
In Boruto as Minato

There aren't many Boruto fanfic. So, I thought why not. Mc reincarnated as Boruto with some wishes. I hope you like my work. MC looks like Minato. But they named him Boruto so don't get confused. The story is a little slow-paced. ~ THANK YOU FOR READING ~

Fire_Phoenix_02 · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 42

[ Boruto's P.O.V ]

I woke up at Five in the morning and did my everyday exercise like running, push-ups, pull-ups, and other things. After that, I took a cold water bath to clear all the sweat on my body.

" Haaa... it feels good to have a fresh bath after a workout. " I said and wore my clothes, a black t-shirt with a white jacket and black pants with a small Ninja bag tied on my right leg.

~ [ MC's Clothes ] ~

" It's still 6: 30 AM. I have some time. Let's re-check what I have in my Storage tattoo and Ninja bag. " I said and took out what's available in my Ninja bag.

There are 30 Kuni, 30 Shuriken, and ten paper bombs in the bag. I also have some Healing Tags in them.

As for my Storage tattoo, I have 2546 Paper bombs, 2344 Healing Tags, 10992 Kuni, 3222 Shurikens, some empty papers, 7 Chakra paper, Sword Demon Slasher, Sword Enma, Food rations, 350 million Ryo, a SCAR-L, a laser gun, and finally two Atomic bombs.

Paper bombs, Healing tags, Kuni, and Shurikens are necessary. The more you have, the better. I can always make them with my [ Quirk: Creation ]

As for Seals, I can make them without using ink as I can make a seal with Chakra now, like how Minato Marks his Flying Thunder God Seal.

My Swords Demon Slasher and Enma. I will use my Deamon Slasher only at the time of crisis or when I think I need to act cool.

Some Food rations and Money are necessary, right. I got 1 billion from the Kages and stashed the other 650 million in my room just for emergencies.

SCAR-L is my favorite gun, so I'm keeping it in there for fun.

As for Atomic Bombs. Well, Cannon is going to start today. So, I must have something like this if I ever encounter something or someone.

I can use my Gravity Seals to fly up, throw the bomb down and fly far away, not get caught in the destruction. Even if I am going to die then, I'm going to take my enemy with me too.

' It's just that the cannon started, and I changed many things, so I am being a little cautious. ' I thought while looking at the objects present in my Storage tattoo.

After that, I placed textbooks, notebooks, and other things for the school in my bag. I don't want to use my Strong Scroll or my Storage Tattoo in front of others, as I am pretty sure they would make me carry all their things.

After that, I went downstairs only to see that Mom, Dad, and Hima were still sleeping. I went towards the kitchen and started making breakfast for everyone.

As I was placing them on the table, mom entered the room. " Good morning, Mom. I made some breakfast. Can you wake up both Dad and Hima? "

" Mooo... Why do you always have to make breakfast? You know I can do it? " mom said while pouting. " I know. But it makes me feel happy. Go and fresh up. I took care of everything here. "

She went out of the room, and after some time, Mom, Dad, and Hima came towards the dining table.

" Oni-chan, are you going to start your Ninja academy from today? " Hima asked. " Yeah. I will attend the academy from today. Do you need anything from me? "

" No, it's just I am going to miss you. " Hima said with a sad tone, as she has three months of holidays until her school starts. " Haha... don't worry. We can always play after I come home. If you want, I can teach some Ninja tricks too. "

We had our breakfast, and after that, dad and I went out together. Dad has to give the speech to the new students who join the Ninja Course. You know the whole will of fire thing.

Even though dad talks about it as if it is the world's greatest thing or something, I call it brainwashing to make children loyal to the Village. But this is necessary to make it seem like children are doing something great.

We quickly reached the academy dad turned towards me and said. " Boruto, you can go and play with your friends. I will meet you after the event ends. "

Dad said and left. I went near the entrance saw both Uncle Choji and Chocho at the entrance eating chips. I went near them and greeted both of them. " Good morning Uncle Choji, Chocho. You both are as lively as always. "

" Ohh... Boruto, long time no see. How are you? " asked Uncle Choji as we met many times at different restaurants and food shops. " I am fine, Uncle Choji. "

" Boruto, did you eat the new Chilly flavor from Thunder Burger that was released yesterday? I wasn't able to go yesterday, " asked Chocho, which is not a surprise.

" Yeah, it sure was spicy. But overall, the taste was good. " I said while remembering the Burger I ate yesterday. " I want to try the new flavor too. Let's go to Thunder Burger in the evening together. "

She said with stars in her eyes. " Hmmm... that a great idea. Also, let's take Sarada with us too. " I added, as Aunt Sakura always tells me to look after her and her only friend are both Chocho and me. She might feel lonely if we go together.

" Yeah, that's a great idea," said Chocho with a smile. I'm a big foodie in my previous life. I ate all kinds of food in every restaurant and Store in Konoha.

" Hey you both, the Welcome ceremony is going to start soon. Come inside. " Uncle Choji said while pointing towards the academy.

' I changed many things till now at least my dad's head on the Hokage's mountain is not damaged. ' I thought while going inside the academy.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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