
...Sting Like a Spider

That thought was soon reinforced by the woman who walked up but didn't kill me, instead, the woman just gave me a good punch in the face which I refused to even flinch at.

I was going to have to think about a different way to kill them all.

"Why aren't trying to kill me?" I asked as the leader responded swiftly.

"Can't let the merchandise be damaged," She stated as my eyes widened beneath the cloth.

So that's how it is.

I didn't like that very much as evidenced by the, now much more noticeable, noise that was emanating from me.

However, the part that I hadn't noticed about my frustrations was the pressure that had begun to build up in the underside of my forearm, as if vying to break free.

Despite their weak stomachs', they seem awfully ready to sell me off.

Are they trying to sell me as a slave? Now, that was a thought that incited a deep sense of anger within.

I would never let that happen.

"So... a slave trade, is what I'm assuming?" I stated with concealed frustration as my fists clenched, the pressure beginning to build up to the point of pain coursing through my arms, as well.

"Hm? A smart one, that's rare. Might sell for more," She muttered to the others, the hissing escalating to the point where they could hear it as I suddenly paused all movement at the various notifications in front of me.

[Skill [Spider Physiology] is reacting to [Accelerated Growth]...]


[Skill [Spider Physiology] is mutating further...]

No way...

I didn't even get the chance to read the next notification as I, almost instinctively, flexed a set of muscles in my forearm as the heads of two of the people holding me were savagely pierced by a spike, sending blood flying as I mercilessly threw their dead bodies to the ground and broke free of my restraints.


"What the hell did you do!?" The other person who was holding me from behind shouted as she pull out a wire and began to strangle me with it.

However, it didn't take long for me to grip her arms as I flipped her over my head and onto the ground, slamming one of my stingers into her forehead as I sliced through her body, spraying her inner organs everywhere.


"Shit! Screw the money, just kill him!" The leader yelled out as the women ran at me with kunai.

I countered the attack using my stingers which I used to block two of the incoming kunai as one of the women flashed behind me with a stone-covered fist.

She attempted to punch me only for me to spin around and stab at her, which she barely avoided, only getting a slight scratch on the cheek as two of her other comrades sent water my way, ""Water Style: Water Bullet!"" they both called out as I dodged the attack, the water hitting the frozen ninja who I had just cut, instead.

"Why didn't you move?" One of the women asked their comrade as she picked her up, only to notice that she wasn't responding.

She wasn't dead, per se, but was instead unmoving and completely limp as though she was paralyzed.

"Konoe? What happe-?" The woman was about to ask the paralyzed ninja but was interrupted by none other than me who violently split her head from her body, kicking the head to the other woman as I slashed the paralyzed woman in the jugular.


I was about to move on to the next when a leg suddenly appeared in front of my face, knocking me through a few trees as I stopped myself using a branch.

My spider-sense rang out as I flipped myself off the branch, avoiding a blast of water as I attempted to use my webs, only to realize that the stingers were in the way, causing me to fall to the ground.

Immense pain coursed through my childish body as I struggled to rise from the ground.

I was once again disrupted during my recovery by a sword covered in a dangerous stream of water slashing at me, missing me by a bit but still managing to push me away using water as I countered with a slash of my own.

Our blades met in the middle as her water-boosted blade began to push back my fractured wrists, the second woman coming at me from the back with a stone hammer in hand.

I was cornered and about to be murdered without remorse, but then... just as the woman with the hammer bashed me in my spine, I rolled forward using the force of the hit and watched as the sword-wielder accidentally slashed her friend across the chest.

"No!" The woman cried mournfully.

I gazed contemptibly at the woman who rushed over to her friend in concern and painfully rose from the ground, my body glowing green as Doran's Ring healed half of the damage dealt to my spine.

After that painful beating, I was tired as hell and borderline unconscious but the ring gave me just enough energy to still manage to instinctively start rushing towards the teary-eyed lady with murderous intent.

Just as the terrified comrade warned her of my arrival, the woman raised her sword in defense only to freeze in shock as she watched me run right past her and straight towards her friend.

The swordswoman watched in utter horror as I jumped toward her injured friend, pierced into her mandible and ripped right through the top of her skull.


Enraged by my brutal killing of all her comrades, she pushed herself forward using a water jutsu and slashed down on me in a powerful attack, the attack being held back by my stingers.

While she was overwhelmed by the death of her friend, I took the chance and broke through her weakened sword, tackling her with my stingers as the woman grabbed a broken shard of her sword and stabbed my shoulder with it, my stingers ensnaring her in an inescapable hold by piercing through her body and lifting her into the air as I ragefully pulled my wrists in different directions and savagely tore her weak flesh apart.

"Don't ki..." She could barely let out a cry as my stingers maliciously ripped her damnable body through the middle, her innards spilling everywhere as her pathetic corpse was dropped to the ground.


I attempted to stay conscious but the injuries I had received near the end of the fight were wearing down on me despite the Uzumaki healing factor.

[Mission Complete...]

As my stingers retracted into my body, with a victorious grin on my face, I exhaustingly collapsed to the ground and quickly fell into unconsciousness.


"How could this even happen?" A voice asked as another one, this time a man, responded.

"They had some sort of barrier up," He answered as another voice decided to speak up, "We got too complacent..." The bored voice said.

"Well, do we at least know who they are and why they attacked?" The first voice followed up as my body finally began to recover from its sleeping state.

