
In Between Time

A 26-year-old girl aiming to become the greatest scientist accidentally travels back in time and turns ten years younger. She meets Alex a boy who possesses dangerous dark magic who has a goal of destroying the world.Will she help him or will she light his dark heart. And what of her? Will she return back to her time and forget about him?

Rie_Gloria · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 1

"Argh! It's Monday again! Why did the weekend have to end so quickly? It's not that I hate my job is just that Mr. Gibbson gets on my nerves." I quickly get up to get ready for work. I am a 26 -year- old woman. I live with my elder sister Marie in an apartment in the city. I was used to depending on my sister for everything until one day she lost her ability to walk. I had to work hard to provide for both me and her. I studied and became the first young person to be a scientist.

Now I work in the biggest lab in the city. I quickly run to the office with only five minutes left. I arrive at the building and quickly catch the closing elevator. Luckily for me, I reach the office one minute to time. "You are late!" I hear the voice of Mr.Gibbson behind me. " By only one minute sir," I respond to him as I turn to face him. " Wrong! By one minute and forty -five seconds." I hold back my heated response and apologized bowing deeply. I then proceed to the lab.

"Tough morning eh?" My partner walked in saying . "Yeah...I guess." I sighed. "But this time I will prove him wrong with this experiment! " I say showing him my gadget that I was working on. "I call it the 'Mind reader'!"

"Uh-huh, so how does it exactly work?" Fred questioned me in a sarcastic tone. I was not going to let him intimidate me so I explained that it was meant to read people's minds. I then asked him to try it but he refused saying he was not going to take the risk. "Oh please? It will not hurt to try..." I insisted and he tried it on. " 1, 2, 3....." he started counting. "Hey! What are you counting for?"

" How many seconds before this thing explodes."

"It's not going to explode!" I retorted as I pressed the button to activate the machine and as he predicted it exploded and he threw it on the ground.

"I told you! I have a feeling if you continue like this I will be dead before you know it!"

"You are right. I should quit before they fire me." I frown

"That's not what I meant. I am sure you will be a great scientist ...one day?"

"Yeah ...thank you for encouraging me Fred that 'One day ' I will be great."

"I'm sorry I did not mean it that way.." before he has a second to continue Mr.Gibbson calls out to him. He gives me an apologetic smile as he leaves and I sigh as I'm left to my gadgets. I look at all my failed gadgets and decide to put them together so as to get rid of them. In my attempt to carry my mind reader to the pile I trip and fall spilling a chemical that was lying on the edge off the desk into the pile. I get up and gasp at the sight of a portal opening.

"Did I do it?" I asked myself. "I...did it!" I said as I walked through the portal to the other side but then it disappeared leaving me on the other side.

I want to take this time to appreciate you for giving it a chance please comment!!! In case of any problems with the grammar or tenses or spellings please be free to share.

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