
New Team

Alright Megumin which is supposed to be full of ego here now look like she was about to cry any seconds any idea why cause I don't.

"Yo girl you alright? " I ask her which got Megumin to flinch by surprise. Alright I maybe know how this one will react

"You're talking to me? " she asked, well no one is here other than us

"No actually I'm talking to the girl on your back " I said then Megumin face goes a little red then she manage to stutter out

"I-I see then I'm sorry for wasting your time! " she kinda yell at the end , Alright I think this Megumin here is like the opposite version of Megumin in Konosuba or maybe it's just talking to me ,well I'll know eventually

"Chill out, I'm just kidding look at your back there's no one and yes I'm talking to you "

I said to her which she immediately return by checking her back.

"No actually you still hadn't answer my question, are you alright? " I ask Megumin, and damn I swear if her name is different here.

"It's kinda embarrassing to talk about it here so can we talk at a more private place? "

"Sure anyway what's your name? Mine is Satou Kazuma by the way." I asked her , then she light up a bit then do a pose . Fuck.

"My name is Megumin, Wielder of Explosion Magic and the Number 1 of the Crimson Demon Clan " as she said that hey eye glow reddish similar to how my eye work at night even though mine is originally blue , I don't know how it just work.

After introducing ourselves we went for a search for some kind of private place though she kinda well, I don't know make me follow her to outside the town and she doesn't look like stopping anytime soon. Hold up is the weak kind of Megumin here just an act for someone to try to comfort her only to help her on her quest? This is pretty serious but she is on the route for Goblins place so I don't have to worry too much about unable to complete my quest.

"Hey, Megumin I think this place is alright already and I'm only asking if you're alright where the hell are we going?" I ask her to which she react by giggling, yep I'm tricked.

"The only way to make feel good is to release my Explosion magic on monster not to mention I'm on a mission for Goblins Hunting so we're going there. " yeah that confirm it

"You know I'm also here For Goblins Extermination quest too right? And unleashing Explosion isn't the only thing that gonna make you feel good. " I reply using flirting tone.

"W-What are you saying at a place like this?! "

Megumin reply red in the face and start fidgeting with her staff.

"You know maybe that the fact we're of the opposite gender not to mention that we're also alone in private place and I don't even know if people can heard out voice even if we shout with all our might. " I said to Megumin to which she suddenly stop and then try to run a way from me.

"HELP THERE'S A PERVERT HE-" of course with my suppose superior level and stats I immediately caught her and close her mouth

"You know I'm higher level than you and my stats is one of the best so it's MUDA MUDA MUDA to try to escape from me. " she of course bite my hand but to no avail with my

[S] stat in Defense I don't feel anything but I then got an idea , I pretend to be hurt then let her go

"Take that pervert! " Megumin yell to me and of course then try to escape but then I said

"[Star Platinum:The World]" then time stop

I grab Megumin and with the help of Star Platinum I climb the tree and put her there.

"And time start to move again " I said then as thing begun to work normally Megumin let out a yelp as she fell from the tree and is still confused though I catch her .

"Kazuma what are you doing, I know I got a large womanly charm but if you really want to do it please do it at some inn and not here. "

Wow she probably already gives up from running away but hey why the hell does she just accept thing like this.

"Damn it well Ceasarino you fail so no cookies for you " I then karate chop her head which she let out a huge *Huge Hurting Noises*

"Megumin ,first of this is just a prank which I admit goes too far which is also 99% my fault but still you can still fight back you know? Not just accept your fate like this "

"Wait this isn't real? Then you don't want to do anything dirty with me? Is my charm not enough or you aren't interested in woman? " Megumin ask though she sound even a little bit dissapointed. well be dammed this isn't real situation if not I'll pinch her check so hard it's gonna hurt like A LOT.

"No it's not , yes I'm straight and while it's true 99% is my fault the 1% is yours " when I said that she let out a gasp and


"Yeah but I'm not the one who just trust out a complete stranger of opposite sex into a lone private place like a freaking forest now tell my why do you think having me, A person you didn't know more than a minutes ago with you alone is alright? I mean I could kidnap you by Jojo's sake " After I lecture her she look pretty sad so I try to not panic and possibly having her cry for real and just reassure her.

