
In Author's POV with Gojo's power (on hold)

Reincarnated in Author's POV.Mc will have looks and power of THE GOJO SATORU with some twist.Mc has not read much of Author's POV. MC will be calm and collected.He will also be abit anti social at the start. His character will be kind of like jjk gojo as it is easy to portray it then to create completely new character. He will still have some differences than orginal gojo. Post will not be regular as I have just started drawing the outline of the fic(without drawing anything) It is a fair warning to all that Gojo won't be as overpowered as the Gojo of jjk atleast in the department of infinity. I don't own anything except my oc.

Inspiron_123 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 8


"Okay, everyone, please quiet down"

Standing at the podium of the classroom, wearing a nice black suit that perfectly emphasized the outline of her body, Donna raised her hand to get everyone to quiet down.

Her hair was currently tied in a ponytail, and as soon as she raised her hand, her violet eyes shown slightly, immediately causing everyone to shut up.

Seeing that everyone was finally quiet, Donna continued.

"Though there was an unfortunate event in the examination, it all went without a hitch."

Taking out her tablet, Donna scrolled through it. After a couple of seconds, pressing on her screen, she looked at us and said.

"I have just sent you the results of the practical and theoretical exams. Soon, If you take out your phones, you should be receiving a message with the details of your exam and your scores…"

Glancing at her tablet, frowning slightly, Donna continued speaking

"Because of past complaints, we will not announce your results out loud. We will, however, not hide your new overall rank, so if you guys are curious about your friends ranking, you can see it in the class register"

It was to be expected.

After all, rank meant a lot in this academy.

It sort of dictated your standing in the social hierarchy. Therefore, though you could hide your scores, you couldn't hide your overall rank.

"Another reminder, please don't shout when you get your results back. Please keep calm and quie—"

-Ding! -Ding! -Ding!

Just as Donna was about to finish speaking, right on cue, multiple phone notifications resounded across the class.

Without pause, like everyone else in the class, I took out my phone and quickly opened my exam scores.


[Exam result]

Student : Gojo Satoru

Theoretical exam rank : 03/1908

Physical exam rank : 04/1908

Overall rank adjustment : 04/1908


I got in top 5 huh.

A small miscalculation, i suppose.

Ironic, isn't it? I, who has very high calculative ability, miscalculated the scores others would get.

I was expecting few others to do better than me.

But, then again maybe i was expecting too much of them.

This will make them point fingers at me but, who cares.

This will make me a very hot prospect in the eyes of some top guild and union.

I am nearly certain that six eyes is not known to the demons but, incase it is known to demons i can use these guilds or union for protection till i become strong enough.

"Alright, now that you have all seen your exam score, I would like to inform you guys about another important issue…"

Pausing slightly, looking towards every student in the class, Donna slowly said

"It's about the multi-academy exchange."

As i remember in my memories about the future, this was something that i was half expecting.

I was not too sure it would happen as it had happened previously.

"As most of you know, during the month of March, we will have exchange students staying at the Lock for a month in preparation for the Multi-Academy youth tournament"

"This time, the academy has decided that only students from the four great academies will participate in the exchange, as the district and regional academies have agreed to exchange with one another…"

Other four great City have their own academies made to rival Lock.

Lutwik academy — Park city

Theodora academy — Lewington city

Kuzk academy — Dromeda city

Vellon academy — Conviction city

These four academies are the closest one could get to Lock.

"Anyways, although most of you know that information already, that's not the reason why I brought the topic up."

Pausing, Donna took out a pile of papers and placed them on the podium before her.

"Right here, on the podium before me, there are application forms that you guys need to fill in order to apply for an academy exchange with one of the four great academies.

"Since this year it's the four great academies' turn to do an exchange to the Lock, next year, during your second year, it will obviously be your turn."

So basically in the month of March, our class will be filled with exchange students coming from the four great academies.

They might be troublesome.

But, they might also be a perfect stepping stone for me.

"The exchange will only last a month or two, and just like this year, it will start two months prior to the Multi-Academy tournament…"

Basically next year a similar exchange was gonna take place.

With the difference being, we would be going to be exchange student in some other academy.

I am probably not gonna take part in it next year.

It won't be much helpful at all.

I will at a completely different level from others that it won't matter.

Not like right now it matters.

I can obviously defeat any student from Lock right now with the use of [Domain expansion] which will make my strength rival that of <A-> ranked individual.

After i reach <B> rank, i might just leave Lock as attending it will be way too troublesome.

Well this was something that was saved for future me.

