
In Asoiaf with a Gacha

Reborn in ASIOAF for the first 16 years I thought I was just a low noble but after 16 years my powers manifested allowing me to advance my lands to be in paralleled in my works.

Damon_Jager · Book&Literature
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14 Chs


(Changing the role to once a month as someone pointed out that he could get crazy powerful too quickly.)

April 6th 285AC

A month into my time as Lord of the Barrowlands things have been progressing slowly but at a steady pace as the mine had been officially opened and the Masons turned Jewelcutters had begun making a variety of crystal crafts.

To keep an artificial scarcity and inflate the prices for the nobles of the south only a set of two were to be sold for now and made to order. Each set is being sold for hundreds of gold dragons as each glass is designed to feature their house symbols, for example House Tullys ordered a set of Ten glasses all featuring the Trouts swimming around a large castle.

This set sold for over 1,000 gold Dragons and was put directly into the road building projects and the granite mines on the border with Torrhen's square.

Part of this money went into a very dangerous and experimental project.


In the late hours of the night a group of men from all over the Barrowlands gathered in the woods outside town; none truly knew what they had been called for, only that their lord had a matter of grave importance to discuss.

Meeting them was Ser Stout the Master at arms of Castle Barrow and with him was a bundle of cloth the men were told to ignore and eat the provided food.

So they did and the men spoke amongst themselves and soon came to realize they were all the new high ranking leaders in the Barrowlands military, some from the new navy vessels to the engineering teams that studied directly under lord Dustin.

Deep into the night Lord Dustin Joined them with his constant companion Moose his massive dog.

"Greetings, everyone. I apologize for the wait but duty calls and all that, now I have a question many of you will find confusing but if you will all wait till the end of the questioning."

The men let out a variety of ayes and other agreements as the lord moved to Ser Stout, "Good, now what is said here tonight is to never be repeated without my presence and if so much as a whisper of this night make it out those responsible will be executed and left to the wolv."

The men were shocked at this but all swore upon the old gods and their honor as military men "Now the question if you believe raises in the tales of Wargs, Skinchangers and the magic of the first men."

Most of the men raised their hands some more half heartedly than others but did nonetheless.

"I ask you this because it is very real and I have discovered how to harness this magic and how to teach it to others." He then turned to Ser Stout who let out a whistle and the biggest Grizzly that any of the men had ever seen (Over Ten feet tall on his back legs) came out of the wood line and approached him and lowered his head to be petted by the older man.

The men of course backed up and panicked at this but seeing their lord not run rather pet the massive beast they calmed slightly but kept a distance.

"Ser Stout, why don't you introduce your companion to the men."

Ser Stout, a man in his late sixties covered in age lines and a perpetual smile laughed and stood beside the massive bear. "This is Ormand, he is my bonded companion, As lord Dustin said he taught me how to do this magic and the reason he gathered you all today is that you are trusted enough and in a position of power."

Lord Dustin came forward and his dog followed,"I will explain in more detail the process but first I will tell you the benefit of this process, you will gain the benefits of the animal you make this pact with, I can smell and hear better than any man with my bond with Moses and I can do this."

He looked at Ser Stout and both placed their hands on their bond mates and transformed. They both grew in size till Rodrik grew to 8 feet tall while Stout reached 11 feet and took on animalistic form but both still had the intelligence in their eyes.

"Now, I offer each of you this ability to use at your discretion once you leave here but none of you may teach others how to do this except under my orders or under the most dire of circumstances as one day I hope to have every person in the Barrowlands to have this power. So if anyone asks how you have this power tell them what I tell you now *To make this pact you must have the utmost loyalty in myself and be of the First men.*

Which one of you shall come forward to take this gift of power and use it in my name."

Slowly each man came forward to take on the pact and take a bond, there were a number of them who chose an animal based on their regimental animal or symbol.

