
In Boruto With a Perverted Customization System

A man beaten down by life and filled with hatred, died one day in an attempt to satisfy his vengeful needs and ended up in front of an evil god who was impressed by the man's display of free will. The god gives the man a gift and sends him into an AU of Boruto where almost everyone is the female version of themselves, the female population greatly outweighing the male... Watch as Akuto tips the scale of a female-dominant world using the power of his Perverted Customization System and becoming the King of Shinobi. ... Apologies if the quality isn't up to standard, this is my first time writing so there's bound to be some fuck-ups.

Stygrxn · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Confrontation and Taken

[Symbiotic Bond: 40%]

'God damn. Sex is truly the best way to make friends,' I thought to myself as I finally woke up from my sleep.

My eyes fluttered open slowly and I was greeted by the sight of a pale girl resting on the ground in front of me.

I gazed at the sleeping girl with a strange look and narrowed eyes for a few moments before shaking my head.

I was just about to stand up, but quickly stopped moving as I noticed something yank at my torso.

"Oh... That's something..." I mumbled with a raised brow as I gazed annoyedly at Mitsuki holding me.

"Ugh..." I heard Mitsuki groan as her body flinched and her eyes began to slowly flutter open in a tired manner.

"Welcome back to life, Mitsuki," I greeted with a large yawn as she leaned on her side and rubbed her eyes.

Her drowsy eyes finally fully opened and she began looking around the area distractedly before freezing as she noticed her own naked figure.

Her stiff posture loosened, "Right... We performed intercourse, correct?" She inquired in the same emotionless manner, finally recollecting herself.

"Yep. And I gotta say that you are a natural at it," I complimented Mitsuki who easily retained her emotionless state.

"I see... It was quite the unique experience to be sure..." She stated in a manner that seemed studious.

I scratched my shoulder dismissively as I leant back in boredom only to recall a particular thing that I'd forgotten to check yesterday.

It was about my most recent mission.

I had killed the woman who was after me, but for some reason, the quest hadn't completed.

And that either meant that the woman was still alive somehow, or I was still being chased by someone else entirely.

Or it could also just be that the quest is on some kind of time limit that makes it so it only counts as me "surviving" when the special assignment is done.

It could even be when Sayuri arrives to take me away even.

'I'd like to think that it's the la--'

My focus on my thoughts was suddenly interrupted as I felt a feminine hand tap me on the shoulder.

I turned to Mitsuki without much expectation only to instantly freeze as I heard her next words.

"You were the source of that strange smell, correct?"

She said those words with a dangerous look in her eyes as I raised an eyebrow, "Why do you say that...?"

Alright. Unexpected, but let's see how this plays out.

Suddenly, as I was attempting to portray an uncaring expression, Mitsuki caught my attention with a deadly-serious look that got me to finally look at her.

"Was that odd scent some kind of drug? Is that how I was so easily goaded into sexual relations?" She interrogated bluntly as my eyes narrowed.

I stared at her for a while, taking note of the particularly hostile smile on her emotionless expression as I instantly gained an innocent look.

"Of course not. Why would you think something like that?" I questioned, Mitsuki dropping the blank smile as she silently analyzed my face.

"You are lying. Disappointingly badly as well..." She mocked in an impassive manner as my face twisted into a face of astonished innocence.

"What are you talking about, Mitsuki? I could never do something like that! Besides, I have nothing on hand so how could I drug you!?" I spoke in false offence.

'She's naive but unfortunately not stupid, unlike some,' I thought to myself in annoyance as I felt some strangely dark thoughts enter my mind.

Should I kill her? Might help, who knows?

What if I sowed her mouth shut? What about traumatizing her to keep her from talki--?

Wait, wait, wait, hold up a minute.

'What the fuck was that thought process? I'll just pretend not to know...' I shook my head for a moment as Mitsuki spoke.

"I suppose that's true... However, you're still lying..."

"How am I lying? You admit that I didn't have drugs so...?"

Her eyes displayed realization, "Unless, you're telling the truth about only one small part of this... You must have some other ability that you aren't telling me about."

