
In Danmachi with A Jujutsu Kaisen System

Image is not mine and I also don't know who is belongs to. If said person feels that they don't like me using it feel free to contact me via twitter: @_zektgojo harem is 3-4 women Update schedule: Undecided at the moment.

Zekt · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

A week later; Recruitment Day

AN: next week (starting now) I'm going to slow releases to test some things to improve the writing. somewhere between 2-4 chapter releases


[Third person POV]

"I can't believe it!" A male adventurer or Adventurer A was surrounded by his friends who were standing in front of the gates of the Artemis manor waiting for the recruitment test to start. It was currently noon with the sun reaching its peak. The test would start any minute now.

"For real! I thought it was a joke at first but to think that an all-girls Familia would finally welcome us men!" Adventurer B, friend of Adventurer A, also touted his disbelief but he welcomed a chance to meet and be a part of a Familia with cute girls. A desire he held deeply to himself!

"What do you think caused the change? Do you think Artemis-sama perhaps found a lover or maybe she found someone she couldn't let go of?" Adventurer A was genuinely curious. It wasn't every day that major changes like this happened!

"Hmm." Adventurer B thought for a moment then he blurted out super loud, clearly not aware of his surroundings, "She definitely found a lover!"

The surroundings immediately went silent. Adventurer A and B were confused as to why, as it was natural to be curious, but then a cough caught their attention.

"Ahem!" The duo looked up at the sound and were met by the cold stare of Captain Rethusa, known to attack if her goddess was insulted or disrespected. Artemis, with an uncertain gaze, stood with Rethusa to her right. The uncertainty stemmed from the question, loudly voiced by Adventurer B, which had left her unsure about her feelings toward a certain someone.

That someone, with long green hair braided like Artemis's, stood confidently to her left. He caught everyone's attention, especially as he looked at Adventurers A and B with disgust. His cold blue eyes, which seemed more like the Arctic than the sky they resembled, intensified the chilling atmosphere. What made it worse was that he was shirtless, his upper body looking like it was made by the gods and the black markings contributed to his cold overbearing gaze!

Unfortunately for Adventurer A and B, they weren't going to be living past this day. Unless they proved worthy that is then this little matter could be swept under the rug. However, to Enkidu, loose ends always had to be dealt with no matter how insignificant. If these idiots bore hatred for this Familia and then went to a dark or evil Familia and then incited more hate later, it would be disadvantageous down the line!


[Artemis's POV]

'H-How do I feel about Enkidu?' The sheer thought of him brought joy to me and I could tell now that it wasn't the "connection" pushing me to feel so. After being with him longer I've been able to distinguish my own feelings from the feelings brought on by our or my connection to him! If only he could experience my pain feeling this connection which brought just uncertainty or strange feelings that don't calm down.

Never mind, I wouldn't want him to deal with the strangeness of this pathway only I can feel. If he ever did, he might leave which wouldn't be good! I've known him only for a week but his presence has allowed me to grow more than the last few years combined. I'm not sure if it's his natural aura of confidence or his mystical aura when he is lost in thought but having him here has brought me to new places!

'Oh, the speech!'

"I'm sorry everyone. It seems we have two people who are a little too excited but that is understandable! This is a first for us as it is for many of you. Some of you may already be familiar with the recruitment process of other Familias but ours's going to be different.

There are both men and women here today who will face different tests in some areas and the same test in others! You will also face different benchmarks and requirements based on a variety of factors: Physical, Mental, and Character!

These three factors will be the main points we are looking for. Now, if you have something unique or special about yourself then that will be tested separately to respect the privacy of whoever may bear this uniqueness!

To my right is my Familia's Captain, Rethusa, who will test the physical ability of people of all levels. She will also coordinate with other members to help test the character of the females. Now as for the men, if you have a level you will spar with her up to level 3. If by chance any of you here are a higher level than that you will fight the man to my left.

His name is Ryomen Enkidu, he doesn't care how you address him as long as it's with respect. If you have a problem with anything he's said to take it up with him! Anyway, if you are over level 3 he will test you and if you are more of a mage or a type fitting into that category, he will test you. As for how he grades you, I've left that power up to him; he is someone I trust so don't worry about any bias ruining your chances.

If you don't feel comfortable going up against my captain for whatever reason Enkidu has also agreed to take on those people. This goes both ways as well, if you are a woman and don't feel comfortable going against Enkidu then you can switch! The max number of people we will be taking in is 80 and with the numbers I see that will make it where only 40% will make it.

That's all and good luck to everyone!"

I gave a slight bow to show thanks for the great turnout, then I left to go to the testing area which was an open area of the manor that was massive since I had originally nothing planned to do with it. How'd I get something like this in this city? I just bought the other manors around and got rid of them.