There were some repeats like scouts choosing birds, horses, and other small animals that could easily sneak into an area. Men who were part of the Heavy troops who wear full plate and massive hammers who charge into melee chose some variety of large beast; Bulls, Bear, and even a Mammoth. But the most interesting of all is navy men, who chose a smattering of Birds and Sea animals, from seagulls, sharks and even a whale.

(Basically I'm treating the pact animals as Familiars from D&D and to turn there user into a Were-Blank of their chosen animal)

The men would return to their posts and home following them were there compians right beside them or hidden among the trees, the reports of these men would be set aside by the spy master of the south but in the coming conflicts with the iron born and the bandits sent to attack the trade caravans.


April 12th 285AC

After the first men were allowed to have their pacts a slow trickle of men and some women were allowed to gain a pact animal.

The personal guard of myself and my mother, these men are made up of two groups of men one from the border with house Ryswell who were bonded with there mounts who can turn into Centaurs and the other is a

Group from the mines who have been bound with Bulls.

That is the circumstances we find Rodrik Dustin sitting in his office waiting for his internal countdown nearing its end as his monthly pull neared its end and finally clicked.

[The Farmers State Bank is a historic commercial building at 1001 Front Street in Conway, Arkansas. It is a two-story masonry structure in the Classical Revival style.

Gains a Bank in Barrowtown, based around small business loans and holding for middling stature, staffed by well trained, and loyal to the summoner and his family.]

He then moves to his window that looks over the town and sticking out like a sore thumb is a brick building and the people simply kept walking by like it had been there for years and the occasional merchant makes his way into the bank.

His mother then entered the room and joined him at the window looking over Barrowtown seeing the various new buildings and projects that dot the town, the Bath house that was the first business he funded along with the soap factories.

She looked out with him then saw the bank suddenly appearing, "Son...that bank wasn't there this morning was it?"

"No, it wasn't as it seems the gods have sent us a Bank and some staff to man the place, I think it's for the best we don't question it as it seems the people don't care either."

Lady Dustin just looked at him, "I blame you for this, young man." Which Rodrik just laugh and looked at his mother.

"Well, what did you come up here for mother you normally don't visit me right now." She moved back to his chair and desk which was filled with reports on the road network.

"The Reeds have sent a letter on your Proposal to Meera Reed, here I'll let you read it While I summarize Lord Reed is open to a courtship and is willing to send a group of men and Meera to the crossing at the Fever River, if you are willing to let Meera spend a year here in courtship and once a year is up a discussion can be made.

As for what Lord Reed wants for a bride, prices is mildly expensive but not excessive in cost, He wants a group of ten of his chosen men to attend university specializing in food crops that could thrive in the Neck And a road to be built in our lands to the Fever River cross to help trade between our and his lands."

"That isn't too bad and I already have some ideas on food crops and I'll have the university send for some water crops from Yi-Ti and some other places. I'll write a response for them to be picked up at the crossing in a month and a half."

Lady Dustin moved to leave then turned to her son, "Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, you need to head to Winterfell to personally swear fealty to the *Lord Stark* as your innovations have ruffled the Stark Kiss asses and are grumbling to the fake wolf."

Rodrik rolled his eyes as his mother left, she never liked Eddard Stark after what his brother did to her and how he had allowed a sept to be built in Winterfell.

Her hatred goes so far as she has begun planning for her son to eventually take Control of the North, she also has begun making inroads with her brother and her sister who is married with Lord Bolton to encourage this so far her Nephew Domeric Bolton is to be joining them as her sons page in a year.


While Lord Dustin's planned meeting his future wife, the rest of the Seven Kingdoms looked on in jealousy and in disbelief at the Barrow lands, as much as the North likes to think itself completely different from those south of the neck they had much in common.

Like those in the south it was rare for the Lords to invest heavily into their lands besides what would directly help in war or protection in war.

As they considered it below themselves to "count coppers" and leave any it to their Merchants who die to the taxes and tariffs placed on them rarely make music profit.

