
In Another Worlds With Electric Trucks

What happens if a modern post apocalypse cargo truck driver in 22 centuries getting transported to another worlds with his trucks? Join the adventures of Jeff who will explores the new worlds that he get transported to. He had no cheats no OP absurds skills from gods. But he has his truck with newest tech in 22 centuries. Join his adventures and survivals on his new realistic but still fantasy-like worlds. Warning : Kinda Mature Content. The MC are working adult who occasionally kills peoples when doing his jobs.

RokuN · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 5: Meeting The Locals

The man that speaking with foreign languages seems to be their leaders.

He is a short man around 160cm tall, i completely dwarfed him when we standing face to face.

Judging by his face, i think he is around 40 years old. He look like mixed caucasian-mongol people that live around central asia. He has a little bit of moustache and goate on his face.

I can feel that he is nervous but i also feel no hostility from him.

Being nervous in this kind of situations is pretty normal, Especially after witnessing what the Black Knight can do.

Seeing your villages attacked by strong forces of monster then seeing those monster get annihilated easily by unkown stronger forces that you dont know if it's friendly yet will definitly makes anyone alerted.

So i tried to be as friendly as i can.

I greeted him in friendly and confidences tones with smiles and said 'how are you.' In english.

He then grab my right hand with both of his hand and shake it while still talking in friendly tones. It's look like he want to thanks us for saving his villages.

I replied to him by saying positive words like 'you're welcome, yeah, it's greats, thank you.' and so on while also copying his two hand handshakes.

I begin to try to ask some questions by introducing myself. I pointed my right hand at myself and said

"my name is Jeff, and you....?" with a clear voices and change the direction of my hand to him.

it only took him two times to understand the gesture that i am doing.

" Asna Aihan, asla Jeff..." he said as he pointed his hand at himself then to me after.

"Asna Jeff, asla Aihan..." i tried to copy him using the languages he spokes. He seems very happy when he hear me copying his words.

"Na..,na... Asna Aihan, asla Jeff.. hahahaha...." he replied after hearing speaks while nodding his heads and laugh.

Judging by the tone of his laugh, it's not mockery laugh. It's a happy laugh when someone get it when you teach something.

" Na... asla Aihan, asna Jeff..?" i tried to check and swapped the words by reffering his name first then my name with questioning tone.

"Na...Na..." he replied with his happy smiles.

Being relaxed and speaks with friendly and clear tones are one of the tricks that i learn on how to get along with foreigner languages speakers.

I actually learn this tricks only to pick up local girls from another countries that i visited, but it's actually works with anyones.

With only this conversations i already knows 3 words from their languages.

After i think that our exchanges going smoothly and the mood is good, i try to ask him the name of this places.

I begin by pronouncing my name then his name while pointing my hand like before, then i said 'Asla' while pointing at the wooden walls.

" Ah... la.... reztov aryz. la...reztov aryz." he said while pointing to his settlement.

" Asna aryz murdysya..." he add while pointing his hand to his chest.

" Na...Na..." i replied while nodding my head to give him the impression that i understand.

From this conversation i can conclude that his settlement or villages name are Aryz. And he is the chief or some sort of leader and call himself murdysya.

And reztov could be a word to describe wall, building or villages from my guess.

After that i try to ask him a place that i can use to park the truck and spend the night around here with my body language.

It seems like he understand what i am trying to says after some times and pointing to the right side of the wall. He show a gesture to follow him to there.

I walk behind him when he ask me to follow him, then he walk toward those spearmans and stopped in front of them.

I followed to stop right behind him. he then started to give a rousing speech while point his hand and bend down a little bit while facing at me.

It's seems that bend down your body a little bit is a universal honoring gesture.

Those crowd of spearmans cheers happily after Aihan do his honoring gestures. I just go with the flow and lift my arm to the air and happily cheers too.

In unfamiliar place like this,it's always better to follow what the local do while giving a friendly vibes to them.

Aihan giving a gesture to stop the cheers some second after it happens. He then talk some words then said and gesturing me to follow him after someone giving him a torches.

I greet them with smiles when i walk pass them to follow Aihan. From what i can tell, this peoples are pretty friendly so far. I dont think i need to worry at least, for now.

I am pretty curious about those spearmans if i say so myself. They look pretty badly equipped with only spear and shield as their weapons.

They wore nothing more than a rough looking but pretty diverse and simple colored tunic that are made with some kind of textile as their protection.

They also wore some kind of textile caps as their head protector. Some wears red and some wears green and yellow and so on.

Those spearmans looks quite not uniformed.

They look a little bit thin but fit. Their height is around 160cm-170cm, there is no one above 180cm from what i see.

From their appearances i can see that they are pretty well fed and there is no sign of malnutrition.

I can conclude that they are doing well but definitly will have a bad time if they face a force of those monster that are now laying on the grounds head on.

I walk toward the places that Aihan pointed out as he lead me there.

Walking outside the truck with strangers while on duty is a heavy violation for 'Alley Ways' driver.

I can get fired because of this, but i already discuss it with Ivanna shortly after we run over those monsters that i have to do this. We already have a simple plan for now and this is one of them.

I inspect the places that Aihan says we can use to park the truck. It's 10 meters wide land that sandwiches by wooden walls and crops fields.