"Alright Megumin because this is my mess you can had 1 wish from me and if it's reasonable I will grant it. "

"Alright then I wish for a permanent party with you! " she happily said as if I hadn't done anything to her mentally a few moments earlier.

"Sure though may I ask when I meet you did you got kicked out of other party or something you look so sad ." well maybe U shouldn't said anything about that she goes back to being said.

"Well after we complete the Goblin Quest we register as an Official part you alright with that? After that we could talk more about our situation type because I feel like I will be confused somehow on the future if this keeps up" Megumin who is suddenly unusually quiet just nodded.

"Hey can you let me down ?" Megumin say, oh no wonder she's quite she already notice that I'm still holding here while our long conversation.

" Yep sorry about that " I apologize to her

"No it's fine I will be more grateful if you hold me that way after using my Explosion spell."

Even though I already know that Megumin is basically just one shot one ....shot? And she just put her skills points on Explosion I still had to ask just for logic sake.

"Excuse me what do you mean 'after your Explosion spell" ? " I ask her which she seems uneasy

" Well while it's true that Explosion is the strongest spell known to man I can only use it once as I don't have enough mana for it thus draining a bit of my Life Points making me unable to move for around the day."she finished

"Ah, I see no wonder other reject you I mean who will reject such a talented,cute and a Advanced class person like you " Well what I said make Megumin red but after prossecing what I really said she look down.

"Hey you're now going to refuse my Party Invitation now aren't you ? Please say no"

Megumin just said the last part silently but my Presicion got boosted because of my Stand or maybe it's just my level ups? Well it work anyway so no complaining.

"Hell no I mean we're friends already right unless.. " I then look straight at her eye

"You want to be more than just a mere friends? " Megumin then look away to compose herself for a few moments then said

" Hey aren't we going to finish the quest let's go! " She said excitedly.

"Yeah but before that let me see your Adventure Card first please" I asked her

"Only if you give out your card too " Megumin said

"Yeah sure " I then pull out my Holy Sword Excalib- I mean my Adventures Card then give it to her and I also got hers

Name ' Megumin

Age ' 13

Height ' 140cm

Level - 6

Class - Arch Wizard

Stats '

Strength - B

Defense - C

Dexterity - B

Agility - C

Magic - S

Intelligent - A

Luck- C

Skill Points -0

-Explosion /13/100/

'Pretty good status overall though her physical stats ain't that good it's easily above average in my case I'm not from this world so my stats is kind of expected. Anyway her skill is Explosion and only that is expected if she dump all her skill points on her Explosion that probably mean she got around 2 skills points per level '

"Nice stats you got here Megu-chan ,though how did you still exceed the limit of your magic when using Explosion? Is the mana needed for the spell really that high? " I ask her still looking at her card which make me oblivious to the reaction of her when she take a look at my card.

"HUH!? Why is your stats so high!? And [TIME STOP] as a skill REALLY? " Megumin kinda of yell at me

"Don't know ,continues work out and for the skills well it just kinda show up and not to mention that points for me to unlock the skill is also pretty cheap so I kind of just unlocked it. And can you stop yelling if not I'm gonna french kiss you right here right now " I threatened her . Even though she doesn't really understand the 'French' part she know what kiss mean .

"Heh! But didn't you say that you will not do anything to me? " she finally stop yelling and ask me normally .

"I said if you don't stop yelling, I mean you might as well attract a high level beast here and we'll be wiped out and take your card back and give mine back we had to finish the quest because teasing time is over "

she understand what I mean showing how her high Intelligence stat work and give my card back I give her hers. Then we start walking towards the Goblin Hideout again to finish the damn quest I mean like is there even a time limit I really hope not cause we're bickering back and forth for the past 20 minutes.

"Yosh, we're finally here so as I haven't seen you using your Explosion magic yet you will use it but keep close to me don't want you getting caught by the goblins. "

" Alright I understand " Megumin agreed to my plan.

'I hope that nothing really goes wrong but as this is my first goblin quest and the world around me I really doubt that. ' as I think that Megumin start chanting her spell.

