
In black clover with naruto system(Cancelled)

This is the life, Ken. A normal office worker who was killed by a drunk God and was reincarnated into the world of black clover as Madara Uchiha and he was also given the Naruto system. #### A/N: This story is wish fulfilment but it will still follow the the main plot of the black clover world. This is my first time writing a story so there might be some mistakes here and there but you can correct me if you see them and also English is not my first language.

UchihaIzuna · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter 1

"Sigh! Well, I'm done with today's work and I still have time to get some new mangas before the shops closed up."

I spoke out to myself as I came out of the office I work at after I was done with my work for the day.

My name is Ken Masamura, I'm twenty-five years old and an average Japanese office work drone. I'm about 6ft tall and like any typical Japanese, I have black hair and I'm a little above average in appearance.

I have been a fan of mangas and animes since I was a kid which made my classmates call me a nerd when I was in high school as I was always reading manga but I had to give up on them after I graduated from college because of my work, although I had time to read and watch them once in a while.

I quit reminiscing about the past and started walking towards the direction of the manga store before the close. It took me about fifteen minutes to get to the manga store and they weren't closed yet so I just entered to take the mangas I wanted to pay for.

I have watched and read a lot of mangas and animes throughout the years and I came to like some of them better than the others so I chose some of my favourites which are the famous ones like naruto and one piece and even though some of them have already ended, it doesn't hurt to reread them again.

After picking up those mangas I also took some of the new mangas that have been released so I can have something new to read when I'm done with the other mangas. I paid for the mangas after I was done picking them up and left the store.

"Huh. While I still have time, why don't I get some ramen? The ones back home are pretty much finished and I don't know when I will have free time like this."

While on my way home I remembered that I was out of ramen in the house when I saw a convenience shop on the side of the road. I don't usually have time like this as I have to work overtime so I only get to eat instant ramen when I get home because I don't have the time to cook myself a proper meal.



I turn around to cross the road and just as I stepped on the road, the headlights of a truck shone on me followed by the sound of the truck horns blowing.


I quickly turned in the direction of the lights and there I saw a white truck speeding right at me. I was rendered speechless as I didn't know what to say about this because before I was about to cross the road I checked and there were no white trucks and the traffic light was red so how did a truck suddenly appear out of nowhere?


I couldn't do anything other than to stand there and get run over by the truck because my body was frozen in shock upon seeing the absurdity of the situation. I was knocked a few feets into the air and crashed to the ground which broke every bone in my body.

"Aaaaahh! Oh my God, it's an accident. Somebody call the ambulance!!"

"How did a truck suddenly appear out of nowhere!?"

"What was the kid doing just standing there, if it was me back in the old days I would have jumped over that damn truck the moment I saw it."

'So this is how I go out, huh? How unexpected to suddenly die when I just got some free time to read some mangas and watch some animes... Oh well, there was nothing I could do about it if death went me in her embrace.'

As I lay there on the cold ground waiting for death to take me into her embrace I could hear the shocked and fearful screams of the people around me, I could also hear the people who were bragging about the incident but I cared little for that as I had my last thoughts before darkness consumed me completely.


Somewhere in the vast expanse of the universe. In a royally decorated throne room with multiple silver thrones and a dozen golden thrones, two individuals could be seen occupying two of the golden thrones.

The first individual is a man of great handsomeness. He has long golden blonde hair that flows down his shoulders, a very handsome face with golden eyes and a very manly physique. He was also wearing a golden robe.

He sat on the middle throne among the dozen golden thrones and on his left sat the other individual.

The other individual is also a man who is no less inferior to the golden-haired man in appearance and physique. He had silver-white hair that reaches his shoulder and a pair of sky-blue eyes. He was also wearing the same robe as the golden-haired man.

These two individuals are the creators of the entire universe.

"You did it again, didn't you?! You killed another mortal for no reason again."

The golden-haired man said to the man sitting next to him with a stern look on his face. This isn't the first time it has happened as over the course of decades the silver-haired man will often kill mortals and reincarnate them into another world.

"This one was an accident, I took too many drinks and got drunk."

The silver-haired man replied with a calm face and summoned a glass of wine.

"Are you going to reincarnate him like the rest of you victims?"

The golden-haired man also summoned himself a glass of wine after seeing the other man do it before asking what he is going to do with the mortal.

"Yep! Like usual, I will be reincarnating him into one of those fantasy worlds and give him some boons. His life will be interesting to watch, am sure of it."

The silver-haired man said to the golden-haired man but muttered the last part to himself. Throughout the years of reincarnating mortals into another world, he has been watching their life experiences to find some sort of entertainment in his boring life as being an omnipotent God isn't all that fun and this time is no different.

"I hope so?!"

The golden-haired man who heard the silver-haired man's muttering said to himself subconsciously which brought a shocked expression to the silver haired man's face.

"You knew?!"

"Of course I did. Did you really think I will not find out the reason you were killing those mortals?! You aren't the only one who is bored."

"Well, I don't need to hide it from you since you know so let me reincarnate him and we can both watch."

Both of the Gods agreed and called upon the soul of Ken and reincarnated him.


[The Clover Kingdom]

At the far outskirts of the forsaken realm of the clover kingdom. In a cave, the silhouette of a young boy about eight years old could be seen laying in there with tattered clothes.

The boy is a fair-skinned child with spiky, black hair that had a slight blue tint to it. His hair is chin-length that parted to frame the sides of his face. The boy was non-other than the reincarnated Ken.

"Ugh! Where am I?... I'm sure where ever I am isn't the hospital."

The boy was sleeping a few seconds ago suddenly groaned awake and asked where he was after looking around he was sure he wasn't in a hospital.

"Hmm! Why are my hands so small? They look like the hand of a child and my body... Don't tell me I have been reincarnated."

Ken who woke up tried to brush off some dirt on his face when he saw how small his hands has become. He quickly sat up and look around his body to find out that he was indeed a child.

"I was reincarnated into a cave in an unknown world?!"

[DING: The system has detected that the host is awake.]

[DING: System bonding initiate in 3...2...1... Binding successful.]

[DING: Welcome to the Naruto system, Host.]

Ken was about to freak out at the situation he finds himself in when he suddenly heard a voice in his mind and a holographic interface appeared before him.

"The Naruto system?!"