
In Another World with Wisdom King Raphael?

One day, I woke up in the body of Nagumo Hajime after he fell in the Great Orcus Labyrinth. But wait, there's more, it seems a certain slime's OP skill came with me but...different? [Answer. Wisdom King Raphael and Wisdom God Akasha is not the same entity.] "Alright, I understand."

Demon_Monarch69 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Donner 2.0 and Power Sword?


"Hmm~ Jibun woo, sekai sae mo kaete shimaesou na~"

Skewered wolf meat on top of a fire accompanied by singing. I felt relaxed doing these things, temporarily taking stress off my mind. As for how I got fire, I got some combustion stones nearby and ground them to create a sustainable fire. For the skewer, I transmuted the twin-tailed wolf's bones and stick its diced meat there.

"Now, let me taste the fruit of my hunt." I stared in anticipation at the skewered meat in my hand. "Itadakimasu~"


"Mm~!" My mouth was hit with a strong flavor, it isn't gamey at all and the meat is tender. I quickly eat the rest on my skewer and eyed the other.

"I didn't think it would be this delicious after removing the poison, I need to taste the other monster meats!"

Yosh! I've another objective other than getting out of this place, and that is tasting various monster meat.

After I ate my fill, I started gathering suitable materials for my weapons. Luckily for me, this labyrinth is rich in materials. With the help of Akasha, I gathered the necessary materials, some of which are different from what 'Hajime' used.

"Hmm, Toul crystal and crushed combustion stones for bullets. Adamantite for the frame and Orichalcum for the barrel."

I stared at the masterpiece in my hand. Approximately 35 cm in length with six chambers on the cylinder, made of the most optimal combination of materials I can find dubbed Donner 2.0. Yeah, I just copied the name, can't bother to change it.

I also have another weapon, it's a secondary one strapped to my waist via a belt made of the twin-tailed wolf's hide. It was a longsword with seemingly no remarkable features but its blade is made of Orichalcum while its body is made of Adamantite.

Orichalcum has the best conductivity among the materials I found so I use it as the barrel for my gun and the blade for my sword. I made this sword with the idea of a power sword from 40k in mind. It turned out pretty well, I can stimulate the same disruptive field with my lightning manipulation.

"Anyway, how was my level now?" I took out my status plate. It was given by the kingdom that summoned us. Speaking of that, I still need to 'greet' that 'god' of them, Ehit. I'll surely take my sweet time after meeting him.


Name: Nagumo Hajime

Age: 17 years old

Sex: Male

Job: Synergist

Level 8

ATK: 200

VIT: 600

DEF: 200

AGI: 400

MAG: 600

MAG DEF: 600



–Mineral Appraisal

–Mana Manipulation

–Lightning Manipulation

–Iron Stomach

–Language Comprehension


Oh? Mana Manipulation is still there. I thought it was synthesized with Lightning Field.

[Answer. The skill 'Mana Manipulation' was reconstructed with excess energy.]

"I see, though it looks like the effects of eating monster meat doubled since the poison was purged."

[Answer. That is correct.]

"As expected, well that only raises my desire to hunt them."

I grinned. I now had a direction in mind. With that, I have Donner 2.0 in my hand and once again went out.

I walked around for a bit and encountered a rabbit monster. It immediately noticed me and started rushing toward me. I aimed my gun at it and lightning flashed before...


Headshot! Its whole head was gone after my bullet went through it. I did lower the output but it is still this strong.

"Haha, that damn bear is next." Just thinking about that monster makes my left 'arm' throb.

I walked towards the rabbit monster and let Akasha do its thing.

[Acquired skill 'Air Walk'.]


With this, the minimum preparations are done. I think continued hunting for some time, preferably that twin-tailed wolf again. I had the rabbit monster hang on my belt during the hunt.

At the end of the day, I hunted some passing twin-tailed wolves and brought them back for consumption. Oh, and I leveled up four times.


"Just where— oh there you are, you freaking bastard."

Tall with a well-built body, black hair, and blood-red eyes. That was the young man who stood at an elevation watching his prey, a large monster bear with big claws.

"Did you enjoy my left arm, I wonder." Hajime grinned. His eyes momentarily glowed an ominous red, before settling down. "Well, I'll surely enjoy your skewered meat later on."

Raising his right arm to aim with his gun, Hajime then controlled the output of lightning he puts in before pulling the trigger.

*Bang* *Bzzzt!* *Splash!*

Blue lightning cut through the air and hit the monster bear who was busy eating, straight into its chest.

"What's this, goldilocks donut? Pfff—!"


"...Oh come on, let me have my fun." Hajime shrugged. "Anyway, let's get that bastard's corpse and skills."


The ground beneath his foot cracked as he jumped off the elevation he stood on.


[Acquired skill 'Gale Claws']

"Oh yeah, now let's go back and eat this guy."

He grabbed one of its feet and dragged it back. His strength became that strong, he easily dragged such heavy weight. And another day was done for Hajime. He has been staying in the labyrinth for three days now.