
In Black Clover With Madaras Powers As Magic

Quinn dies in a car crash and meets what humans call god. The god grants him three wishes and he chooses to be reincarnated in one of his favorite anime Black Clover, as one of his favorite anime characters Madara Uchiha. The cover is not mine, If the creator tells me to take it down I will.

TruePlug · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

Seabed Temple

During the rest of the five days, Madara and Gordon have been training each night, for hours. It was a win-win situation for both of them. Madara was gaining resistance, and Gordon was strengthening his poison.

Also, Madara made incredible improvements with his water magic. He even started using a fighting style that was based on water magic.

Madara has also reached a new level of relationship with Vanessa. After their date, Vanessa and Madara became more open than they were before.

Nobody has found anything weird going on, other than them sleeping together. They didn't want them to get the wrong idea. At least not yet. They would kiss when no one was around and kept kissing as the limit. For now.

Another thing, since Madara and Gordon have been training for the past week, their relationship as friends grew. Since no one other than Madara could hear Gordon, they had a better friendship than the others.

Madara would always encourage Gordon to speak up and let his voice be heard, but Gordon would always come short.

Finally, Madara has been around Noelle more. He came to realize that the way she acts can be changed to his liking. Plus, she isn't all bad, it's only her tsuna tendencies.

So Madara would say things to tease her or make her blush. He was slowly making her fall for him. It was too easy. Though, he liked a challenge, taming someone like her wasn't a small feat in others' eyes.

Also, he can toy with her siblings. Since they didn't like each other, and if Noelle got together with Madara, they would be considered family if they got married.

But marriage? The only woman would willingly get married to was Mereoleona. There was something about her that put her at the top of the rest.

He aggressive nature. Her maturity. Her strength. He could go on about her, but he didn't have the time. Because Noelle was able to cast her spell so they could go to the temple.

Noelle was looking a little nervous, so he approached her to ease her nerves. But no matter what he said, she would blush from any praise or compliments from her.

"Take it easy. Take a deep breath if you have to. No reason to be nervous, well, other than the fact you might kill us all-" Madara said, making her tense up. Madara was then pushed out of the way by his squad mates.

"What he means is you don't have to worry about a thing because we all know you'll be able to do it," Asta said, encouraging Noelle.

"Yeah, don't listen to that idiot! I mean, our lives are in your hands, so if you mess up-" Magna said, before being interrupted.

"Shut up, you virgin. Here, take a swing of this, it'll calm you down." Vanessa said, holding out a bottle of wine.

"Are you trying to get us killed?!" Magna yelled at Vanessa for trying to get her drunk. Madara then made his way unnoticed begin her. He whispered in her ear and said,

"Listen, we don't doubt for a moment that you won't succeed, so there's no reason for you to doubt yourself. This is just another obstacle that you'll get over to prove your strength." Madara said, into Noelle's ear.

This caused her to shudder a bit, feeling the warmth of his breath in her ear. Her body seemed to relax hearing Madaras' words.

She felt like she ascended after hearing Madara. Her body and mind felt stimulated like nothing was holding her back anymore.

She then snapped out of her daze and walked up a bit. Seeing she looked confident, the other was wonder what exactly did Madara say.

She placed her hands out, one above the others. With her grimoire open, she said,

"Water Creation Magic: Sea Dragon's Cradle!" From under her feet, water manifested into this enormous, smooth sphere of whirling water with a ring of water.

The water expanded until it covered each member. The water sphere then moved forward, then went underwater.

It was all good, but Grey was transformed into that large form. Grey was sitting on top of everyone, but Madara saw this coming and levitated to the top of the dome.

Being completely lost in thought for a while, Madara began thinking about important matters.

'I wonder if I fuck Noelle and she uses water magic, how wet will her-' Madaras' thought was interrupted by the screams of his squadmates.

He then realized they entered the strong magic region. It wasn't anything significant. Nothing worth noting of. He then became extremely irritated by the screams of his squad.

"If you are screaming the entire time, how can Noelle focus and get us through. I wouldn't be surprised if you all died right now." Madara said, making every shut up so Noelle could concentrate.

'What did he mean by 'you all'? Is he saying that he would survive if Noelle's magic failed?'

Once they passed the strong magic region, they were met with calm waters. They saw different types of fish and other creatures.

Madara hadn't even seen some of them. Well, he saw them in the anime, but seeing them up close was extraordinary. They even saw a fish covered with mana.

Charmy and Grey already had their forks out wondering if they taste good. Madara wouldn't say it, but he was thinking the same thing.

They then saw a barrier that had many whirlpools. Madara sensed the power behind the barrier. It was strong enough to keep normal people out, but Madara wasn't normal.

Again, Madara was lost in thought for a second time.

'Vanessa uses thread magic, right? So can't she create clothes? I wonder if I can't get her to make me clothes from earth.'

Madras' thoughts were again interrupted by his squad mates. They landed on the ocean floor and in the distance, they could see something. But before anything, Madara walked over to Noelle.

"You did well," Madara said as he patted her head. Her face turned red from the sudden praise. You might think she was used to it by now, but getting a head pat and praise from Madara was an achievement.

The underwater temple was made up of several stone, tiered structures. The city was illuminated by an unknown source. Under the unknown light source, the structures had a sand color to them.

Captain Yami then ordered Charmy to made a cotton cloud so they could go to the city. Madara noticed Charmy eating something and that made his stomach quietly growl.

Noticing his gaze, Charmy happily offered some to Madara. Of course, that wouldn't be enough considering his appetite. But he was going to hold off for a while.

Stepping off the cotton cloud, the whole squad was met with a bunch of people. The people admired them because they didn't get visitors. Madara saw some interesting things.

Like the flowers and the plants, they were all different from the ones on the surface. He was fascinated by the things on the floor.

After getting information on where the high priest was, everyone walked up the stairs, then entered the temple.

"Tell us stories when you come back..." A man with a blue shirt said.

"That is... If you come back..." A woman in a red shirt said as the doors closed.

As they were walking, they came across the spaced area. There, they saw someone, but the attention was redirected to the giant fish.

Madara just stood in place with his arms crossed. After Luck, Magna, and Gauche attacked the fish, it went down.

Then the old man spoke and said it was his magic. Most were surprised by how strong it was, but mostly trying to figure out what his magic was.

The old man had wrinkles. Thin, long eyebrows, and had a mustache that extends outwards. He has a long beard that reaches to his waist and long hair that levitated. He wore a large coat with a large collar and a black trim.

Gifso then revealed that he knew that, that's why they came here. He then said he would give it to them if they played a game.

Of course, they accepted. When Yami accepted it, Madara saw his grin grow wider. Gifso then said that they would have a battle royale. He called the underwater warriors, and they appeared with white coats and fish masks.

"All right then... Let the games begin!" Gifso yelled as water appeared from underground and sent them through this powerful stream of water.

In the end, they were all separated and ended up in a cave. Madara started to smile, but then his smile grew into a maniacal grin. He was inching for his rematch with Vetto. But he knew he had to wait until some things played out.

Gifso then gave a speech about what happened and where they were. He explained the rules of the game. After he explained the rules, Madara was met by someone in a hammerhead shark mask.

"You seem interesting." A man's voice said from behind the mask.

"Let's see if you can entertain me for a while," Madara said, getting into his new stance.

With his left arm extending to the right of him. He had his wrist bent and his fingertips pointing down. His right arm held just above his head, with his wrist bent and fingertips pointing down.


I do not know how to describe the stance. Just think of it as 'Fist of Flowing Water Crushing Rock'.

Ps. The fighting style fist of flowing water crushing rock. If you didn't know.

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