So many of the lords all over the sevens kingdoms are dismissive of the "University of the Barrowlands" but some of the more politically savvy and intelligent were sending men from all over to steal the secrets of their success.


April 20th, 285 AC

Eddard Stark the Lord of Winterfell had not been enjoying his time as lord Paramount of the North as he had never meant to be in this position.

While his blood was of the North he himself was not of the north like his brothers and sister where, as much of his early life was spent in Vale culture very different than that of their first men.

He knew that many of his banner men were displeased with his rule in many ways but he was hoping in the coming years he could somehow prove himself to them and he knew the reasons, he was married to a southern woman and his heir looked more like a southern child than he did.

Most of all he allowed a sept to be built in the Heart of Winterfell where he was even talked down to by Old Nan of all people lecturing him on the atrocite he had done.

He of course ignored them as he needed to make good with his wife as his "bastard" Jon had on multiple occasions now thought to be Robb with his Northern features and quiet demeanor.

Then Jon fell ill... after that his entire family fell into a deep depression along with the entire castle was somber, that is when he sent for any Scholar on the Old Gods to come and pray for his recovery he banned any member of the seven to not step foot into his son's room.

Many came and went men from as far as Skagos who are more similar to the wildlings than other Northerns but held the ways of the old gods closer to the old ways than any other but even they had no way to help.

So he sat by his "son's" bedside for weeks praying to the old gods for his recovery, watching charlatans and men trying then failing to save him.

His quiet contemplation and desperate prayer was interrupted when his wife interrupted him by placing her hand on his shoulder, "Ned, I'm sorry but some of the guards saw a group of men on the horizon coming from the south bearing the symbol of House Dustin."

Ned looked at his son still breathing but losing more and more weight as the winter sickness sucked the life out of him, but he knew he needed to see to his vassals as he still had a duty to see too.

He kissed his wife on the cheek and left her to watch over Jon, he made his way to his chambers and washed quickly then changed to more presentable clothes.

By the time he reached the gate house he saw the men of house Dustin, and in addition to the normal Dustin symbol of two axes crossed is a large Gold Eagle utop a black background and he was certainly impressed as he saw 20 men sat upon beautifully maintained horses all wearing half plate and pristine blue uniforms wielding a type of crossbow that he had never seen before.

What drew most of his attention was each man had a massive bald eagle sat upon a specialized roost on the back of half of the men's horses while the others had a set of large bull horns on the front of there cheats and at the front these men who he assumes is Lord Rodrik Dustin who he soon realized had a striking resemblance to his late brother.

Who is wearing a deeper blue uniform than his men with blood red pants and wore a Tricorder hat who dismounted and knelt before Eddard Stark when he saw his men and maybe(?) The eagles also knelt to Eddard Stark.

Rodrik then rose and addressed his Lord, "Lord Stark I apologize for showing up with your son sick but we had set off by the time word reached us but we do bring gifts and hopefully some help with the sickness."

He then motioned for a rather nice carriage and luggage cart to come forward and a rather old man following behind him was a group of women ranging a variety of ages.

He waved the group over, "This is Qyburn and some of our students he is a Maester specializing in medicine and the Headmaster of the Institute of Medicine in the Barrowlands, Our hope is that this group can at least help your son in this trying time."

Eddard was surprised but cautious and called to Ser Cassel to join them along with some servants, "Ser Cassel see to it that Lord Dustin's men are seen too and fed, as lord Dustin and his healers will be seeing to my son."

Cassel and the maid moved to unload the cargo and help the men get situated but were waved away from the Eagle who all flew off in formation towards the Wolfswood to hunt.

After taking bread and salt for guest rights he guided us to Jon chambers where Maester Luwin and Lady Catelyn were by his bedside.

Luwin who was inspecting the boy began looking him over, feeling his temperature then checking his pulse, then saw us all enter and he gave a respective nod to his lord and noticed Qyburn.

