
In Between (Part One)

Heaven and Hell...They're real...So what's my part in it?

Lady_Kat · Fantasy
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Chapter One

A common question everyone seems to ask is how far back can you remember. The farthest back that I can remember anything is five years old.

I remember being a little girl and playing in the snow and getting bullied by the other kids for being strange and weird and not being what they called "normal". They used the shove me in the snow, and point and laugh.

Maybe they were right though. Maybe I wasn't normal.. I mean, even in middle school when they'd point and laugh at me and try to take my lunch, I never cried. I learned. I Learned to eat my lunch in the girls bathroom stall and even put my feet up when I'd hear someone come in..

No...its not MAYBE I'm diffrent...I AM diffrent..

I know it..

When I would walk to school and the autumn leaves would cover the sidewalks I remember looking at them and I would imagine them parting on the sidewalk as I'd walk by as if I were parting the Red Sea like in the Bible. And it would happen!

Or maybe it was all in my head....No no... Because I remember when I'd get sick I would breathe on my toys and give them my sickness and it would actually work! I would feel better the next day.....

Oh no..my minds wandering again..The red sea....God...he's real..and so that would mean the Devil is to.... Right?


Someone was shouting my name. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked around to see who was calling my name. It was one of my friends, Serine, calling me out of my day dream at my locker.

High-school... Freshman year... ohhh man...

I can't belive this is the last day of my freshman year! I had passed all my tests and got mostly A's and only a couple B's and only one C.

Yep..I'm a nerd.. I don't know HOW I was able to make friends. I never really had friends growing up but besides my best friend Kira. and some how I managed to make friends with...Well I guess you would call them the outcasts of the school. The rebels. And one in particular had caught my eye sense day one...

Ugh! the butterflies in my stomach just thinking about him started to swirl and I felt my cheeks getting flush.


"Lucy! Hello? Are you coming to lunch?"

I put my art box in my backpack and closed my locker. "Yeah" I laughed, "sorry, last day of school. Just thinking"

"Thinking of what?" Serine asked.

We started to walk down the hallway twords the stairwell. "I'm going to miss everyone" I said.

"Why? We can hang out this summer!" she said in her girly cute tone she tried to make. We both laughed.

"Yeah well you know I can't do that. My family is weird and doesn't ever let me hang out with anyone."

Serine gave me a questioning look, "Why?"

I sighed, "they want to met my friends parents before I'm aloud to go over their and hang out."

Serine looked at me weird "...Well.. that's strange."

"Yeah, their just protective over me I think, and worry alot."

I had lived with my Grandma for the past seven years sense I was seven years old. Now I was fourteen about to be fifteen in just less than two months.. I laughed to myself, thinking of what it's going to be like when I'm "sweet sixteen".

"Huh..I supposes that makes sense I guess.." Serine said, pulling me out if yet another daydream.

"I guess." I said as we headed down the stairwell and out the side door that lead outside.

As the door opened, the warm June air kissed me on the face as the sun licked my skin causing goose bumps to arise. It felt so good, that without thinking, I stopped in my tracks and and closed my eyes. Taking a deep breath in, every muscle relaxed as I let out a long sigh of relief. I've always liked the heat. Even as a kid I would cover up with as many blankets as I could when I'd go to sleep, even in the summer. And no matter how much time I spent in the sun, I never got sun burnt. The heat always just felt....So good. So welcoming.

Serine and I started walking across the parking lot pavement to the grassy field ahead. Abount twenty feet in, it turned into a hill that plummeted down to which the bottom was 2 giant soccer fields. As we got to the grass, we walked a few paces further and the started racing down the hill. Feeling absolutely no care in the world at that moment as the breeze slammed into our faces.

As we made it to the bottom of the hill, I could see our little group of miscreants. Although I could already tell that their were a couple of boys missing. I turned around to look up the hill just in time to see John and Brandon start their race down. Ok good, I thought to myself. I'd hate to not be able to say goodbye to them on the last day if school.

As I turned around to face the group of boys I front of me, my breath caught and time seemed to freeze. There he was. standing right there. With his hair as black as night, chiseled yet smooth masculine face, and those reddish brown eyes staring back at me.

"Hi" Damon said. One word. That was all it took to send my nerves overboard.

I felt my cheeks flush and started to panic. I got so nervous I couldnt keep eye contact and with that I responded quickly with a "Hi" back and looked away. I thought I was being cool and chill but I know I probably failed miserably because I could still feel his gaze on me and my cheeks were on fire.

We never talked much, but for some reason it felt like it didn't matter. Everytime we caught a glimpse of the other it was as if time itself stopped. Well, at least that's how it felt and seemed to me. I wondered if he felt the same? probably not. He was such a badass he probably didn't even like me like that. And why would he. I was just a nerd.. oh well.