After seeing it, i turn around to see the smaller empty fields across the dirt roads. It's around 5 meters wide space between the walls and a fields on the left side of the gates.

After i observe and think that there is enough space for the truck to turn around and easily get out without damaging their field, I said my thank to him in english with friendly smile and nod my head as my sign to accept his offer.

After that Aihan guides me back to the truck.

When both of us started to walk away from the fields to the truck, i noticed that there are already a lot of people that gather in front of the broken gates.

most of them are woman and eldery people, and all of them have their attention taken by our Black Knight that parked 100 meters from them.

The man has started to gather the spoils from those monsters and move their bodies out of the road when i head back to the truck.

I told Ivanna that i secure a parking spot and to wait until they clear all the corpse from the road through earphone ht that i wore before going out.

" That some incredible social skill you've got Mr.Jeff, why dont you use that persona the first time we've meet?" i hear Ivanna reply after i told him that we got a parking spot.

She can hear all of our conversations from the truck because my ht always turned on.

" I tried you know, you're just too colds." I replied her with sarcastic and joking tone.

I actually never act that way toward her. I just use my usual 'try to get along with new coworker' persona the first time we meets.

I just dont want to be labeled as a flirt the first time we meet because she is a woman and she looks like the ones that complain about sexual harassment.

The risk is higher than the gain for me that times.

After the man from the villages done moving away the those bodies from road, i ask Ivanna to start moving the truck.

I ask Aihan to told the peoples that standing in awe looking at the truck in the middle of the road to move away.

After that i start to act like i guide the truck by walking in front of it. I actually dont need to do this since the tech on the truck can easily help us park.

I walk like a general that lead his troops. I just do it for a show so that they will think highly of us. You cant even call it guiding, since i dont even walk backward.

The reasons why i have to make them think highly of us is because i think that we're stranded in medieval era like worlds.

And in those times social status can really make a differences in how peoples treats each others.

I already discuss with Ivanna about the setting of our stories for these peoples before they come out of their walls after we destroy those monsters.

We both agree that this place are not our earth. The stories that we creates are i am the superiors who have the Black Knight. And we will improve it after we know how the society in this worlds work.

Of course me being the superiors are just facade that we need to convey to these peoples.

Ivanna also decides that because i look older and have more work experiences than her. Outside from that we are still standing in the same positions as co-workers.

Our first objective from that discussions for now are where are we, what is this worlds and how this world works.

After we achieve those objective then we can begin to try to look on how to get back.

After all we only have two weeks of canned food and MRE for two people on us, and we only have 100 litres of clean water if we dont showers and using our toilet. So we need the means to acquire foods and waters too.

I doubt these peoples will accept microtransactions.

And now here i am, acting as if i am some kind of generals, guiding the truck so it can park properly.

The peoples including Aihan looking at the trucks with amazed gaze, i can see some gawk their jaw.

It's maybe their first time witnessing a massive moving object that with 22 centuries technologies.

Judging by their equipments, between them and our the differences technologies is arounds a thousand years or more.

It would not be strange if a rumours get out and some big shot who has big power like kings interested in our truck to be theirs.

Well, we will worry about that possibility if it's really happening.

Now the first thing that i have to do is befriends this settlement and digging information about this worlds from Aihan while trying to acquire some foods and clear waters.

After the truck is properly parked with it's head facing the smaller fields, Aihan and all of the peoples that watches comes toward the parked truck.

They all look very curious while glancing at the bodies of the Black Knight.

I come overr to Aihan that still observing the truck. I greets him and try to express my gratitude.

He replied my greeting with smiles and then gesturing to invite me inside the settlement.

I refuse his offer respectly while pointing at the dark sky and make a sleeping gesture then pointing at the truck. He then offer me to come in the morning and i gladly accept it.

After Aihan done talking and part with me, he order the eldery and unarmed peoples that still gazing and admiring the truck to go back inside the settlement.

The spearmans guarding the broken gate after Aihan and all the unarmed peoples from the villages get insides.

On the grounds there is around 10 of them sitting around campfire that they makes outside the walls. and there is still a lot of peoples that guarding on top of the walls.

Maybe Aihan order them to guards outsides because their gate is broken.

" So what are our plans for tomorrow Mr.Jeff? " ask Ivanna toward me when i get inside the trucks.

" We will go inside the gate tomorrow morning. It's 11.30 pm right now, so you better go sleeps."

"Since i just wake up at 9 i will take a nap when i feels like it." i said while looking at the watch on my wrist.

" I will introduce you to Aihan, just smile, show no hostility and we're all set. But still, wears your uniforms and bring your own gun. we will talk more about it in the morning." i adds as i sit on the co-driver seats.

" Okay then, good night Mr.Jeff." said Ivanna while she get up and go to the back cabin.

I turn off all the main light outsides and inside the front cabin, leaving only the light from the monitor that shows the 3d maps,heat sensor and the truck position.

I recline the seats and trying to enjoy my free time.

If i dont get stranded in here, in less than 2 hours we will arrive at the 'Alley Ways' sub-depot.

Usually after that i will go to a bar or light red district around the area, then waking up in the morning with random call girl at some motels before heading back to the depot in the afternoon.

But now here i am, sitting in the dark cabin truck. Watching guards on the medieval age like worlds having fun over campfires after runing over strange monsters hordes.

Well, life can be weirds sometimes i guesses.