
In Avatar As The Earth Monarch

In his last life Elijah was an ambitious man, he exceeded in some of the most dangerous martial arts Muay Thai, Taekwondo and Krav Marga, joined the Royal Marines as a officer at 23 along with opening his own Dojo at 27. But like most things... he came to an end. He was murdered by dirty cops but unlike the adult years of his life he died helpless, scared and alone. Yet fortunate for him he had a second chance. What do you think an ambitious person would do with the potential to lift mountains, tear monumental ravines or collapse cities? A/N: He will be reincarnated into Avatar the last air bender with minor knowledge. He will also be the son of King Bumi I don't own any characters or character designs apart from my oc's

Nihility111 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 5: Meetings


92 AG

On a sunny summer day the sun reigned over the sky prideful in its radiance not letting the forest below it rest, the grass danced to the cold breeze of the wind while the tree's swayed in a undisturbed manner.

You'd think on such a nice day there would be peace and comfort but no, today was a day of business and strategy as our lovely mc has taken his first step along his endless path to success.

Today is his meeting with general Bolak a powerful Earth bending master


'It's been 2 hours in this damn place and I still haven't won against this guy, he has to be cheating' I pondered.

"Good game" I said accepting my defeat. He didn't even say anything and only sniggered at my remark.

"Oh it looks like we're here, we should get out now." He said excitedly, barely finishing his sentence as he started to run off. "Stay there I'll be back soon!"

I took a step outside and started stretching while observing my surroundings. There were hundreds of tents, some bigger and grander than others while some had been poorly taken care of. I could also see buildings which were being watched by guards.

'That must be were the slaves are held and from the slaves littered around the place I can tell they only let a small amount out at a time' I thought.

Orath explained to me while we were playing pia sho the ranking system, the soldier rank was the lowest as they were the pons of the higherups and were mainly used for combat, officers the rank that Orath was designated In were allowed to have a small group of soldiers ranging from 5-30.

The general was the hardest rank to get to and one could only ascend to the rank if they were voted up by the other generals. Right now there were only 3 generals 2 voted up and 1 picked by the chieftain himself, they also had 500-800 soldiers under their command at all times.

Now last but definitely not least was the chieftain who runs the place, he was a powerful earth bender with rumours saying he can move mountains with a tilt of his head. But right now I need to plan on how I was going to free the slaves.

'I need to some how get into those buildings ,I'll try doing it after dark when most people are sleeping. For now I need to get the higher ups to trust me or at least make them think they can control me'

A few minutes passed of me looking around until some idiot decided to seal his fate.

"Hey brat shouldn't you be in the slave buildings with the rest of those dirty bastards" A soldier yelled.

I looked towards the direction the sound came from and saw a small group of men hurdled together laughing at his words. You would think he we would look normal since he's a decently tall guy with a average build but no no no that was far off. HIs teeth were yellow and he had scars all over his face. This accompanied by his revolting grin would scare off even the bravest of men.

"Damn your face is scary, you must be the reason the avatar's ran away for the past 100 years".

His face said it all, he went red with rage ran at me alongside intent to crush my skull with a levitating bolder. I only chuckled at his futile attempt and got into a battle stance.

"Soldier what do you think your doing!" The man turned around in fear not being able to look at the officer glaring at him, Officer Orath.

"S-S-Sir he insulted me and I thought that this slave should deserve a suitable punishment please spare me"

"You just attacked one of my comrades and expect me to spare you?" Orath replied " Your name and registration unit."

"L-ee sir no.13392" He answered.

"Leave him, having a face like that is already a fate to sufferable for any man" I ordered hiding my true intentions, 'It's to early for him to die they are many things I can use him for'. The solider ran in the opposite direction with tears of satisfaction streaming down his face.

"Anyway the generals are pleased to hear about you and want a meeting"

"Generals?. I thought it was just one". Orath shrugged and proceeded to show me the way to a tent, it was set up in a imposing way with 6 visible guards surrounding it. Orath stepped inside and soon after I followed.

Inside were 3 people. Analysing them I could see that one was a old man wearing casual earth kingdom clothes with a book in his hands next to him, he had brown eyes with silver hair meaning he is General merlin. The next person was a woman, she wore a green pegged dress which outlined her hourglass shape which means she's General Rosa mortiferum the general picked by the chieftain. The last person who I am guessing is General Bolak, had large broad shoulders with heavy armour encompassing his body followed by a war hammer in his hands.

"You must be Arthur it's a pleasure to meet you" The general said.

"Like wise" I responded shaking his hand.

"Officer Orath has told me lots about you and how your a prodigy and I'm sure he's told you about all the benefits you'd get if you were to join us. So how about we cut to the chase I want to invite you into the sanguis bandit clan as a officer, do you accept?".

"How can you put this child into that position" The old man spoke. "He's just an disgraceful child who should be scolded for threatening one of my soldiers" 'so that's his goal' I realised

"So your one of those" I stated. "An old bitch of a man who schemes behind peoples backs".

"what did you say you ungrateful twat!"

"You heard me, in fact I'll prove I'm worthy by defeating any one of your officers in a duel to the death".

Everybody in the room apart from general Rosa had a shocked expression.

"Fine then 2pm at the arena so the chieftain can watch you be disciplined ".

'There's a flipping arena?!'

"Sure old man"

The rest of the meeting went with introductions and formal greetings with the only other key point being Rosa's glaring and staring. 'I wonder what her problem is'.


For the rest of the day I decided to stay awake and focus on finding Lee since the meeting was over. So I put on a mask with all black clothes and went around to ask questions. It didn't take that long as practically nobody cared about him and his small group.

Once it went dark I decided to go to his tent to finish what he started. After a few minutes I arrived at his tent with disgust, he was still awake attempting to have his way with a slave girl.

Without remorse I jumped inside and chi chi blocked his bending, movement and thyroarytenoid muscle so he couldn't speak. I put my index finger on my lips convincing the lady to stay quite. She decided to listen and looked at me in admiration as I took his body and snuck towards one of the larger slave buildings. Still having my mask on I walked up to the guards with a pouch of gold in my hands. They didn't seem to care what I did to Lee and opened the gate so I could get inside.

Entering I could see around 90 slaves with looks of despair all in their eyes, they looked at me with fear scared of what I would do to them but I only smiled.

"Today I have a proposition, work for me and I will grant freedom and revenge for each and every one of you. Spread the word among the others that their saviour has come and that all they need to do is have loyalty. My gift since we have just met is a solider called Lee which I caught trying to forcefully have intercourse with one of you. Do whatever you want, stab him, suffocate him, or decapitate him, all I want is your freedom and happiness. I will return when the time is right to free you, farewell"

I dropped Lee on the ground releasing the chi blocks across his body so he could move and feel pain but left the ones stopping his bending and speaking.

I walked out of the building with the guards fantasising with what they could do with the money not caring about the screams of Lee in the background.

I went into the forest instead of the tent since I don't plan on being assassinated by the old guy in my sleep. I then decided to prepare for tomorrow by getting my clothes ready and sharpening my blade. Once I was finished I decided to find the comfiest bush to sleep in.


- He wont meet the avatar until chapters 20+

- I plan on releasing the first chapter of my mcu novel today

-1542 words