I internally clicked my tongue and put my right arm behind my back as it morphed into a large tendril.

"It is quite obvious that you are a depraved person, Akuto," She began in a hostile tone, "Do you admit to doing such a thing?"

"Not to say that I am, but what will you do if I do?" I questioned lowly as she backed away slightly, "That is up to your answer..."

She's already set in believing that I'm at fault. At this point, there isn't much convincing her otherwise.

So it was time to take some action.

I barely managed to make out Mitsuki sneakily reaching next to her as I prepared myself.

Suddenly, as she was about to grab a kunai, I swiftly lurched forward and my symbiote arm expanded into a wave of tendrils that wrapped her up.

Without even a second of rest, I my arm twisted around and slammed her into the wall, suspending her to the wall via the symbiote biomass.

Her kunai fell to the ground and she uselessly tried to pull at the symbiote as I nonchalantly walked forward.

"Would ya look at that? I'm gettin' pretty good at this stuff!" I chuckled to myself as I approached carefully.

Now, I suppose that I should probably make sure that she stays quiet. The question is how exactly?

"Let me--" She attempted to speak only for the symbiote to immediately cover her mouth.

As I was considering what to do, I took notice of the scroll on my waist and gained a wonderful idea.

I could most likely use fuinjutsu to seal away or, hell, even delete the memories from her mind.

I'd say that this method would be a bit easier than the more "interesting" methods I had cooking up in my mind.

Of course, I obviously wouldn't be able to do so with my current level of skill, however, I had a little cheat known as the customization system.

All I would have to do is make a basic seal that I know of and then customize it to reach the effects I wish.

With that thought in mind, I sat on the ground, my symbiote arm extending in regard to my movement as I placed a fresh parchment on the ground.

And without any delay, I began planning the seal and using my left hand to design it.

"Hm! Mrf--!"

"Veiling? No... probably containment lock..."

"Mrgh...! Arghmm!"

"I think a double encircling layer should work..."


"Oh, and a self energizing loop functionality should ease the burden and lower the price..."

"Ghm! Ohm!"

"Woah. Accidentally made an overlapping inverse helix loop... Lucky me!"


"Wait, why didn't I think of adding an energy draining system to fuel an internalized containement field of the seal's functions itself! I'm a genius!"


"And with a final repeat code, I am... Done!" I spoke cheerily as I stood and picked up my newly made seal.

I took notice of Mitsuki, "Oh shit, almost killed ya there, hahaha!" I laughed amusedly as I released her mouth from the symbiote.

"Ahhhg... *Cough* Hahhh..." She coughed loudly as I opened the system and took a quick picture of the seal I made.

A new draft of the seal appeared before me as I began adding a few new attributes to get the desired effect.

[Name: Memory Sealer]

[Details: A single-use seal that permanently locks away a small range of select memories. Physical seal vanishes upon use.]

[DP Cost: 1940/140]

Damn, that's a lot of DP. Must be from my recent experience.

I gave a short glance to Mitsuki before clicking confirm on my customization as the seal in my hands glowed for a short moment.

"Alright then, time to manipulate!" I cheered to myself as I walked up to the confused girl and smiled.

"What-- What're you doing...?" Mitsuki questioned weakly as I stuck the seal to her forehead and put chakra into it.

Pain and drowsiness overwhelmed Mitsuki's mind as I weaved a couple of hand seals and concentrated on activating the seal.

I focused on the period of time I wanted gone from her mind as I used the seal.

After a moment of pain, Mitsuki's eyes rolled into the back of her head and the seal vanished into a hail of sparks.

A tiny unnoticeable triangle mark appeared on the base of her skull.

I reopened my eyes and took a step back, recalling my symbiote arm back as she collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

A minute of silence passed.

And another minute.

And another one.

And another...

"Uhh, I sense I made a mistake of some kind..." I muttered as I kicked her to wake her up.

However, she remained perfectly still, facefirst on the ground, unmoving.

Um... Oops?

"Hey, wake up!" I shouted into her ear, which proved just as useless as the first attempt.

I got an idea as to how I could awaken her, but I first put on my clothes once more and then prepared to do so.

