
In Black clover with Grimoire of Omnitrix

Shiva was a 28-year-old teenager who died in a car crash and was reborn with the power of Omnitrix the Black Clover world. . . . Arthur's Note: My grammar may not be the best, but I'm working on improving it. I don't own any of the characters, only my original character (OC). the cover image I got from Google. so I do not own it. I would appreciate feedback and support if you enjoy the story. I will be updating it three to four days a week.

Sanjay_K_L · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 30: William's Self Doubt...

While Ben was chatting with the orphan kids, his system screen suddenly lit up and gave him a new mission.

[New mission - Locate enemy territory.

Status - Incomplete.

Reward - 100 GP.]

While Ben was busy staring at the screen, the kids went towards Asta and Yuno, who were bickering about becoming Wizard King.


"We have got a new order from the Wizard King."

After the kids left Ben alone, Charlotte moved closer to Ben to whisper to him.

Hearing Charlotte, Ben snapped out of his trance and looked at her with curiosity.

He wanted to know what plan the higher-ups came up with because, according to his acknowledgment from his previous world, there was no mention of Liberators.

"Well, they asked us to stay in the village. They will be sending a squad consisting of 6 Magic Knights to help us."

Hearing the Wizard King's decision about sending additional support, Ben's eyes narrowed in confusion.

Seeing the confused look on Ben's face, Charlotte continued.

"The Wizard King believes that the headquarters of the Liberators might be located in or near the huge village or the forest around them."

When Ben listened to the full explanation given by Charlotte, his eyes widened in realization.


'How could I forget about that possibility?'

He started to massage his temples to relieve some stress.

"So, they want us to wait until the backup arrives to start our expedition for the headquarters of the Liberators."

Ben asked one time to make it clear that what he heard was right; he didn't mishear.

After dinner, Ben and Charlotte bid farewell to the orphanage.

Father Orsi and Sister Lily wanted Ben and Charlotte to stay over at the orphanage,

But they refused because they needed to prepare for their next operation and discuss many things that couldn't be discussed openly.

When they were about to leave the orphanage, Nero came from the sky and landed on Ben's head with a firm grip on his hair.

Even though the anti-bird before her looked cute,

Charlotte felt threatened by the possessiveness of the anti-bird before her.

She did not know if she was imagining things or not, but she felt like the anti-bird was sending daggers through her look.



"Whoa, what happened, Nero? Why do you look angry?"

Pout~ Pout~

Ben tried to tease the anti-bird by poking his finger on its cheeks.

But before he could touch her cheeks, the anti-bird sharply turned its head and started to poke his finger, which came to tease her.

"Ahh, Nero, what happened? Don't tell me you are jealous of Charlotte. Don't worry; I will always love you."

Ben, who was walking in front, started to soothe Nero, who was angry, with a teasing smile on his face.

Charlotte, who was listening to the conversation between the human and the bird before her, felt something was wrong.

Who would imagine that a small, cute anti-bird would transform into a stunning woman in the future?

Golden Dawn headquarters...

William was sitting inside his captain's cabin, deep in thought about the recent unfolding events.

He was a legitimate child of the Lord of House Vengeance.

He was hated from childhood due to the blood curse placed on their family from the lineage of his mother.

He was always bullied and looked down upon, even though his magic was unique and he had the raw talent to become an excellent Magic Knight.

He was forced to grow up in the Forsaken Realm of the Clover Kingdom, where he was feared by those around him due to his appearance.

When he turned 8 years old, the old heir of House Vengeance died in an accident.

So, with no option, he was brought back to the noble House Vengeance to become the heir.

His stepmother hurt him the most.

When he turned 13 years old, he met Julius Novachrono, who appeared before him suddenly and started shaking his hand in expectation and staring into his eyes.

He wanted to see Williams use his magic.

He was genuinely interested in his magic, but he did not care about his looks at all;

all he cared about was his magic.

After verifying his magic, Julius invited him to join his squad of Aqua Deer.

But Williams hesitated because he was afraid of what others would think if he were to become a Magic Knight with such a face.

Seeing Williams hesitate, Julius understood what the problem was.

He gave Williams a mask that covered the upper half of his face.

From that day on, Williams worked very hard to where he is now.

When he was 9 years old, he started to dream of being someone else.

At first, the dreams were filled with laughter and happy moments, but they slowly started to change to depressing ones.

Williams always felt something unusual was present inside him, but he couldn't pinpoint what it was.

He concluded that it had to do with the strange dream he was dreaming of every day.

Suddenly, for the past six months, he started to feel something was wrong with him.

One instant, he loses consciousness in his cabin, and he regains it in his bed.

Even in the Magic Knight exam, he can only remember giving a speech and summoning the brooms.

After that, he lost consciousness, and he woke up after the Magic Knight examination was completed.

At first, it happened very few times, but for the past 6 months, it started to happen very often.

While he was in deep thought, a young man walked into William's cabin.

He had thick, brown wavy hair that was swept up at the back but left to fall over his forehead and face in the front.

"Langris Vaude reporting to the captain."

He walked towards Williams and saluted.

"Langris, send one of our Magic Knights to this joint mission."

Williams came out of his deep thought and gave the document to Langris, which had mission details.

"Sure, Captain. I will send a suitable Magic Knight to this mission. Leave it to me, Captain."

Langris saluted with a smile and left Williams's cabin.

Purple Orca base...

Kaiser Granvorka, the captain of Purple Orca, entered his cabin.

He was greeted by the Vice-Captain of Purple Orca, Xerx Lugner, who was arranging the papers while scolding a group of young Magic Knights.

Seeing Kaiser enter the cabin, Xerx, who was busy scolding the young ones, stopped immediately and greeted his captain.

Kaiser didn't acknowledge him and went straight to his seat, extending a paper containing mission details to Xerx.

"Xerx, send one of our men to this joint mission."

Kaiser ordered his vice-captain to send one of their men to a mission he was not interested in.

He didn't care about it that much; his mind was all on the red street he wanted to visit.

Next day...

Ben and Charlotte were waiting in the forest for the backup squad to arrive.

Suddenly, they saw 6 dots in the sky.

After a few minutes, the 6 members arrived before them.

"Ben... Ben... let's fight."

Lucas, who landed, came running towards Ben and started asking him for a battle.


Ben was left speechless seeing how battle-hungry Lucas was.

Following Lucas, other members also arrived before them.


Ben was speechless seeing someone familiar to him before him.

"Huh... Miss Nebra, what are you doing here?"

Seeing Nebra in the squad, Ben blurted out in shock, because according to the Silver Eagle, they wouldn't show that much interest in the Forsaken Realm.

Even if there is a mission, they wouldn't send a royal bloodline to do it.

"Why? Is there a reason I shouldn't come?"

Hearing Ben never looked at him offended like something he shouldn't have asked.


"He is just curious, Ms. Nebra. Don't take it to your heart."

Charlotte, who noticed the conversation, felt something off and stepped in with a smile.

"Ohh~ it's Captain Charlotte. You are a role model for many girls, inspiring them to become Magic Knights. But... not me."

Nebra turned to Charlotte, narrowed her eyes, and shook her hand with a smile.

Both the women were smiling, but everyone present there felt the tension building between them.


'Why do I feel like there are electric sparks in their eye contact?'

Ben looked at the two scary smiling women shaking their hands in greeting for quite some time without breaking eye contact.


(Author's POV)

I hope you guys enjoying the story.

Thanks for reading the chapter!

please give a review and power stone!!!