[Testing Area]

An hour had passed since the testing had started, and Enkidu was to my right. Originally, we had planned to do all the testing at the same time, but he pointed out that it would interfere with Rethy's side of things, so he was letting her finish first. So far, she had only passed 8 people and had gone through three groups of ten! Fortunately for me and Enkidu, she was testing their minds and character at the same time, so it was saving us both time.

'Wait...why did I bring h-him up?! Ugh! Get out of my mind!' Now that I was not standing in front of everyone but more to the side, my thoughts were acting up. This stupid guy just doesn't understand what he has done to me! Hmph!


[Enkidu's POV]

'Why the hell is she staring at me like that?' Artemis was acting strangely but I'll just chalk it up to her being nervous. This was a big and life-changing event for the Familia after all!

"Artemis, are you alright?" She kept staring at me, so I felt the need to ask. I didn't mind the stare, but it wasn't likely just nervousness. Once again, it's that strange connection she feels. I've noticed it more than ten times this week. Maybe I shouldn't doubt that she likes me but it doesn't make sense on how one can fall for another so quickly.

Whether it's romantic or just a deep trust, I'll have to figure it out later. Right now, she has a Familia to run. I need the name and brand, so I can avoid the constant, "ArE yOu In a FaMiLiA?" questions.

I genuinely might kill a whole section of a city if that annoying-ass question keeps being asked. Fortunately, it hasn't happened too many times! Only twice at the guild before they remembered me and "asked" me to stop bringing in monster corpses and just bring the crystals.

The first time, I forgot to remove the magic crystals from the ant corpses, and their bodies didn't turn to dust. So, I brought them to the guild. Little did I know, they don't like that, even if it gives them more materials! Sounds like bullshit to me, but I'm not trying to get banned or cause problems for this Familia. The second time, it was kobolds, and maybe having their limbs hanging on by a thread wasn't a good idea.

Anyways, I brought my attention back to Artemis, who still hadn't answered my question. She was just staring blankly. This woman is confusing... I guess my existence has altered her beyond my understanding. What am I supposed to do? Die? Hell no, did it once, was not fun...minus the transmigration.


(AN: DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID EVER! DO NOT try to end your life in order to reincarnate or transmigrate!)


"Artemis~!" I playfully waved my hand in front of her face, mimicking Satoru's move against Jogo. Still, no response. Time for a more hands-on approach.

"AH~!" I pinched her arm! She jolted, her blank stare replaced by an angry gaze.

"You awake? I don't know what's got you so lost in thought, but you do have to maintain a certain image."

"Oh yeah? Then why the hell did you pinch me? That ruins my image, making me seem like a goddess who lets someone from her Familia walk over her!" She had a point but missed one thing.

"Trust me. No one thinks they can take advantage of you! You made it clear that I hold a special level of trust in your heart!" I said it to tease her. You'd think she'd be better at controlling her expressions by now, but she'll get there eventually.

'I'm starting to see why smart harem or romance protagonists enjoy teasing. Truly, a medicine for the heart! If I still had my split personality, this wouldn't be as fun...wait its technically me ugh. I got so used to separating us into two different people. Either way thankfully, my chaotic side is restricted to when I activate my [Cursed Form]!'

Her face flushed pink, barely noticeable from a distance. She has gotten better after all! Funny to think if I hadn't helped her Familia, we wouldn't be having this friendly conversation. She might have continued as that man-hating goddess. Thinking about it, she never really felt like a man-hater, just uncertain about them. My interpretation could be wrong!

I'm thankful she was the first goddess and Familia I ran into. Others might have used me or tried to kill me since I wasn't a citizen of Orario yet. They could have easily taken me out without a trace. Would they have beaten me? Hard to say, it depends on who I would've fought!

"J-Just go and test those people! Rethy looks like she needs a break!"

I glanced at Rethy, who looked completely fine. She's level three; I doubt she'll get tired soon, but I should respect Artemis in public. She's right; if we continue too long, people might think she's super friendly, which could cause problems. Artemis wasn't Hestia in that regard!

"Artemis wants us to switch out, so let me take the lead," I said.

Rethusa looked at me, then at Artemis, seeking confirmation. She clicked her tongue and nodded, not wanting to cause a scene. Neither did I.

Walking over to the open area, I could feel the confused eyes of all the applicants. Among the puzzled faces, I noted a few keen eyes who didn't wait for me to finish walking over. These were the ones with potential, ready to strike the moment I gave the go-ahead.


I stomped my foot to snap them out of their daze. The sound echoed, and they quickly refocused their attention.

"I'm going to keep it simple! We originally separated you, but forget that. Ten of you, step out and get ready! Don't worry about losing; it's natural to lose to me. Just try your best!"


'Why are they all so silent?' I was genuinely confused. Did I say something wrong?

Some of you might not like this chapter but I'm trying to make my different pov's stronger and better to read. I've also read some of the feedback and I'm going to try and implement some corrections.

Zektcreators' thoughts