
In Boruto as Minato

There aren't many Boruto fanfic. So, I thought why not. Mc reincarnated as Boruto with some wishes. I hope you like my work. MC looks like Minato. But they named him Boruto so don't get confused. The story is a little slow-paced. ~ THANK YOU FOR READING ~

Fire_Phoenix_02 · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 32

" Finally, we are home. " I said while seeing the big Village gates. " Come on, dad, run fast. I can't wait to see Mom and Hima. "

" Ok, don't run that fast. " dad said with a smile. Dad, me, and Uncle Shikamaru went towards the entrance and greeted the Ninjas.

Even as the Hokage, you have to register at the entrance about your ins and outs of the Village. After that, Dad and I went towards our home, while Uncle Shikamaru went to his.

" Mom, I am home. " I said out loud while going inside the house. As soon as I entered home, I went into the living room where I saw mom was watching TV.

" Ah Boruto, you finally- " before she could finish her words, I hugged her and said. " I missed you, mom. "

To tell the truth. I have been missing mom from the first day on the trip. I have been watching her every day for eight years, and I feel lonely without seeing mom for a day.

' I think I truly changed after coming to this world. ' I thought while mom placed her hand on my head and said. " I missed you too. "

We were like that for a second, and then I asked. " Mom, where is Hima? "

" Boruto, she has school today. She will come in the evening. " mom said while smiling at me. " Mom, can you make breakfast. I am starving. "

" Sure, I have already prepared, but you should wait. I will warm up food for you," mom said and went towards the kitchen. Dad came in and talked with mom.

After that, we had a heartwarming breakfast. Dad and I are telling, about our trip to mom. " After that, they gave me some Jutsus related to their Village. "

" Oh my... then they must be happy about those Healing Tags. Be careful while practicing those Jutsus. As you have no one to guide you. " said mom.

" Ok, mom. " I said while stuffing bread in my mouth. " Boruto, after this, come with me. I want to show you something. " dad said.

' Hm... what could it be. ' I thought and answered. " Ok. "

" NO!!! What you both need is to take some rest. You traveled from Kumo. Take some rest. " mom said while glaring at dad. " Ok, then. Meet me at the training ground you always train in the evening. " said dad and left the room.

" Mom, see this. I bought some gifts for you from Kumo. " I said while showing the things I bought for her.

After that, I went to my room and got some rest. In the evening, Hima came from her school. She just jumped at me and cried about how much she missed me.

" Oni-chan, I missed you so much," she said while hugging me. " Yeah, I missed you too. "

" Hima, I bought you many things from Kumo. Don't you want to see them? " I asked while smiling at her. " Ahh..., show me, show me. "

Well, I bought her some stuffed toys, two cute dresses, and a beautiful bracelet. I might add some defensive seals to these things in the future.

" Do you like them? " I asked. " I love them, thank you, Oni-chan," she said while swigging the doll.

" Dad, what present did you buy for me? " Hima asked. ' Ha... him? buying? That guy even forgets about me, even when I am with him. Now, how are you going to come out of this mess, dad? '

" WHA- Ahh... that well, I gave Boruto to carry. Hey Boruto, where is Hima's present I gave to you. " dad said with a smile. " Oni-chan, where is it? "

" ... "

I glanced at Mom, who was laughing at our interactions. She should also be curious about what I would do now. ' FUCK! Are you going for the revenge route, dad? Well, that's not going to work. '

" Oh... that I have it. Wait here. It's in my room. " I went to my room and came back with a gift box. " Here, take this. "

She took it and turned her head towards dad. " Can I open it, dad? "

Dad looked at me as I gave him a ' Fuck you ' face. " Ha, sure. It's a present I bought for you after all. "

She tore off the cover and opened the box. " OHHH... it's a Color book. It also has Colour pens with it. Thank you, dad. "

It's a color book where you have to color the colorless drawings. It also has Colour pens attached to it.

" Now, now. Why don't we all watch Tv, as they are airing a new movie? " Mom asked as we all agreed.

All of us had fun, and in the evening, dad and I went towards the training grounds near our house. " What is it, dad? Do you want a spar with me or something? Because I want to kick you for pulling that stunt with me. "

" Oh yeah, then now we are both even. " Dad said with a smirk. " Also, where did you get that Colour book? " dad asked.

' Well, I used my [ QUIRK: CREATION ] to make it. ' I thought and said. " I bought that as a birthday present for Hima, which is next week. "

" Is that so. " dad said with a silly smile. " Ah... stop it. Tell me, why are we here now. "

" Well, you are growing stronger and stronger. Also, that Healing Tags would be helpful in the coming years. So I was thinking of giving you my signature Jutsu. " dad said while raising his hand.

After a second, a bright blue ball is visible in dad's hand. " It's called The Rasengan. "

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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