"Regarding the tournament, we will select applicants based on your performances by the end of the year…and from there we will place you in the first year squad that will represent the tournament"

Glancing at everyone in the class, Donna brushed her ponytail to the side and continued

"When we select you, you have no right to refuse. Two months prior to the tournament, you will be exempted from all classes and will be directly put under strict training from the best professors in the academy…and during that time you are training, according to your performance, you will be placed in a squad participating in specific games…"

As Donna spoke, students around me seemed like they were ready to battle to death.

But, i guess it is important for them.

This was after all an opportunity for them to showcase their talent to the world.

If i was in a similar level as them, maybe i would understand them properly but, i can not seem to picture myself like them.

"Anyhow, tournament aside, by filling the application form right here, you are agreeing to an exchange program with one of the four great academies"

"I personally believe that this is a great opportunity for you all, as you will get to explore a whole new city as well as a new educational system that can rival that of our very own, here in the Lock…"

"The selection will be random, so don't expect to have your friends be in the same exchange academy as yours as there's a high chance that you will be assigned to different places."

It means that after this whole tournament thingy, must likely next year, we will go in a exchange program to some other academy.


Clapping her hands to get everyone's attention, Donna smiled

"Alright, I think that's that for the announcements. You are free to take one application if you wish to apply for the exchange program…"

As she spoke, Donna started packing up her stuff. Leaving the application forms on the table, Donna briefly glanced at us before saying

"Once you're done, come find me at my office in section B. I've already told the guards that I'm expecting some students so just show them your ID card and they will let you in…I hope to see you later"

Like that, finished with what she wanted to say, Donna directly left the classroom.

"Get me one!"

"Me too!"

Soon after, like a swarm of bees, multiple students immediately headed towards the podium and took an application form.

Shaking my head at the sight before me, I patiently waited for everyone to take a form before taking one for myself.

It took a quite a while for me to get it.

As i was looking through the form, i noticed Ren was also looking through it.

Speaking of Ren, i finally had a talk with him.

A talk in which i was not bullying him.

Let me rephrase it, a talk in which i was not bullying him too much.

That's better.

--------------------------FEW DAY AGO--------------------------

3rd Person POV

Two male teens were sitting in a luxurious cafe in a corner.

"Don't you think this is to much expensive place to be at right now."

A teen with jet-black hair, pale-white skin and blue-ocean like eyes said while looking around the place.

He could not believe a cafe could be this luxurious.

The teen did not seem too keen in staying in the cafe.

While this place was good, undeniably so, it was not cause of aesthetic that the teen did not want to stay no rather cause of it's ridiculously expensive looking aesthetic, teen could not help but be worried about his money.

And the person infront of him was also not a very trustworthy person in matters like this.

"Don't be such a cheapskate."

Spoke the other teen with amused face.

This teen had a face that screamed "i am handsome." With snow-white hair and a dark sunglass that could not hide his handsome face.

His appearance was a contrast to the other teen, who looked above average at best.

"I am not being cheapskate!. Unlike you, i don't have money to throw around."

These two teens were Ren and Gojo.

Right now even though two were having conversation at normal loudness of the voice, it didn't reach out of their table indicating the use of sound barriers.

As both Gojo and Ren were having a causal conversation with each other, a waitress walked toward their table to take their order.

"What would you like to have for your order? Sirs."

She spoke as she reached their table.

"An espresso for me."

Gojo spoke casually.

"What about you Ren?"

Gojo asked Ren, who for some reason suddenly had a ugly look on his face.

"Same for me as well."

Ren said to the waitress who was not even paying him much attention, as she was busy giving glances at Gojo, who obviously could not care less.

"....Ok, is that all."

Waitress said after a couple of seconds of delay.

Which was replied with a dismissive wave of Gojo.

(A/N: It was kinda unnecessary, but i noticed that i was not writing anything regards to his looks being attention seeking.)

After some time, their orders arrived.

It was the same waitress, that was now giving glances to Gojo.

"It seems that the manger wanted to gift you something."

She said to Gojo, as she give him, his 'gift'.

"Oh~, What am i getting this for?"

Gojo asked as he looked at the card in which number and a name was present.

"For being handsome."(was it cringe?)

She spoke in a low voice as she walked away from the table with hurried pace.


Ren looked ready to pouch at Gojo like a dog.

"You wanted it?"

Gojo spoke with not so hidden mockery in his tone.

"Fuck you!"

Ren cursed out loud.

"Did you invite me to get jealous over your your look?"

"Not entirely true but partially correct, i guess."

Gojo replied without missing a beat.

"If no then-"

Ren stoped midway through his sentence as, he looked at Gojo with agitated facial expression as, he took a second to understand the unexpected answer from Gojo.

"Wait a minute what do you mean by that?"

