
In Another Worlds With Electric Trucks

What happens if a modern post apocalypse cargo truck driver in 22 centuries getting transported to another worlds with his trucks? Join the adventures of Jeff who will explores the new worlds that he get transported to. He had no cheats no OP absurds skills from gods. But he has his truck with newest tech in 22 centuries. Join his adventures and survivals on his new realistic but still fantasy-like worlds. Warning : Kinda Mature Content. The MC are working adult who occasionally kills peoples when doing his jobs.

RokuN · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The Bandits

"Good evening brothers, may i ask you to leave the caravans....? Those things are ours the moment you steps insides the villages, Hehehe..." Said the most well equipped man that stands at the centre in that groups.

He is donning in a mail armors and mail coif that protect his body. He equipped with a shields and a fancy looking one handed swords as his weapons. But the rest are just wearing either tunic or gambeson. And their weapons are mostly just shields and spears.

I also spots a few archer that are trying to finds a good positions.

Tch, i really hate those kind of persons. Someone that talks like that are always the absolute self-centered scums who will not hesistates to take others peoples things and claims it as their without any regrets.

"We....." Mr.Tora want to says something but get interrupted by some noises.

"Pewb.....!!!!" a 9mm tungsten bullet nested on that scummy man head before Mr.Tora utters another word. That scums falls the moment a bullet penetrates his skulls.

The silenced gun noises that are followed by the armored man falling down surpise all the caravans guards that stands in front of me. Ivanna also looks as surprised as all the peoples when she heard the familiars sounds.

The peoples from the enemy sides are confused as their generals just laid motionless on the grounds with a bleeding heads. A seconds after, i can see some of them trying to do the firsts aid and the other just unorderly break their formations to see what happens.

Seeing the chances i ordered to initiate the attack.

"Zirko, Ivanna Shoot Them...!!! Target Their Archer First...!!! Spearmans, Shield Walls And Move Forwards....!!! Kill Them All...!!!" I shout my lungs out to give orders. The caravan guards started to move yells as their adrenaline pump up.

"You Bastard...!!!! Avange Him.....!!! Avange Our Leaders....!!!" One of them started shouting as he see us charge toward them.

"Rraaagh...!!!!" A shout can be heards from them as they also started to charge toward us.

They outnumbered us right now, but i am not too worried. Since their general has been slain, their formations are in disorders. Without noticing, they're splitted into 3 smaller formations that move at different speeds as they charged us.

We're about to clash with the first groups right now. I dont even needs a toes on my feets to count them as there are only 9 of them. Maybe it's the adrenaline that made them agigates and charges without knowing that they splits and strayed.

A clash between spears and shields can be heard as we clashes with the first groups. A lot of stabbing sounds and painful groans can be heard not long after the clashes started. Our groups easily annihilates the first groups, i dont even get a chances to land any hit yet.

The second groups that are not make it in times to reinforces their charging friends choose to steps back and regrouping with the third groups. Making us outnumbered again but just by a few. I count that there are 26 of them right now.

An even battles like this are harder and take much longer as no persons on both sides want to get hurt or dies. There will be a lot of back and forth with shouting at each others.

"Everyone Keeps Your Spearwalls Tight..!!! Focus On Holds The Formations...!!!" I yells to order everyones.

The battle on the front look stalled and even, but i know that we already win this fight since there are only 26 left. It means that Ivanna and Zirko are doing well on their jobs. I took my electric pistol from the holster.

"Click...Click,Click.....Click,Click...." I shoots 5 electric bulllets and 5 enemy falls unconscious on the grounds. Losing 5 persons made their formations significanly weakens.

Noticing the hole from the enemy defences, The caravans guards fastly take their chances to charges and stabs the now unguarded sides of the enemies with their spears. I too joined their stab fest with my billhook.

Not long the enemy formations are completely destroyed. Bloods are splattered everywhere. a groans of pains and pleading cries can be heards from them. But me and the other guards doesnt give a care.

We stabs and stabs and stabs again, until none of them speaks a word of plea. There are 2 that tried to runs, but i shoots them with my pistol. There are 7 peoples who are still alive but unconscious in totals.

"A free weapons for us, heh." Said Zirko as he walks towards the weapons that we collect and gathers.

"We're done removing those bastard so they wont block the roads again with their useless body." Said one of the villagers.

"Can we claims bounty for that bandits leaders...?" I ask Mr.Bird that are standing besides me.

"I dont know, let just take his head. We can throw it if there is none." He said.

"And what are you planning to do with those 7 peoples that are alive...?" he ask me.

"I want to gain some informations from them. There is no way a small groups take a whole villages like that." I said to Mr.Bird.