Making sure I was ready, I charged up both fire and wind chakra within my left fingers and then placed them under her nose.

Then suddenly, I snapped my fingers and Mitsuki's eyes widened in shock before gripping her nose in pain.

"Agh!" She yelped nasally, lurching forward from the burns in her nostrils as I gently rested a hand on her shoulder.

My expression disgustingly twisted into one of kindness.

"Hey, hey, hey, are you okay?" I asked in a soothing tone as her dazed eyes looked around confusedly.

She winced painfully, "Wh- Who...? Aghhh..." She groaned out with pain evident in her tone as I gained a wry expression.

I didn't just fucking delete all of her memories right?

Hoping that wasn't the case since that would cause a lot of trouble, I made her face me and snapped in front of her face.

"Hey, focus on me, alright? It's Akuto, do you remember?" I spoke gently, turning her face towards me as the fog slowly cleared from her eyes.

She shook her head, "Ugh, yes... My mind is quite fuzzy, however..." She muttered, gripping her head as I pat her back.

"I... do not quite recall what happened. Though I do remember you," She assured in a weery voice as I pretended to sigh in relief.

"That's good. I was worried that you'd died," I said in a jolly manner as Mitsuki finally recovered from the dizziness and looked down.

She froze suddenly, a brief flash of embarrassment appearing on her face before she went back to emotionlessness.

She discreetly curled into herself and hid her body, "And, um... Exactly why am I naked?" She asked with barely-noticeable nervousness.

Despite her unparalleled stoic composure, the combined force of her rude awakening, lost memories, and current clothing situation was enough to push her slightly over the edge.

"Well, I don't really know either. I just kinda woke up here and you were sleeping next to me," I lied as easily as I breathed.

"I must remember..." She looked to be focusing intensely as she tried standing, however, her body suddenly tensed up and she leaned back in pain.

I grabbed her shoulders and gently helped her to her feet as she recovered from her intense migraine.

"Thank you," She thanked shortly as I handed her, her clothing and started to walk out of the cave.

"Anyways, you should probably get dressed. I'll be outside," I explained as I stepped out of the cave.

I felt a light tingle in the back of my head for a brief second only for it to immediately vanish.

Noticing the phenomena, I glanced around the area and scanned it with my sensory abilities, only to find nothing

I shook my head dismissively, 'Anyways, system, bring up my DP gains...' I demanded the system as multiple notifications appeared in front of me.

[DP Gained:]

[Drugged into sex: +15] [Tricked into Affection: +15] [Pleasure: +10] [Kissing: +10] [French kissing: +20] [Bondage: +15] [Teased: +15] [Fingered: +20] [Fondled Breast: +15] [Humiliated: +15] [Intimidated girl: +10] [Used after orgasm: +60] [Dick kissed: +15] [Blowjob: +20] [Deapthroat: +20] [Dickmatized: +20] [Pleasure drunk: +20] [Symbiotic Pleasure: +40] [Symbiote Vibration: +15] [Vaginal Sex: +25] [Lotus sex: +15] [Hickey: +10] [Love bite: +15] [Ass groped: +15] [Titty sucked: +20] [Ahegao: +20] [Lust broken: +20] [Orgasm induced: +50] [Came inside: +30] [Symbiotic boost pleasure: +90]

[Total DP Earned: 1340] (Sadistic Class Double Applied)

"Oh, fuck yeah!"

That's an insane amount of Depravity Points from just having sex with a single person once.

Also, it would seem that my DP is usable even before I check the notification for it.

I could practically make anything I ever want with this many DP at my disposal. Hell, I could probably give myself a powerful bloodline or something.

'And I'm also quite a bit surprised by my own boldness in having sex with someone as young as Mitsuki and even enjoying it to the fullest. I wouldn't have done it, like, a month ago but I suddenly feel a lot more cavalier in regards to everything, like I don't care about moral values just as much as I had before... Rather curious, but whatever. This newfound boldness is helping me get even more sex from a wider range of people after all...'

Though I can't help but think that there's something else occurring. I doubt it's entirely an outside force and more just something bringing out my inner morality-- or lack thereof.

