
In Author's POV with Gojo's power (on hold)

Reincarnated in Author's POV.Mc will have looks and power of THE GOJO SATORU with some twist.Mc has not read much of Author's POV. MC will be calm and collected.He will also be abit anti social at the start. His character will be kind of like jjk gojo as it is easy to portray it then to create completely new character. He will still have some differences than orginal gojo. Post will not be regular as I have just started drawing the outline of the fic(without drawing anything) It is a fair warning to all that Gojo won't be as overpowered as the Gojo of jjk atleast in the department of infinity. I don't own anything except my oc.

Inspiron_123 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Not an update

I am sick right now so, updates won't be coming soon (maybe). It has been few days since i have been under the weather.We recently had a huge festival and i suffered from fever and cold(Not corona by the way). So yeah, updates will take some time to come.

I will probably be using my resting time to plan out the plot. But the main reason for this post is this fic would probably never get regular update. I am right now in high school and i am Asian. So pretty huge pressure on me. The cherry on top is that i have been losing intrest in Author's pov novel itself. I am not sure why but the it just doesn't feel as intresting anymore. Or it might be that i am more interested in other books and series. I have written four chapter for of another fic. I do want to continue this fic but, the updates will be slow and this completing has a small percentage.

I saw another fic on Author's pov in this site but while it felt like a copy of Author' Pov (not to say mine isn't). Anyway that all from me for now.