"Do you mind if i tie both their hand and feets, and let the caravans drags them all the way towards the town...?" I ask permissions to Mr.Bird.

"You cant sell them as a slaves if they're badly damaged later you know." Advices Mr.Bird.

"I dont want to sell them..." I said while my thought are wondering about all the despicable thing they did. Seeing and hearing bandits make me pissed off both on this worlds and ours.

"A...alright then." Said Mr.Bird. It's seems he feels my hatred leaks out.

I then talks to Mr.Bird privately about my plans to gains some informations from our captured bandits.

I hate bandits. They are the worst kind of forms of human beings. They're just a bunch of selfish, self-centered, and cruels lifeforms. I see them no more than a creatures that filled with only greeds in humans forms.

I have seen it many times in the past 5 years of what they're doing. A remnant of a wrecked cars with all passagers dead. Man or womans, olds or youngs. they simply dont give a fuck.

Many times i also spots a naked woman corpses on the wasteland, sometimes with childs corpses near it. That scene always gets me and make me regretting less and less when i kill them.

Fortunately everybody from this worlds never try to defend them like some so called 'human right activist' on earth. In the worlds where human right are still not a thing. I want to at least make them suffer a little bit before killing them.

The caravans continues the journeys after done cleaning the remnant of battle. I ask Mr.Bird to just continues our journeys through the night toward the next villages rather than camps on some grasslands. He agree when i explains the possibilities of anothers bandit groups attacking us.

Ivanna complains a little bit about the inhumane thing that we do to the 7 bandits. I explains to her that it'll be fine since we only march at 5 km/h at most. And it's better than killing them on the spot since we dont have enough guards.

We arrive at the next villages from Sumbuja at 9.28 P.M. Mr.Bird explains what happens toward the villages chief and they allow us to stays for the night. Normally you'll be ask to leave if you're just nobody that comes out of nowhere at night in this world. But Mr.Bird was well known because his monthly trades.

The caravans camped at the empty lands just next to the village gates insides. I let Ivanna sleeps first and wake her up at 2 A.M to take my places. Even though none of us supposed to be on guards duty, we already agreed to have our own guard duty schedules before this journeys start.

After most peoples already went to sleeps, I began to execute my plans that i talks privately with Mr.Bird before. It's 11 P.M right now, There is me,Mr.Bird, Mr.Atli, Zirko, Sa'am and Tere.

First we gag those 7 bandits mouth with a clothes. Then we drag those 7 bandits that are tied at the back of the caravans away from the camps. Those hopeless bandits looks terrified when we drags them to the darkness away from the firecamps.

We bought them to the villages orchards and tied them to one of the trees. I then begin to execute my first interrogations. I untie one of the cloth that gag one of them.

"Alright, if you want to keeps your bodies intact dont lies." I tell the first bandits while the rest also listened.

"First is easy questions, how much your actual numbers....?" I ask him calmly. The lightning that only comes from Mr.Bird torch helps a lot to set up the atmosphere.

"We....i dont knows..... around 40 maybe...." He answered nervously.

"Oh, come on. I dont have the time for this. Zirko gag his mouth and untie his hands, let me holds the axe that you carry." I said to Zirko while reaching my hand to hold the woodcutter axe that he carry.

"W....Wait!!! I'll Talk...!!! I'll Talk...!!!" Said the first bandits panicked. Zirko looking at me for further instructions.

"Gag him." I said short.

"Mpph....Mpph....!!!!....Hmmp...!!!" the first bandits tried to resist with all his might when the ropes on his hand. unfortunately his beaten up bodies and still tied feets wont get him anywhere.

" Look at those hands. just how many innocent live you take...?" I said while looking at both of his hands that get hold tighly by Zirko.

"Mpph,Ummmph!!!! Uuumph...!!!!" the bandits getting more hysteric as i lift my axe up.

"Grrmmmmpphhhhh!!!!" A muffled screams comes from his mouth as the loud 'Whack' separates his right hands from his arms.

The man suffering groans that are muffled by the gag sounded like a ghostly screams through this dark night. A lot of bloods gushing out from his handless arm as Mr.Bird tying a ropes and covers it with cloth to stops the bleedings.

Not long after that, the first bandits passed out because the pains.

Both the other bandits and the caravans guards can feels how painful it was for the unfortunates first bandits. After Mr.Bird done with his treatment, Zirko tied his unconscious body back to the trees.

After that I begin my Interrogation again.

Some scene in this chapter may a little disturbing from some of you. And there will be a lot of scene like this on this story. I will always tried to make it still 'family friendly' like this though.

Next chapter will be out in 2 or 3 days, or tommorows like this chapters.

Thanks for readings.

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