
In Between Fireflies

- The day I encountered you under the dazzling moonlight was the best moment in life -

JuRu · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 - I was reincarnated from the novel that I've read in my previous life

"Keinnnnn! Let meeee gooo tooo yourrrr housee!"

"Your majesty, No is a no."

He was already at his limits. It's his fifty-four times asking. Can he not understand English?


"Your majesty, there are limits to my patiences. For now, can we talked about the second prince and the baron's daughter lady Vorrite?"

Haaaa.. the neverending topic!

"Kein! Let me restt! I've had enough of that two!" Clearly speaking the both of them had enough of the two.

"Haaaa... the problem is, lady Vorrite's admirers increased everyday. I've assign one of my men to investigate her and he report to me that she doesn't have any magic or some sort."

Kein nodded, his brain stopped functioning. When in the world can I get out from this mess?!

Exactly 3 years ago. Baron Vorrite announces in the imperial ball his long lost daughter, Azira Vorrite. She has a very innocent face with a kind and weird taste. She doesn't know etiquette but she does know the rights and wrongs.

After that, The second prince the supposed fiancè of my younger sister Elizabeth Rose Courtenay met her and falls for her. That's how it started everything, and after my sister knows about this she clearly declared an annulment, hiding in the shadows never reveal herself from public ever again.

This is also the reason why I can't forgive that stupid prince!

"Hey,Kein, I can clearly tell you are cursing my brother right now.." Would you look at that, not only he guessed my thoughts about cursing him but he still hasn't wiped that smudge on his face.

"Your majesty, You are now the Emperor of this country. The noble's are eager to know when will you take an empress."

Sean sighed. How can I just picked a random woman? I don't ever want to picked a noble's daughter that is giving me more headache.

"Kein. I wish I was never born."

"I wished I was too." They both agreed, though it's a pity they are born.

"Anyway, I had never seen your younger sister before. How old is she?"

"Your majesty, even if you're age gap are just a few years that doesn't mean I'll hand her to you!"

Eeekkk. He looked like the male version of sadako.

"H-ha-ha.. i-im just ... a-asking!" Why am I scared of him when in fact I'm the emperor?

"She doesn't want to interact with people especially royalties. All she can interact with is Gilbert, The maids/butler and us siblings."

I wonder what kind of girl is she? She seem kind of different than any other woman. And in fact we only have few years gap. Though, I don't want to admit it I'm pretty interested in her.

"W-what's with that look?"

"Your majesty, I can tell you're interested in my sister!" Haha I've been caught.

cough* "How can you say that! I'm just interested but I won't approched her at all." Yeah right I will.

"Tch." Hey this guy! Did he just clicked his tongue?! Siscon.

"I'll be taking my day off for 5 days at most. Ronald will take my place for meanwhile."

now now what's this?!

"Your joking right? I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Shit. Is he really angry after I suddenly out question him about his sister?

"Feed yourself. I'm going back home. It's been months of work and I've never heard from my sister!"


"I'll be taking my leave now your majesty."


"Good day!"

There he goes. Ha. These past few years has been quite a hetic. I wonder if my problem will solved if I met my fated woman? Until this heart of mine doesn't beat I will never take an empress.

"Elizabeth Rose Courtenay huh?"

It's been 3 months since I've heard seen brother Kein.


"Who's there?"

"Ow. It's me." It's only second brother, Johan.

"Brother, what are you doing there? You're all covered in dirt." My second brother is a very cheerful person. He is sometimes overprotective of my safety. He is the youngest and strongest Captain of the Royal Hazel Knights.

"You've been here all along. I've been looking for the entire mansion for you." Fufufu he's so cute pouting like a puppy.

He may be cold to other's but I'm glad he had this kind of side. "Sorry. I was composing a new song." He sighed. Guess it's normal to everyone who here.

"It's great that you are passionate about music. But, remember to be more concerned of yourself. Liz."

"Yes brother.."

He patted my head, telling me that he will fetch the gift that he buys earlier..

That's right. It's my 18th Birthday. I'm in a age where I can married. In this world, you married in early age such as 18+ while you bear a child in early 20s such.

Though, many proposal came up these past few years, I rejected it all saying that I don't plan to marry.

"I wished, autumn comes soon." One thing I liked is the autumn season. It's because autumn season was (before) the greatest moment in my life.

"Liz! Here!"

He hand me a small gift box. I started opening it gently, as soon as it came out, my eyes dropped.


My necklace from my previous life? Is this a coincidence?!

"Liz? You don't like it?"

"Are you kidding me? I loved it so much! Thank you brother.."

I hugged him, crying my eyes out. I've..never felt this way before. I can control my emotions though this time it was like a person mourning for death.

"Really, Thank you, Brother Ivan.." Ivan Courtenay. My second brother.

"It's no biggie. I'll fetch some warm cocoa, brother Kein will be home soon."

I'm really blessed here.

The truth is I'm from another world. I got reincarnated here after a big tsunami washed over my home country called japan. I was an idol from my previous life. Composing music was reason why I'm living.

Though sometimes when I have free time I read novels. Right now, this world is the novel I've read.

And I'm the supporting character that supporting the heroine. In the novel, the female lead Azira Vorrite was the so-called long lost daughter of a baron. But the truth is the real Azira died at such a young age. So, it was a very complicated story.

Azira was a slave. She caught the attention of the rich baron and saw that she looks like his dead daughter that made him mourn for her again. After that, The baron spoiled her and she was then announced as the long lost daughter of baron Vorrite.

And when Azira started studying at the academy she became friends of the duke's daughter, Elizabeth Rose Courtenay. They became friends despite the difference status. The second prince which is Elizabeth's fiancè was then fall in love with the female lead.

In other words, I was completely dejected.

When Azira found out that Elizabeth and The second prince Noah was engaged she rejected his confession that lead him to misunderstood, he thought that Elizabeth threatened Azira about they're engagement making his love and respect for her vanishes.

Despite Azira explaining everything to Noah, He didn't believe her at all.

That lead Elizabeth to never show to public, annulling they're engagement.

But what they never know was that Elizabeth was born with a very rare incurable disease. Verizon.

The Verizon can be inheritance from a family or can be infected to someone when they make an skin contact with someone with it.

The deceased Elizabeth inherited this from her grandmother who passed away several years ago. Due to her birth mothers weak psychical body, Elizabeth's birth was brink of life and death. The doctor asked to choose who to survive, and they choose the baby.

Even so, her father and brothers never abandoned her despite killing her mother from birth.

"Verizon. This type of disease can make your heart thump very fast despite not doing anything. Can cough blood and caught fever easily.."

The most scariest thing is that, this type of disease can kill you in your sleep, and you will never know when to wake up.

I wonder. Was my decision to seclusion a great idea?