Noticing my body rising from its position, the person that I could now identify as Naruko made her way towards me, the two others following closely behind, "Hey, Akuto, you alright?" She asked with concern as I ignored her and collected my thoughts before answering, "Yeah, I'm fine."

Seeing that I was alright, a woman who I didn't know, spoke, "Well, that's good. Now, can you tell us what happened?" She asked with the same voice as I realized who it was.

That was most likely Kakashi, or rather the female version, most likely. As evidenced by the mask, grey hair, and scar.

However, I was soon snapped back to reality by a hand lazily being waved in my face, "Hello~?" She drawled as the question registered in my head and I looked at the carnage I had caused, not looking too hard at the environment.

I admired my work for a moment before turning to the group, a devastated expression on my face, "I can't really remember much..." I said as the Hatake's eyes narrowed, "Hmm..." She hummed in suspicion, "Well, I guess that makes sense," She cheerily agreed with an odd closed-eye smile.

The uncaring attitude she was giving off was really grinding my gears and was slightly unnerving, but I ignored it and turned to Shikamaru who had taken a thinking pose, "Do you guys have any idea what happened, either?" I asked as Naruko, who had crouched next to me, shook her head negatively, "No. But we assume that they most likely attacked you first, right?"

I nodded, "From what little I can remember, I and Konohamaru were here and when she left, they struck... then it just goes black," I explained as Naruko signalled for me to wait as the three began to converse in secret.

However, I oddly found myself still able to listen in on their secret conversation. my senses must've grown.

I pretended to be recovering from my injuries as I eavesdropped on their conversation.

"We can't just dismiss the thought that he might have killed them," The masked woman said seriously as Naruko desperately denied the thought, "No. Akuto wouldn't even think of harming someone... besides, he isn't strong enough to do that."


"Hm... If you say so," The lazy woman responded as Shikamaru moved away from the group and began searching through the bodies for any clue.

Shit, my webs.

I shot up from my sitting position and scanned the area further in an attempt at spotting where my webs were when I soon noticed something strange.

All of my webs were completely gone. Without a trace, as if they were never there. Even the ones in the tree where I had planted the bodies had vanished into thin air, the bodies that were wrapped up now laying on the ground.

System, what happened?

[It was simply a few comrades assisting one of their own]

What is that supposed to mean? I don't have any comrades nor would any of my acquaintances help me, so what are you...

Hold up, one of their own? You don't mean spiders, do you?

[They simply took the opportunity to replenish their silk, helping you out in the process]

Exactly how many damn spiders did it take to eat all those webs? They shouldn't naturally have done that... did it have something to do with the strange vibration I was emitting?

Though, I suppose it would've been possible if given enough time. Doesn't that mean that it took, like, hours for Naruko and them to find me?

The barrier that those ninja women put up must've been pretty strong to conceal us for this long.




Class: Mutate (Spider)

Bloodline(s): [Uzumaki Bloodline] [Hyuga Bloodline]

Age: 11

[]Akuto Uzumaki[]

Strength: [34] ---> [40]

Dexterity: [36] ---> [42]

Vitality: [34] ---> [38]

Defense: [34] ---> [38]

Intelligence: [30] ---> [34]

Charm: [18] ---> [22]

Sense: [35] ---> [40]

Intrinsic Skills: [Sensor] [Byakugan] [Jougan] [Spider Physiology]

Skills: [Slave Control] [Dark Determination] [Inspect] [Accelerated Growth] [Love Aura] [Biological Webbing] [Bio-Electricity] [Spider-Sense] [Invisibility] [Rasengan] [Wind Style: Gale Palm] [Bio-Venom] [Stingers] [Killing Intent]

Talents: [Fire & Wind Chakra Nature] [Sealing Talent] [Chakra Control Talent]


What the fuck.

Where the hell did all of these new skills come from?

System, I'm in a lot of damn pain right now, so can you just explain...?

[The combination of experiencing a constant workout during your fight, and your Accelerated Growth skill responding to that constant workout by accelerating your growth, your body, or more accurately your Spider Physiology, mutated faster than it regularly would. Hence the message about it mutating further]

[And because your Spider Physiology was mutated further, more abilities were gained; the stingers/claws that you used to kill the shinobi and the poison within the stingers]

I took a few seconds to process the information, sighing heavily as I held my face in my hands and calmed my pumping adrenaline.

And I can assume that Killing Intent was gained due to killing them, which is admittedly rather obvious.


I stayed silent as I thought through why those powers were resting within my body as latent abilities.

It had something to do with the spider. I was sure.

If we go by previous evidence, then when I created the spider, the system most likely made it so that I got every Spider-Man ability that it could find from its scan of my memory and placed it into my body as latent abilities, therefore, my body most likely gained the potential for most canonical spider powers in the comics

Or rather, the potential powers reminiscent of the still-evolved Kaine Parker.

I couldn't contain the slight chuckle that escaped my lips at the thought of how much my potential had just increased.

"What's so funny?" The Hatake asked boredly as I turned to her with concealed annoyance, "Just thought of something funny," I said, intending for the conversation to end there only for the masked woman to keep speaking, "Really? Mind sharing?"



"Why not?"

"Because I don't feel like it."

"You should be more considerate of peoples' feelings, you know."

"I'd rather not."

"How cold..."

"Do you stop talking anytime soon?"

"I don't know. Do you?"

"Yeah. Now." I said with a tone of finality as I got up and walked away with an irritated expression, leaving the uncaring Hatake to her own devices.

Right now, I had more important issues to deal with.

My rewards.

Next chapter