"By what?"

"By being partially correct."

"Are you incapable of understanding such a basic statement. I thought you were just a loser but to think you were such an idiot too. Tch tch, you should be grateful that you are even in the presence of great me."

Gojo shamelessly argued with Ren.

Ren opened and closed his mouth a couple of times but no words left his mouth as a look of speechless was written all over his face.

Before a look of utter helplessness spread all over his face.


"Let's just get over with this."

Ren sighed before he muttered to himself.

"Onto the serious matter."

Gojo spoke which instantly made the atmosphere around them tense.

"But, why do you look so causal!?!"

Ren thought but, did not dare to speak out his thought as, he was really afraid of Gojo's rebuttal.

"I think we are similar."

Gojo spoke with a causal tone before he suddenly frowned.

"No, scratch that, we are not same.

I mean look at me, i am strong, handsome, genius and have other various good qualities.

But, you on the other hand well, are no where near being as great as me."

Ren tried not to react to Gojo's words but he still couldn't help his mouth and eyes from twitching.

"I just wanna go home."

Ren muttered under his breath.

"Are you talking about your new home or your home before coming here?"

Gojo asked with vague wording that only two of them will be able to understand.

Hearing such a question, Ren showed a serious face which meant that joking time was over.

"What about you?"

Ren asked Gojo with solemn tone.

"I am somewhat similar to you."

Gojo replied causally.

"You are not even denying it."

"Why would I?"

"What would you do if i was not what you thought i am."

Ren asked curious about what Gojo's had taken as a measure against him.

"Ehh~, was i supposed to do something?"

Gojo said nonchalantly.


"It was my mistake expecting you to answer properly.

I meant what would you do if, i threatened your existence."

Ren asked at the end of his wits with dealing with Gojo.

"I mean, isn't it obvious? I would have killed you."

Gojo suddenly said with smug face.

But, Ren hearing his word snapped at him and reacted by grabbing Gojo's collar and pulling Gojo's face close to his own.

"Are you threatening me?"

Ren asked him angrily.

In response, Gojo just smirked.

"You really lack patience huh."

Gojo said without batting his eyes at himself being held by his collar.

"Answer me!"

Ren angrily said.

"You should let go of my collar first.

People might misunderstand this you know."

Gojo said to Ren as, Ren finally came back to his senses.


Taking his sit once again, Ren took some time to collect himself.

"Sorry, about that"

Ren apologized but Gojo just waved it off.

"I thought he was one of those spoilt arrogant young master or something. "

Ren thought as, he saw Gojo did not even bat an eye toward his threat.

But, what Ren did not know was that Gojo never considered Ren as a threat to himself.

Ren is someone who lacks the knowledge to even use his own mana the correct way.

Ren might be nearly as strong as Kevin but, that is only when Ren uses his Art but, even then he might not even pass through Gojo's infinity.

Even then Gojo was ready to teleport away from the place within a moment notice.

And when situation cleared, Gojo stopped his own technique easily.

The fact that Ren did not even notice that Gojo was using mana was something that showed the difference between them.

But, ren was also not someone who lacked talent.

While it might seem as if he only ranked quickly due to his limit less potential, that was not the case.

As, it would only show it's effect at the higher rank.

So, he was catching up on the area of basics use of mana very quickly.

"You calm down a bit?"

Gojo asked in a questioning tone.

"Yes, abit. I have a question for you."

Ren replied.

"Ask anyway."

"How long has it been since you have been living here?"

Ren asked curiously.

"I have been here since my birth, you?"

Gojo replied with a complete truth but, Ren only understood part of it.

"I transmigrated? here just a week before lock started.

If you were here for last 16 years, have you not taken any cheats?"

"Cheats? What do you mean?"

Gojo asked with fake curiousity.

"Wait.... How far had you read the novel."

Ren asked.

"What novel?"

Gojo asked with a confused frown.

"W-what?, you-"


"You should have seen your face."

Gojo cut off ren in the middle of his sentance as he laughed at him.


Somehow Ren felt that he was aging faster whenever talking with Gojo.

"I had only read until multi academy part."

Gojo informed Ren.

"Is that so."

Ren asked thought fully.

"You don't trust my word?"

Gojo asked with a whiny tone.

"Honestly? no"

Ren said to Gojo.

"You wound me."

Gojo said in a monotonous voice with a straight face.


Seeing Gojo's face and hearing the tone of his voice, Ren could not help but laugh.

Ren at this moment felt once again what it meant to have a friend.

This chapter is about 3000 words. I am gonna make the chapters which incorporates orginal novel to be larger in word count.

Inspiron_123creators' thoughts