
In Black Clover With Madaras Powers As Magic

Quinn dies in a car crash and meets what humans call god. The god grants him three wishes and he chooses to be reincarnated in one of his favorite anime Black Clover, as one of his favorite anime characters Madara Uchiha. The cover is not mine, If the creator tells me to take it down I will.

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Preparing For Battle

Madara rushes back into the home to find out he had awakened his two tomoe, now he was a step closer to getting his three tomoe then his mangek- Madaras flood froze think about what he had to do to obtain his Mongekyou Sharingan. Madara got rid of the thought as he was excited to see what his two tomoe could do.

Madara never copied any water magic from Reiner because he didn't want to focus on so many things at one time.

It was the early afternoon where Reiner and Madara would take an hour break, but Madara would spend his time meditating to gain better control over his mana.

Madara was back in the white space, in the few weeks he had been training, every day he would take a bit of the magic that was wild and untamed and put it into a ball, then make it flow through his flow along with the rest of the control mana.

Now Madara was on the verge of completely mastering his mana. After that, he would focus on his magic and aura.

It takes just a little less than an hour to complete the process so he had no time to waste. Madara didn't know why, but he had gotten a bad feeling out of nowhere, he didn't sense anything around them so he ignored it.


Still sitting in the sun, their bodies begin to change. The one who had taken out the three had long blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin, a slender body, and had on a black top with blue shorts. She was a beautiful girl before she got kidnapped and experimented on.

Next to her was a boy with black hair, brown eyes, a lean body, tanned skin, and wore a black shirt with blue pants.

After the hour of sitting in the sun, they got up and started walking toward their mana signatures. It was a long way away from them, but they felt like they had to finish what they were made for capturing or killing the subject.

"So sis, what are we to do now? Are we going to that person with the high mana?" Jack asked. Jack was his name before he and his sister had captured. When they got saw the sun, their memories came back as a human, and killed the man who did this to them.

"What else do we do? We might be able to get them to join us and take over this lame world," Anna said as they walked through the forest.

Jack was adopted by Anna's parents and as they grew up together, it was obvious that they weren't blood-related, but that didn't serve the bond they built over the years.

Jack was a quiet kid around strangers, he didn't talk to anyone but his family or people who he thought was cool.

Anna was more of the friendly type, but one thing she loved to do was look at the sun. When the sun goes down, it was the most beautiful sight she had ever seen.

One day while she was watching the sunset, Jack saw the scene and instantly fell in love. Ever since then, they would watch the sunset until they were kidnapped from that very spot.

The bald man injecting something into Jack's neck and he instantly passed, while Anna was left to deal with him alone.

Anna had not received her grimoire yet even though she was fifteen, it still wasn't for another week. But she still knew some basic water spells.

"Who are and what did you do to my brother?" Anna asked hiding her nervousness.

"Oh, so your brother and sister? Makes it all the better," The bald man said with a smile on his face.

"You sick bastard," Anna said as she manifested water from her hands.

[Water Magic: Waterball]

A swirling ball of water appeared from her hands which caught the bald man off guard. Though he had been stalking them, he saw her use magic before, and to use such a spell with no grimoire excited him.

The water all moved too fast as it rammed into the bald man's stomach. He went a few meters into the air, as she balled her fist and swung downward creating a large arm made of water.

[Water Creation Magic: Hammering Fist]

The fist cam down on the bald man sending him into the ground with inhuman force. On impact, it created a crater as the man looked as if he were unconscious.

Anna grabbed her unconscious brother and started to drag him back to their house, but feels a sting in her neck which made her drop her brother.

The man had gotten up from the attack and seemed to not have been injured. She fell to the ground with her vision turning blurry and she could only see the man laughing.

"I'm sorry, Jack," Anna said before everything went black.

Anna and her brother were put in capsules that were filled with a green liquid that was sometimes filled with a black liquid which changed their bodies.

After the time spent in the capsules, they were finally let out, and when she saw the sun she remembered what happened to them and killed the bald man, so he could never do that to anyone again.

They had their magic from before but now had a second one, Sun Magic. And they concluded the reason they needed the sun was because if they went without for too long they would return to the small deformed creatures from before.

"I want to see mom and dad again, I miss them. It's been too long and they must have been worried about us, lets just go home and live a normal life, join the magic knights, and protect the kingdom. This isn't us talking, it's what that asshole of a person did to us." Jack said trying to convince Anna to rethink her decision.

Don't you think I want to do that? What that man did us to is unsurpassable and unrecoverable, we're stuck like this, and the urge to fulfill what we were kidnapped for is increasing." Anna said with tearing streaming down her face.

"So what are you saying?" Jack said in a discouraged voice.

"The only way out of this hell is death and that seems like the best way," Anna said with a weak choice.

*Sigh* "Fine, I understand because I'm feeling the same you are. Let's find him and see where we go from there." Jack said as they disappeared.


Madara had just finished meditating, he sensed two high mana signatures heading toward him and coming in fast. Madara wanted to warn Reiner, but if he noticed them he must have already.

The only thing Madara could do was prepare for a battle. Madara quickly changed into some clothes he could move freely in which all was some baggy pants with no shirt.

"Ah, I can see you sensed them too. Let's just wait until they come here to see what they want, they have high power so it may be difficult." Reiner said as two figures appeared meters away from them.

"It's an old man and a child, who could have given off the high mana. It couldn't have been one of them, right?" Jack said as he never took his eyes off the two.

I can't wait for the next chapter

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