help but think about what the city has become, he sighs as he puts his suit away and puts on his normal clothes as he heads up into the mansion walking into the kitchen where Alfred was making his dinner he sits on a chair by the counter "what's on your mind master Bruce" Alfred says as he continues to prepare the meatloaf "nothing Alfred just thinking about that kid I had to put away, I mean he was just a kid only 19 he is now in jail for the murder of 59 people, it's just hard you know he reminded me of Jason" Bruce says as he looks at Alfred who is still cooking unbothered "well if it helps you master Bruce you could talk to him try and find out why he did what he did" Alfred says as he stoops cooking for a second to look at Bruce "maybe Alfred I just might."

As Flores appears in front of chris in his cell he starts to tell him how he escaped the previous prisons when suddenly a knock is heard on his door Flores disappears as a voice comes from the other side Mr redfield we need to talk.

Here is the food for the day also cheack out my other fan fic in marvel with a Pokémon system also also happy 20th chapter

Kaguya_otsutsukiicreators' thoughts
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