
In Boruto as Minato

There aren't many Boruto fanfic. So, I thought why not. Mc reincarnated as Boruto with some wishes. I hope you like my work. MC looks like Minato. But they named him Boruto so don't get confused. The story is a little slow-paced. ~ THANK YOU FOR READING ~

Fire_Phoenix_02 · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 28

[ Boruto's P.O.V ]

Dad went and sat near Gaara on his left. Gaara opened his eyes and looked at me. " How have you been, Boruto? You have grown. " He said with a small smile.

" I am fine, Uncle Gaara. This hairstyle suits you more than that crappy one. You look cooler now. " I said while looking at his hairstyle, which is the same as his Shippuden hairstyle.

Gaara didn't say anything but had a smile on his face. Dad caught my ear and said. " Boruto, you always respect everyone. But why do you change like a snorty kid when you see Gaara's old hairstyle. Even if it is not good, you don't have to say that out loud in public. "

" Ah... " I grunted with pain as dad was pulling my ear.

I was also one of the fans who hated when they changed Gaara's hairstyle in the Boruto series. I mean, he is my second favorite character after Naruto.

Gaara sometimes comes to Konoha to visit Shakadai and his mom. When I first saw his new hairstyle, I blurted out many beautiful but disgusting words about his hairstyle.

I saw Gaara again and thought. ' Finally, he came to his senses and got rid of that disgusting hairstyle. He looks like an office worker than a Kage with that hairstyle. I always liked the old one. '

" As always, you are the only person who could talk like this to Gaara. Expect your father," said Kankuro with a wary smile.

" Is this your son Hokage? " said a guy with glasses sitting left to Gaara. He is nonother than Sixth Mizukage, Chojuro.

" It's an honor to meet you Mizukage-sama, my name is Boruto Uzumaki. " I said with respect as it is my first time meeting him.

" Haha... Hokage, if he doesn't have your father's face, then I wouldn't have believed that this kid is your son," said Raikage with a lazy laugh.

After some time, the door opened, a woman came in by saying. " Sorry, It seems I am late here. " She said and entered the room with three Ninjas.

She has black hair and black eyes with white skin. She is no other than Kurotsuchi, the Fourth Tsuchikage. " Don't worry, now let's start the meeting. " Raikage said, and everyone looked at Naruto.

" Yes, now the topic of today's meeting is about the recent invention of Healing tags invented in Konoha. We Konoha are here to offer the method of making the Healing tags to all the Village to maintain our friendship between our Villages. " Dad said while looking at everyone.

' Wow, dad. I must admit. You sure learned how to talk bullshit. ' I thought while looking at dad.

" Is it true that this kid invented those Healing Tags? " Tsuchikage asked bluntly. " Yes, Boruto is the one who made the healing tags. I see that everyone bought their sealing masters from their respective Village. Now, Boruto will explain how these Seals work. "

I nodded my head towards dad and went in front of the Kages. " Thank you for having me. Now I am going to explain how these Healing Tags work. But before that. "

I went towards the table and placed a black coin-like structure in the middle. I pressed the side button on the device, and it started to glow. A 3D hologram appeared on the device.

" Oh... " All the Kages and present Ninjas exclaimed in surprise. They could see a Seal tag rotating slowly in front of their eyes.

" As you can see, this is the Healing Tag. It can store healing Chakra and release it at the time in need. " The picture zoomed in and showed a small circle at the center of the Seal.

" This is the place where we store the Healing Chakra. " After that, the picture zoomed out and showed another circle surrounding the previous one. " This right here is the circle where we store Yang Chakra. It helps to maintain the healing properties of the Healing Chakra for a long time. "

Then I explained the seals that maintain both circles and the ratios of the Circles and the seals.

" Amm... many Sealing Masters have the same idea to maintain the Healing Chakra using Yang Chakra, but they failed. How were you able to succeed. " asked a Seal Master from Iwa.

" It's because of the ratio. " I said. " Ratio? " asked with confusion. " Yes, the idea is good, but to maintain both Yang and Healing Chakra, you need to calculate the correct ratio between them. Even I was lucky to find it after so many experiments. "

" How many times did you fail? " to my surprise Chojuro asked as he was sitting silent all the time.

' It's close impossible to find the correct balance ratio, but for me, I have my A.I. Akira with me. Ok, how many times did Akira fail to find it? Ok, I got the number, but it is embarrassing to tell. ' I thought and look a little embarrassed.

" Ummm... well, it's embarrassing to tell, but I failed 1,456 times to find the correct ratio. " I said while scratching my head and giving a dry laugh.

" ... "

" HAHAHA... Kid, if I failed that many times, then. I would have left that work and would never look back at it. You are not only a Genius but also have the will of steel. " Tsuchikage said while laughing.

No one talked beside her so, I said. " One Healing tag will last for two months, but if you refill it Yang Chakra, then you can use it store it for a long time. "

" How much of an injury can these Healing Tags could Heal. " Gaara asked with a steady voice.

" Expect severe organic damage. It could heal anything. This tag can also stop the blood flow of the injury. " I said while showing how it heals the body in the Hologram.


Sorry for slow updates. I am not getting much time to write. I am not going to drop, that's for sure.😁

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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