
In Black Clover With Madaras Powers As Magic

Quinn dies in a car crash and meets what humans call god. The god grants him three wishes and he chooses to be reincarnated in one of his favorite anime Black Clover, as one of his favorite anime characters Madara Uchiha. The cover is not mine, If the creator tells me to take it down I will.

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84 Chs


The anger that Madara was feeling pushed him over the edge and the people that killed his teacher were laughing at him. Madara dashes toward them at unimaginable speeds and coats his hands with flames.

Once he was close, he punched Phoenix in the stomach, and while it was suffering from that pain, Madara dug his fingers into the sides of Phoenix and ripped, and burned its skin until his fingers met.

The scream it let sounded like music to his ears as he wanted its death to be slow and painful and because of its regeneration, Madara would get his wish.

"You brat, you'll pay for that," Phoenix said in pain as its wounds started to heal.

"You know, you talk a lot for a brat who let you heal. And, that tongue of yours is foul, I don't think you need it anymore," Madara said as he disappeared from Phoenix's sight again.

Madara vanished in front of Phoenix and when it tried to attack, Madara effortlessly dodged and dug his shoulder into its stomach. Then Madara put his leg behind Phoenix and pushed him down to the ground with a force that would kill a regular human.

Madara then immobilized Phoenix as he squatted atop of its chest. Madara then put his hand in its mouth and pulled its tongue out.

"Look at you. Fallen beneath a child," Madara said as he created a bright flame atop of his finger. He then put the flame on its tongue and watched as it burned a hole.

As Phoenix let out pained screams, all it could see was a demon who liked torture. As the hole regenerated, Madara ripped out its tongue with too much force. When he ripped it out, the black liquid sprayed on his face.

"You're going to regret that," Madara said as he stood up and backed up a few meters.

The last time when he used his fireballs, it did little to no damage. Now he just needs to find the right amount of power to put into them.

Madara started throwing fireball after fireball increasing the power after each one until he finds which hurt the most without killing it.

That was until Phoenix let out a blood-curling scream after the twenty-ninth fireball. Madara stopped to see the damage and its skin turned black and it smelled of death. He could tell it was in pain due to the amount of mana he was using to make it heal faster.

'Jack, I can't do this anymore. It's just too much if I knew he was a sadist I would've had never challenged him,' Anna said to Jack in their mind. Now that they fused they became one, but they could still communicate with each other.

'Anna, just hold out for a little bit, he'll run out of mana soon. He must be low on mana right now due to how many fireballs he used,' Jack said to Anna calming her down.

"You probably thinking "He'll run out of mana soon" right? But let me show you something" Madara said as he continued to throw fireballs at them for ten minutes straight without breaking a sweat.

'This is never going to end, we killed his teacher then laughed I'm his face. He isn't the evil one, we are,' Anna said in a low voice sounding like she finally broke.

'Anna, don't give up. Think about mom and dad, when we see them again,' Jack said before he heard something that sounded like hope.

"I'll give you one free attack to counter my fire, ok?" Madara said as he mobilized them again.

'Jack, this is our chance. I'll use my water spell,' Anna said sounding happy that this idiot of a child gave them a chance to survive.

Madara prepared a fireball as Anna prepared a water spell. As Anna shot her water spell, Madara activated his Sharingan and copied it as a smile on his face emerged. If someone were to see it, they would say he is the devil himself.

'Wait, why would he give us a chance to hit him? Is he just cocky or stupid?' Jack thought to himself. Then realized that he was able to use the same magic as them.

'Wait, Anna do it,' Jack said to Anna as he fired her water spell to only be countered by Madara. When the smoke cleared, Madara was standing there with a wide grin on his face, not moving a muscle, letting information flood his mind.

"What? Too scared of my attack? Should have known a weakling like you had to resort to dirty tricks," Anna said as she laughed thinking she scare Madara.

But Madara only looked her dead in the eyes and said; "How long can you hold your breath?".

Again, Madara disappears and before they know it, they are immobilized again. Laying on the ground while Jack was cursing Anna out about her idiotic actions.

Madara appears behind Phoenix's head with his palm facing them. Madara then lets droplets of water drop on its face with uncoordinated time.

Madara knew that this wasn't painful, but he wanted to see them break. If droplets of water were falling on his face and he couldn't do anything to stop it, he might've gone insane.

It was only a matter of this time before they couldn't take it anymore. Phoenix was trying to get away from the endless droplets of water, but there was nothing where it could go. It was trapped for slow torture.

After a while, Madara got bored and decided to go back to physical torture. Madara grabbed a stick nearby and put it in his pocket.

"I want to hear you scream," Madara said as he broke one of its fingers with a smile as it yelled in pain.

All ten fingers, broken and twisted in odd ways. Just when they thought it was over, Madara pulled out the stick he picked up and tore off its fingernails.

Just because the ts fingers were broken doesn't mean the pain would go away. All ten fingernails tore off and ten fingers were broken.

Madara waited until its fingers were healed and repeated the process for half an hour. Phoenix's eyes were devoid of life and emotion as its body was motionless and insensitive to pain. Madara had completely broken them until they were just existing.

Madara spits on them before making a fireball to destroy that thing. When Madara finished, he felt empty because he had no one. He stood there clenching his fist until he drew blood, thinking about the few weeks he had with Reiner.

With the pain in his chest, the loss of his teacher and to lose what he looked at as his grandpa, again, triggered something inside him, as his eyes glowed a bright red and another comma appeared with the two.

"Don't tell me your crying because you feel guilty," A familiar voice called out from behind him. Madara looked back to see Reiner standing there with a smile m his face.

"I thought you died old man," Madara said as he wiped the tears from his eyes and cheeks.

"It's going to take a lot more than that. But what is up with your eyes? Every time I see them there different," Reiner said jokingly to Madara as he deactivated his Sharingan.

"But what happened? You had no pulse," Madara said as he walked up to Reiner.

"I knew that with my death it would push you to do better, now, eat something and get some rest because you have training tomorrow," Reiner said with a smile as Madara walked into the house.

The smile on his face disappeared as he looked at the wounds on his body. He only sighed and kept it moving. It wasn't the right time to talk to Madara about it.

Was it too much or did he go too easy?

Timeskip next chapter

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