
In danmachi as a vampire

Alex wakes up in an unknown place, with no memory of who he is and where he is, but he knows something, he has a thirst, a lot, and nothing will stop him until he is satisfied, while he satiates his thirst he realizes a small and important detail... ================================== Read the auxiliary chapters pls

Alexander_sama15 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chárter 7


Previously in danmachi as a vampire:

Alex seeing his *prey* in that state decided to completely abandon his defense and charge with everything against Visent, who at that moment couldn't even move, and so he did, he jumped with the intention to slit his throat....


Pov nobody

When Visent saw the *boy* approaching him at a speed he could not encompass, accepting his death was the only thing he could do at that moment, as he knew Smith had neither the speed nor the strength to stand and block the oncoming attack.

Visent: 'ha, how stupid.'

He replied mocking his own thought.

Visent:'if I'm going to leave this world, I'm leaving knowing I did everything I could before I died!!!!'

Visent screamed in his head, then clenched his saber and raised it towards the heart of the *boy* who was right above him.

When this scene happened, it seemed like the world was going in slow motion, a wounded dwarf trying to move to help his best friend, a best friend giving his all to give his friend a chance to escape at the cost of his life, and an irregular in this world aiming for the life of a human.



Just when Alex's *claws* and Visent's saber were a few centimeters away from their targets, a strong blizzard hit Alex's left side making him lose an arm and receive some wounds all over his body, throwing him all over the room until he crashed against a wall, which made him spit blood, the little he had left (before the fight started he had 8% blood in his body, when the fight ended he had 3%, and right now he only had 2%).

Alex was dismayed, he had sharpened his senses to the maximum to know when someone was approaching to decide to leave, as he would lose if the battle dragged on any longer, and here was someone capable enough to elude his senses in front of him.

(At this point, thanks to the shock, the MC began to come to his senses).

When he looked up to see who was responsible for sending him flying like it was nothing, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he saw the figure pointing at him with one of its hands.

Alex was not surprised because he apparently left him in critical condition with a simple hand gesture, no, he was surprised because he recognized the figure in front of him.

Looking at him with a serious face, with long silky silver hair, with a green right eye and a gray left eye, wearing a black one-piece dress with gray silhouettes, decorated with green gems on the top of both shoulders and one on the top of her neckline.


Yes, it was none other than Alphia, one of the executives of the Hera family, which next to Zeus' were the strongest families, yes, the level 7 Alphia with the alias "silence".

Alex's brain was racing at that moment, but all he could think was.

Alex: 'Wh... what is she doing here?


Change of scenery, Zeus family meeting house, near the dungeon entrance.

10 minutes before

POV nobody

In one room stood several figures that anyone from Orario would instantly recognize, I mean how could you not recognize them, after all they are the strongest people in the city.

Here were the two captains of the two most powerful families of Orario, the Empress (level 9), captain of the Hera families and in front of her was Maxim (level 8), the captain of the Zeus family, the other people would be Zald (level 7), and other executives of the Hera family being Alfia (level 7) the strongest of them.

Maxim: "That would be all, the carriages are already heading towards the 18th floor, Alfia, as you offered to accompany the carriages in case of any inconvenience, check the way so that there are no complications or incidents.


Alfia simply nodded her head and immediately headed towards the dungeon, after all, she was in charge of protecting the carts carrying the food and materials for the assault on floor 57, after a few minutes she came across the carts heading towards the entrance of floor 4, then she just scanned the area until after another few minutes she heard a scuffle at the entrance of floor 4, the cars still had at least 15 minutes to get to where she was, so she decided to satiate her curiosity and went with the intention of observing the fight for a few moments, so she hid her presence enough so that only those of higher level than her could perceive it, and went to where she heard the fight, only to be a little surprised by the situation she saw in front of her.

A *boy* with a pair of claw-like gloves and nothing covering his chest was intending to kill a man entering old age with multiple wounds, who was raising his sword aimed at the *boy's* chest, and next to the two, stood a dwarf with some wounds and exhausted who was desperately trying to get in front of the man to block the *boy's* attack.

His surprise only lasted a few moments before he said a word that no one could hear, at the same time he raised his hand to release a strong blow of air aimed at the *boy*, it didn't give him time to control his power and he ripped off an arm, along with some wounds all over his body, and for a second he thought he had killed him, but seeing him move, he let out a small sigh of relief that he didn't know he was holding back.

And then she was surprised again, because the *boy*, even though he was missing an arm and had wounds all over his body, didn't cry out in pain, not even a grimace, she could only see a surprised face, and then see him looking at her, and see in his eyes recognition, but unlike the looks of recognition she has received before, this one was like that of a person who has known her for a long time, and after not remembering meeting him before, she decided to take him in for questioning.


A sound of metal clanging against the ground was heard, and by instinct Alfia and Smith turned in the direction of the sound to see a Visent lying bleeding to death on the ground.

Smith, who had been watching Alfia earlier, tried to get up to help his friend, but his legs were exhausted and he couldn't even get up, so he turned his gaze to Alfia for help, only to see her staring wide-eyed at the spot where Alex had been thrown.

Smith instinctively turned his gaze quickly to the spot where Alex should be in critical condition.... Only to not find him....


The MC appeared in danmachi 16 years before canon, if you want me to change something tell me in the comments and I'll see if it's possible.