
In Danmachi as Arthur Leywin

What happens when a soul gets reincarnated in a world of Danmachi where the protagonist, Bell, doesn't exist, but another cute little rabbit exists with the name Bella? What would happen if the soul got the power of Arthur Leywin from the novel "Beginning After The End" and is adopted by Zeus and becomes Bella's older brother? How will the story change?

TheRandomMe · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 6: The Dungeon


Arthur Leywin:

I looked at my current outfit, a loose-fitted white shirt beneath a black hooded cloak paired with black boots and pants. The sword I got as a birthday present stapped to my left.

Two days have passed scene my arrival in Orario and breaking through to the dark yellow stage. Spending the previous day adjusting to my new core and buying supplies.

I plan to collect the crystals from the first four floors and then continue down deeper floors, where Sylvie will start her hunt while I will practice my magic.

My swordsmanship is at an acceptable level due to grandpas help, but the problem is my magic. I only spent a little bit of time creating and learning spells. Instead, I improved the speed and precision of distributing the mana from my mana core into different parts of the body.

I also decided not to use earth magic in the dungeon. The dungeon being alive, the last thing I want to do is to anger it by constantly throwing parts of it. It shouldn't cause a problem if I don't go overboard and use half of the floor as throwing stones, but still, the last thing I want is a Juggernaut after me. Better be safe than dead.


When we arrived at the first floor of the dungeon, I was greeted by two Goblins. Wanting to figure out how I would fair against them without using any mana, I drew my sword and dashed straight at them.

Decapitating the first with a single slash, and without wasting the momentum, I slashed the other in two.



"No, Sylv you will get your share of stones later."

With a sad kyu, she returned to resting inside my hood.

After I removed the Magic Stone, their bodies turned into dust. Well, that's nice would rather have them turn to dust directly after being killed instead of having to look for the core, but what can you do.

While I continued killing every Goblin, Kobold, and Dungeon Lizard in my way until we arrived at the fifth floor. The walls changed to light green from the previous blue, and more monsters started appearing, but sadly no new monster appeared.

Sylvie jumped out of my hood while I put on a mask that hid the lower part of my face. It was a precaution I took to hide my identity. While I didn't care much about hiding my powers, it would be a problem if people recognized me while going through the upper floors and only returned with magic stones only from the first four floors.

Continuing to kill the monsters that appeared, Sylvie started eating the stones while checking for adventures. While if someone found an adventurer killing monsters, it wouldn't be something suspicious, but a fox following and eating the monster stones would cause a commotion.

Even after confirming that, for some reason, people didn't notice Sylvie if they didn't specifically look for her, we were cautious not only for the monster but the people that might appear.


Sidestepping the attack from a War Shadow, a dark humanoid monster with long arms and three sharp claws like knives. I killed it without any problem and looked for the others.

Finding the monster was easy due to the mana they emit from their stones, so I augmented myself and sprung to action. The monsters on the sixth floor were easy for me and didn't need me to use anything aside from augmenting myself.

But after arriving on the seventh floor, I found my new training partners. Leaving the Purple Moths alive so they could spread the poisonous powder while letting the Killer Ants spread their pheromones to attract more ants while the Needle Rabbits tried to attack with their horns.

While not being the strongest alone, they would give me a good workout when they combined their forces. Starting by creating a simple wind barrier around myself to repel the poisonous powder and started playing with the Killer Ants to make them release the pheromone and attract more.

This continued for about twenty minutes before I was swarmed by so many Killer Ants I couldn't stop for even a second without being attacked again.

Wounds started to appear on my body because I wasn't fast enough to react, but I was happy. This was the perfect opportunity to learn a new spell.

Having unlocked the lighting deviant recently, I wasn't the best at controlling it yet, but what better place to learn than a fight?

Ignoring the pain from the wounds, I started to channel a small amount of lighting mana through my nerves. Not seeing any change, I increased the amount, and my vision became more precise. Seeing as the spell worked as it should, I decided to know the limit I could push it to.

After twenty minutes of increasing the lighting mana every few minutes until my reaction speed reached the lowest it could.

Now that I recreated Thunderclap Impuse, I could end this. Augmenting my body again, I started killing the Killer Ants and Needle Rabbits faster while Sylvie killed the Purple Moths.


"That was a good workout, right, Sylv?" I said while stretching.


'Only you could call being attacked by tons of monsters a good workout, papa..."

She said while looking at me with a deadpan expression.

"Come on, Sylv, it wasn't that bad. I only got a few scratches."

She looked at me, probably thinking about something before her eyes widened.


'Papa, are you maybe a maso...'


I stopped her before she could even finish her sentence. I wasn't like him this was training... yes, just training, nothing else.


'They always say that, and the next second you find yourself taking a dip in lava...'

Ignoring her comment, I walked toward the next floor.


3rd POV:

Unknown to Arthur and Sylvie, a shadow followed them from the moment they entered the dungeon.

While nothing happened during their stay on the first floor, it changed after entering the fifth floor. The shadow was ready to save the boy from dying, but what he saw surprised him.

The boy fought against monsters he shouldn't be able to compete against. Not to mention the powerful magic he started using during this fight on the seventh floor.

While not looking like much just by seeing it, but the mana he emitted while using it was not something level one adventurer could do, let alone someone without a blessing.

'I need to tell Lady Freya about this.'

The shadow thought while looking at the rookie adventurer if he could even be called a rookie.

Then, after his fight on the seventh floor, he asked a question. This confused the shadow, but when he looked again, a white fox was sitting near a pile of Magic Stones while munching on them.

'Why is he talking to the fox? Could they actually talk to each other?'

The shadow wondered while looking at the boy and fox leaving for the eighth floor.


Authors Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter.

Currently, Arthur can do basic elemental spells and has recreated some of the spells OG Arthur used, but he will develop his own. So if you have any ideas, comment them here.

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