"Lord Stark, I know this man while he is talented and knowledgeable in the field of healing he has also been stripped of his chain for unethical experiments."

Eddard looked to Lord Dustin with a look and said "Explain. Lord Dustin."

Lord Dustin expecting this line of questioning moved next the boy while speaking, "His *unethical* experiments were that he went aging the Archmaesters and studied the living to help cure them of their ailments with there concert I might add. Now I'm more than willing to have you all watch us while we work if you will allow us."

Eddard Stark looked to the group of gathered healers and to his lady wife who held no objections to this and allowed them to begin.

One of the girls who carried a small book and some type of writing utensil and much to the surprise of the Stake in the room both Qyburn and Lord Dustin began to examine the boy with pieces of Cloth covering their mouths.

"Today is April 20th, 285 AC Both Doctors, Qyburn and Dustin are examining with additional information from Maester Luwin."

Lord Stark watched them men speak as the ladies watched closely as they followed along all surrounding his son's bed much of what said blew over his head.

"The patient symptoms are thus: Hot and Cold Flashes, raised temperature for a period of three days at (Dustin then places a long thin piece of Crystal into Jon mouth.) 38 degrees Celsius and has been placed unconscious via Milk of Poppy also called Opium all symptoms of the Winter Sickness and the swamp sickness.

Now Doctor Qyburn have anything to add?"

Qyburn's old and creaky voice said, "Yes, the care of the patient is not perfect; it is lacking in fresh air and natural sunlight." He wasn't wrong as the current prevalent theory is bad air is the cause of disease or cursed by some spirit.

He then went to open the shuttered windows to allow fresh air into the stuffy room and for more light to work.

Qyburn looked to the mildly annoyed Maester, "Maester could you please tell us what the treatment plan has been thus far."

It took a moment for him to realize what the former Maester meant for a second then began."I have been treating him with dried Garlic and Lavender to help relieve the chills but his pain hasn't let up even with milk of Poppy."

Lord Dustin continued to examine the boy, "Lord Stark has he been swimming or around unmoving water a lot or complaining of iciness from bugs."

Eddard, confused, looked over to his wife who helped organize the boys schedule. "He and my son have been learning to swim in the moat over the past three weeks and both complained of bugs biting them."

"Lord Stark I'm sorry to ask but I'll have to look over the boy thoroughly to check for bug bites as if I'm right I know what is wrong." With lord Stark's agreement he began stripping the boy and noting the various bites looking for certain ones.

Qyburn who had been following along spoke to the girls who are learning, "To explain the situation nurses, Both the Winter Sickness and Swamp Sickness of the neck have similar symptoms but very different causes.

The Winter sickness is spread via coughing and shared fluids while Swamps Sickness also called Malaria is caused by Mosquitoes and blood contaminants."

The girls nodded along and watched the doctor explain the boy's condition and pointed at different points wanting an explanation from the girls or their opinions.

Till they found on the boys back a large mosquito bite and pointed it and had the girls come closer at the inflamed areas.

"Girls, those of you who will work along the border with the Neck and near the mines will see this more commonly. But if anyone can name the treatment for this disease I'll make a personal notebook and pen that the chroniclers use for them." Lord Dustin addressed the girls, this was met with fire in the eyes of the girls as the "pens" used by the Chroniclers were personally made upon there graduation and made of pure crystal were perfect for note taking.

The girls immediately began thinking and murmuring among themselves and lord Dustin turned to Lord and Lady Stark.

"Lord and Lady I will explain the situation, Young Jon Snow doesn't have the Winter Sickens but the Swamp sickness, lord Stark you must have heard the tales of those who marched through the neck and strayed too far from the path."

Eddard stark had during the war in the south when passing through the neck some men had been swarmed by bugs then dying painfully.

"Before you panic we have the means of treating it and Maester Luwin has been partially treating it with Garlic, and with the studies going on in my university we have found a combination of various herbs to treat it we just need your consent."