
In Black clover with Grimoire of Omnitrix

Shiva was a 28-year-old teenager who died in a car crash and was reborn with the power of Omnitrix the Black Clover world. . . . Arthur's Note: My grammar may not be the best, but I'm working on improving it. I don't own any of the characters, only my original character (OC). the cover image I got from Google. so I do not own it. I would appreciate feedback and support if you enjoy the story. I will be updating it three to four days a week.

Sanjay_K_L · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 34: Do You Believe In Ghost?

When Sirius was provoking Charlotte for failing to sneak on him and not being able to get past the null shield he cast before him.

Whenever a vein tries to attack him or bind him, the indigo shields move and absorb the veins into them.

Hearing Sirius's provocation, Charlotte didn't react.

She looked at him coldly without any emotion on her face.

"But he can," she replied coldly, eyeing the old man before her like trash.


A scary voice whispered in his ears.

"What the..."

Before Sirius could react, Ben in his Ghostfreak base form entered Sirius's body.


Sirius, who was about to curse, was interrupted by the slap.

His eyes widened in disbelief because the intense slap he received was from his very own hand.

"What is happening?"

Slap... Slap...

Sirius couldn't fathom what was happening.

Just a second before, he was the one with the upper hand in the fight, but now he was assaulted by continuous slaps from his very own hands, left and right.

Seeing his body not listening to him, Sirius started to panic for the first time.


Ben's head came out of Sirius's chest and said with a chuckle.

"What are you?"

When Ben's head in his Ghostfreak base form came out from his chest and looked at him with his radiant green eye, Sirius shuddered in fear.



Seeing Sirius's face turn white, Ben withdrew his head back into Sirius's body, and only his eye was visible in Sirius's palm.

Sirius only heard a hoarse voice asking about his belief in ghosts.

'Ghost?... Can it be this guy's magic is close to possession... Damn.'

Seeing his situation turning bad, Sirius cursed and he closed his eyes shut and started to think, trying to come up with any plan to escape from this situation.

He couldn't move his own body now.



'It seems like I can only do that, huh...'

With a deep sigh, Sirius opened his eyes with a deep resolve reflecting in his eyes.

He started to channel his mana into the seal placed on his mind, which would close and destroy his own body and the surroundings with a blast.

"Don't try to fight, old man... Surrender yourself."

Nebra sneered, looking at Sirius who had lost the ability to battle.

Other Magic Knights who accompanied them also arrived near them after defeating and apprehending the criminals.


"Finally, the mission is finished."

Dan, with a relieved sigh, said with a wide smile.

With this mission, there is a chance he can be promoted to a 4th-class junior Magic Knight.

"Oh, man... I want to fight more."

Luck walked towards Dan and said with a wide smile, while both his hands were covered in lightning.


"Damn my back. These peasants thought they could take us with these skills. Hey kid... Do you know any pub or tavern here in the village near this forest? I wanted to relieve my stress."

The fat man asked Luck, who was on his team while looking around with a disgusted look.


"Peasants, huh... Even in my death, I will take you guys with me."

Sirius sneered and looked at the fat man from the Purple Orca with mockery.

Just when the seal was about to trigger, the mana supply suddenly stopped.

Swoosh... Swoosh...


'Why didn't the seal trigger?'

Seeing the seal not triggering, Sirius looked confused.


While Sirius was looking at his body confusedly, a hoarse voice came from inside his body.


Seeing his last resort was stopped by a dead end even before he could rejoice.



Suddenly, Sirius held his head and screamed, while his eyes turned green, and dark shades represented cracks below his eyes.

Seeing Sirius suddenly start to struggle, others took fighting stances.


Struggling, Sirius suddenly stopped and looked at Charlotte and answered with a smile.

But the voice that came out was Ben's in his Ghost freak base form.





"Ben, is it you?"

Nebra asked in a shocked tone with wide eyes.

This was the first time she saw Ben use Ghost Freak.

Except for Charlotte, others were also in the same position.

"As expected from the Magic Knight from my squad. Oh~ don't tell me, Nebra, you don't even know about this."

Seeing her chance, Charlotte didn't waste any time and poked at Nebra with her words while giving her a provoking grin.

"I... I..."

Not expecting the sudden attack from her rival, Nebra stuttered, not knowing how to answer.

'Damn vixen...'

Seeing Charlotte get one step ahead of her, Nebra cursed Charlotte in her mind.

"Captain, I have a bold idea. Why don't I try to infiltrate their base by possessing this body?"

Ben in Sirius's body asked Charlotte, who was, for some reason, in a staring contest with Nebra.

"No... It's too dangerous. First, let's hand him over in the Wizard King's palace."

Hearing Ben's idea, Charlotte immediately shook her head and refused it.

According to the information they already have, there is someone proficient in sealing magic users which even Marx can't break.

Now there is a spatial magic user.

Wizard King Palace...

Marx hurried into the Wizard King's office, in which Julius was reading a book about some magic with stars in his eyes.

"Lord Julius, the team assigned to Hage Village has completed their mission."

Marx informed Julius, but when his eyes landed on the book the Wizard King was reading, his expression darkened.


He got no reply from the enthusiastic Julius, who was still reading the book, not noticing his arrival.

Cough... Cough...


"Oh~ Marx, when did you arrive?"

Seeing Marx standing before him, Julius immediately hid the book behind him like a child hiding his candy from his mother.


Seeing this, Marx's eye twitched, looking at Julius, who was giving him an innocent smile.

After successfully getting the attention of Julius, Marx explained the successful completion of the mission.

"What an interesting magic he has got."

After hearing the mission details from Marx, Julius murmured with a mysterious glint in his eyes.

Hage Village...


"Oh damn~ Brother Ben, are you leaving the village today?"

Kids who heard Ben was leaving the village asked him sadly.


"Don't worry, kids. Ben will come and visit us when he has time. Am I right, Ben?"

Seeing the kids in low spirits, Father Orsi tried to cheer them up.

"Yeah... I will come back with a lot of presents."

Ben declared with a wide smile while ruffling one of the kid's hair.

"Brother Ben, just wait and see. I will become a Magic Knight next year, and after that, I will become Wizard King."

Seeing the kids cheering up, Asta declared with a proud grin.

"No, I will be the one who will become Wizard King."

Yuno, who was behind Asta, interrupted him and declared he would become Wizard King.

After bidding farewell, Ben met with Charlotte and the Magic Knight squad in the camp present in the forest,

while the prisoners were handed over to the Aqua Deer squad members who came to retrieve the prisoners.

After handing over the prisoners, everyone flew towards the capital on flying brooms.


(Author's POV)

I hope you guys enjoying the story.

Thanks for reading the chapter!

please give a review and power stone!!!