
In AOT as Nagisa Shiota

An Assassin obsessed man was killed in his attempt to try and become the greatest assassin in his world.(Which is the SCP universe) He was someone who wanted to become an assassin due to watching an anime about assassinating there teacher and its main character. He succeeded but was killed years later due to an obsessed girl who wanted to beat him and make him her slave. He died together with her after a long battle which concluded with them dying at the hands of each other After he died he was reborn with 3 wishes to fulfill his regrets on his past life and he wished to be reborn as Nagisa Shiota along with all his skills in his prime with Koro Sensei's powers even after the transformation and to also have a system that won't push him to do anything but just help him achieve his goals. (The third ones a secret and you can guess it in the comments and I'll give you a star if you got it right) After he said his wishes God gave him all of it but said that his memories will come after his 7th birthday. After that he was reincarnated. (So yeah this is the first AOT fanfic I've made. Please cut me some slack if I make any mistakes as I'm more of a reader not a writer, but I just really wanna try to write) (And the start does feature the SCP universe but it's only for the past life of the MC....... ... .. .. For now) (Also for those who know my other Fan Fic SlothFull I'm sorry but that's gonna take a long time before I even try to tackle it again as I'm also that slothful so expect slow updates on this one) (I own no pictures on this fanfic and is owned by their respected creators) (And any series featured in this fanfic is of course not owned by me but to their respective owners or writers) Tags I couldn't Include-, Yandere, Multiverse, Assassin MC, No Harem, SCP

VirginOlives · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 (An Assassins Life)

(Lax POV)

It's been 3 years since I've killed my first target and lots of things have change.

Assassin's get the dough though each mission I've had gave me atleast $30k that's before I was in Occisor

Which is an Assassin Agency from Latin America that's been spreading itself worldwide.

They reached out to me as I grew more popular as a great assassin for any target.

During this time I've been improving my skills to the point that I could kill the president of a small country atleast.

I've tried to build my body more attuned to killing as to make it easier for me and also learned some tricks to escape in case something bad happens.

Using the money I got from being an assassin I built a house on a lot I bought so as to not get anything traced to me.

It took around 1 year for the construction to finish and I finally had it built.

During that one year I've been killing more targets and staying at hotels to take breaks and wait for the next target and improved my skills and experience.

Because of my increase in reputation I also gained an Alias in Occisor I use as a code name.

«Sakasu» which is derived from the Japanese word for Circus.

As my catchphrase when I kill is "Shows over freak" and used it to make a deliberation of if my targets are freaks then I'm the circus.

Well I like the name so I kept it even though it was annoying to be compared to a circus at first I slowly got more and more attached to the name.

And so with this new name I come to work on the Agency of Occisor.

The Agency close to my city is only a few miles away.

Along with driving I thought about my plans right now which changed drastically when I realized something.

That I was now an assassin and that my goal is already done so what's the point of doing it anymore.

Even though I had a job now I was still pretty invested in anime and Japanese culture and I was hoping to get a mission on Japan during this.

I also got into lightnovels and was introduced to *cough* Cultivation novels which at first I thought was about farming so I tried it as it seemed interesting.

But it was just a boatload of clichés that even I realized they were clichés when I didn't know shit about the genre.

But the most important thing is I discovered a secret about this world that blew my expectations of possibilities.

And thinking about it now it seems that it may have something to do with this 'Agency'.

I discovered about them when on a mission I saw two cops in an alleyway come into it and 2 different people came out of it.

I soon discovered that the alleyway led to a dead end and this got me down a rabbit hole that destroyed my perception of reality and left me questioning my existence.

While thinking about it I got to the 'agency'.


Lax goes to the agency of Occisor and was greeted by a dark room that swallowed him whole.

As he began becoming more dizzy he sees a hand come from the darkness.

It was a fair hand then slowly the the rest of the figure could be seen.

It was a girl with Black Straight Hair and Blue Eyes, she wore a black school uniform resembling those form an anime in Japan.

But the oddest part of it is one part of her hand was now dark and the other holds a giant kitchen knife.

"Are you Sakasu?" ask the girl in a melancholic voice.

"Yes and who may you be young lady" Lax asked the teen girl wondering what she was doing with me as I couldn't move my body.

"Occisor asked me to get you to the base without alerting others, we will be arriving shortly "

"Oh well seeing as we have some time may I have this lady's name?" Lax tried for another time waiting for an answer only to receive a scowl.

"We're here"


'Maybe names are hidden to outsiders, seeing as I'm still new her it seems to be the possibility'

'And seeing as this girl seems to have an ability only reminiscent to anime, with the ability to control darkness as it seems she may be one of them'

My vision then gets brighter as the darkness in front of me parts to show a room full of people both old and young.

"So this is Occisor " I said out loud as the girl behind me grabs my collar.

"Let's go, I'll show you around later" she said in a monotonous voice.

"Please release my collar" I said as she removed her hand and I follow her.

Some time later while looking around the hall we get into a hallway with a single door.