The main culprit I'm thinking of is the symbiote inside me, since they do seem to have a habit of corrupting people.

But then again, it did seem to be abiding by every unconscious thought I was having, so I may be wrong.

Well, whatever, I didn't really care either way.

With that thought in mind, I was about to reenter the cave, but then I received an odd realization.

A realization in regard to the symbiote arm specifically. One which made me just the slightest bit worried.

The realization in question was about my arm-- well, my lost arm's status.

Back then, I had torn off my arm and, after a short battle, I passed out from blood loss and woke up in a cave.

But, according to Mitsuki, my actual arm was nowhere to be found out there.

That thought was something that has been scratching at the back of my mind and making me pretty nervous.

I was sure that the arm had fallen right next to me, but for it to have vanished would mean that someone stole it.

It could've been an animal, but I sincerely doubt that a small animal would make it far with my giant arm.

Now, I don't know why they stole it, but if someone stole it, then that means they wanted something from it.

Whether it be for experimentation, mere curiosity, or a misplaced sense of importance, I didn't know.

But what I did know was that my arm being stolen by someone would prove to have massively terrifying implications.

The thief might be able to imbue my power into others, they could create an Anti-Akuto serum, or they could even clone me!

All possible options were terrible for me, and would certainly cause a lot of trouble.

However, I still didn't want to believe that the arm was stolen by someone due to the ramifications of that.

But I wasn't just gonna leave it alone. I fully intended to go out there and search for it.

In fact, since there's nothing stopping me at the moment, I might as well just go searching for it now.

"Hey, Mitsuki, I'll be back soon!" I shouted into the cave, not waiting for a response as I dashed into the forest.

I jumped into the trees, activating my invisibility as I began swinging among the trees.

It took me a bit to get used to the different placement of webs on the top of my right hand but I quickly got used to it.

Activating my Byakugan and Jougan, I began to trace back my left-over chakra signature to find my way back to the site of the incident.

After a couple of minutes of swinging, I eventually landed on a tree branch right above a land of stained grass.

This spot had the highest concentration of my chakra other than the cave and had slight remnants of blood lying around.

It was quite obvious that this was the spot where I had my fight even if the familiarity of the place was ignored.

Deciding to begin my search, I jumped down while still maintaining my invisibility and started walking around the area.

As I was searching the area for any clues, I spotted a strangely dense line of blood off to the side.

"There ya are..." I hummed to myself as I knelt next to the blood and hovered my arm over it curiously.

Interestingly enough, my symbiote arm seemed to be increasingly vibrating the closer it got to the blood.

The moment I rested my hand on blood puddle, all the nearby blood slowly began to be absorbed by the arm.

"The hell...?" I mumbled curiously as I raised my arm and concentrated on bringing something out.

Suddenly, the symbiote arm fluctuated and a splash of blood shot out from within its biomass.

"Damn, almost forgot about that. The arm can hold stuff..." I noted with a smile as I turned back to the blood trail.

It was cool to remember that I had a pseudo-inventory but that wasn't what was important right now.

I once again tried to trace the blood, but the trail, unfortunately, cut short only a few meters forward.

It was a long skid-like trail of blood, but it just randomly vanishes after going a couple feet.

The arm was most likely covered to stop the blood at that point which would, unfortunately, mean that my theory about there being a physical thief was true.

'Damnit. Now what?' I thought distraughtly as I bit my nails and walked back and forth in thought.

I sat cross-legged on the ground and cupped my chin as I began thinking about what to do.

Thought after thought bounced around within my mind as I attempted to figure out how I would find my arm.

However, I suddenly froze in confusion and gripped my head in pain.

My mind was rattled by anxiety as the symbiote writhed in a panic and my eyes widened in shock.

The spider-sense assaulted my mind and I attempted to turn to the presumed threat.

However, there was something weird about the warning my sense was giving me.

I turned around, "Who is--?"

Before I even had the chance to react, I felt an arm wrap around me and whisk me away in an instant.

Just as I was about to speak and turn to the assailant, a sharp pain hit my neck and knocked the wind out of me.

The sound of crackling lightning was heard as I felt my consciousness drift off.