Coming into the room I see a man in wearing a white suit with white pants, next to him was a woman who looked to be his assistant.


"Hello Mr.Sakasu it's a pleasure meeting you" Without realising it he was already in front of me.

'He teleported' I thought as my mind thought of possibilities of what these freaks were.

But before I could even think he puts out his hand.

"Nice meeting you Mr.Sakasu" This time he said in a much overbearing voice.

'It seems their goal is to show a bit of their abilities and intimidation to arouse my fear and make me more submissive'

"Nice to meet you too freak" 'Too bad though it would work if I could feel anything else at all and he might be one of them' I knew that saying this wouldn't have any repercussions as my reputation earned me this much.

"You can call me chief" He said but I could see his mouth twitching.

"Yes Freak Chief"


As soon as I said that though he suddenly kicks my stomach as it sent me flying on the room.

When I realized this I knew what he was doing a test and a lesson at the same time.

But I'm not that kind of student.

Putting my weight on my lower body I recover and immediately sprint towards the 'Freak Chief' and throw a swift punch, which caught him off guard but he blocked it, using the remaining kinetic force I used on the punch I redirected it to my fear to kick him in the groin.

Which felt like kicking a metallic plate.

'Who puts armour in their groin' I thought as I strafed backwards but immediately felt a presence behind me


'I heard that click again it must have something to do with him teleporting around'

So I immediately threw a punch on the location as he suddenly appeared my fist connected to his face

Giving him a good fly through the room as he slammed to the ground.

As he stood up anger flared up in his eyes as he tried to keep the fight going, but suddenly stopped

"Tch" I heard him click his tounge as his assistant led me to another room.

The place we are in now was a light room with gold accents which means it's the 'Freak Chief's' office. In the middle there was a table that said Chief on the label.

"Well Mr.Sakasu please take a seat and call me Chief from now on" He said as he sat on the chair in the middle of the room

"But based on my speculation you aren't the Chief" I said as I pointed my finger on the assistant "She is".

The man's face contorts into a grin.

"Well sorry to burst your bubble Mr.Sakasu but I am the chief and she is my assistant" He said as he pat's the 'assistant's' shoulder.

"Say that to your wife" I said as my hand showed to identical rings and I throw them on the Freak Chief.

"Seeing you hesitate is something not fit for a chief so you may be just a decoy or you are new and judging from your age and body language, you are anything but a new guy"

"Another part of it is you always seem to look at your assistant like how a mutt looks at its owner, and if the woman really is your assistant why would she let me attack you right in front of her" I said as I took a break to let him digest my conclusion.

"And how you stopped out fight as soon as that woman stared at you for too long, you immediately stopped our fight and moved on, and a chief that is too impulsive like you is bad for an agency like this" I said as the man's face slowly got more grim.

"Well I commend you Mr.Sakasu for this elaborate conclusion but even if that were true it would be of no use for us to do it" He said as if to stop my point.

"No.. There are many uses for it, such as to probe me, hide your chief from a shady Assassin, and to protect her identity in case it really wasn't me who came here"

"Well I'll be seems like I won the bet Charles" The woman said to the Freak Chief now named Charles.

"Sorry about that kid, This idiot insisted on testing you first so we made a bet, and it would seem I made the right choice l" She said as she took off her jacket and put it on Charles.

I nod for her to continue.

"And since you passed with flying colours I'll give you the go to ask any questions you may have for us"

'This might be to alleviate my annoyance about this test, well it'll benefit me in the long run'

"Well first what is this place or 'Agency' in the first place and based on the girl that accompanied me earlier you seem to be related to those Anomalies" I asked in a questioning tone.

"Well this Agency is Occisor as we've said in your invitation we have a specific target or targets and that is to Kill any anomalous objects that we deem as a threat to humanity"

"You may know some of them but they've been categorised by a certain foundation as" She says a she hands me a document.


The document contains information about specific anomalies that have abilities that break the rules of our reality like an infinite IKEA, a music sheet that kills you or a vending machine that can dispense any liquid.

Most of them seem to be contained by a government run agency known as the SCP Foundation and have collected and secured enough of these anomalies to create a museum of epic proportions.

"Finished" She says as I look at her and nod.

"So looking at the document you can see that it may be quite difficult to destroy some of them, but that's what we do we take the hardest targets and turn their existence into nonexistence"

"So kid what do you say you up for it?" She says as she looks at me for an answer.

"Honestly this all seem like bullshit, and if not for my jobs and the shit I've seen I would think you were a clown, but since this seem to be in line with my new goal"

'That being finding the hardest target and going down in history or die trying'

"Haa.. You bitch I'm in"


So yeah a bit of SCP is mixed on to this story which is gonna bump up the things I've hidden in the synopsis from the real story so...Sorry.

Yeah a bit of thinking and I got in to a but of a tangent on whether to make this a harem or not and I'm more inclined to just not have a harem as I think it'll harm my plans so you know what there is no harem.

So yeah sorry for not being able to write quickly as I only write when I have nothing to read and that's why it's slow and chaotic.