"Darkness blacker than black and darker than dark, I beseech thee, combine with my deep crimson." as she started chanting I notice the atmosphere around here becoming more tense as the seconds pass.

"The time of awakening cometh.

Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary,

appear now as an intangible distortions!"

then some kind of magic circle appear to where the Goblins is.

"I desire for my torrent of power a destructive force :

a destructive force without equal!

Return all creation to cinders,

and come frome the abyss!

Explosion!" after her chanting finished a loud bang can be heard from probably miles away and Holy Cow! That Explosion is way better in real life rather than in screen.

"Holy Speedwagon! How many Goblins got obliterated by Explosion, guess Megumin didn't lie when she said that Explosion is the strongest spell that are known to mankind. " I said clearly amazed by the destructive power alone.

"Well no more time enjoying the view I need to get Meg-chan before the remaining Goblins found her. " I then proceed to sprint to Megumin and worthy of the rank S stat for my Agility I got to her in no time.

"Kazuma,Kazuma! How is that Explosion? You probably will feel more grateful that I've invite you to my party? " Megumin said showing anything other than pure feeling of accomplishment.

"Yeah you did good, though after this we still need a healer and a tank of some sort " I put her hat aside and start patting her head which I think she secretly likes it.

I then proceed to pick her up bridal style then hide her on a pretty bushy bush.

"Megumin since you can't move and I can't risk you getting caught up in my battle with the Goblins I want you to say as quiet as possible is that alright with you? " I ask her to which she replied by nodding.

After getting out of Megumin range of hearing I then summon out Star Platinum then start massacring every Goblins that I could find.

-Time Skip to when they arrive at the town -

"You know with your ego I thought that you will be a bit more of a problem during the quest, but you're surprisingly obedient " I break out the silence when we enter through the gate of the town.

"I thought we already get over this " Megumin said then look at me in the eye.

"It's not like I was the one who pull a prank on some stranger that could clearly gone horrible" Megumin shot back

"Anyway can you walk already ? I'm pretty sure that you have enough energy to spare to walk on your own legs rather than insulting me. " I said to her

"What you're tired already? Are you really against holding me this way because I'm pretty sure with a Status like yours , that you could ever get tired this easily " Oh yeah anyway unfortunately I had to carry her the same bridal style like I did earlier which gain us a few looks from adventure here and there, but I could get over it. I don't know why I just don't want to piggyback her.

"Not really I'm just against getting you really spoiled , though before you say anything else we're already at the Adventure Guild so please get off or I'll make it so that you really can't walk. " Look like my threat work against her actually work as she immediately get off

We then enter the guild then goes straight to counter with Luna lady over to get into an Official party of course as I'm the part leader. One of thing I found out that even after few years the 'Kazuma Party' never really change that much in their common sense despite getting attached to each other. Anyway on the this world topic again we gain quite a lot of money from killing the goblins as each of the Goblins is worth 20 bronze coins and Megumin killed a total of 17 of them while with the help of SP I was able to get 34 which is exactly double the amount Megumin got. That doesn't sit down quite well with her though but I ignored it for now.

We got a total of 1020 bronze coins which translates to 10 Silver and 20 bronze coins

"Alright we got quite the amount for today so we gonna spilt it evenly or you got better idea, Megu-chan? " I ask her

"Yeah I'm fine with it but can we go to the public bathouse after this ? I'm pretty sweaty and my cloth sure is dirty but you do most of the fight so I'm expecting you to be worse " Megumin ask and sure enough we both are pretty dirty. Guess the poster for party invite had to wait till tomorrow.

"Sure kiddo, anything for the Number 1 girl "

and I then give half the reward for the quest which she gladly take but what I said make Megumin pretty freaking depress for a moment till she punch me in the stomach.


"So what? You want me to marry you?" I shot back at Megumin

"Huh if only you're just a year older than I wouldn't mind dating you " I said in my "supposed mind" but judging by how red her face get after that I somehow make an common anime protagonist mistake and mutter that out loud.

"Fuck " I swear at myself

"Forget what I just said I didn't meant to say that " I summon out Star Platinum and wait for the perfect moment to use my last secret technique.

"Your next line will be 'R-Really! Then I got good news !" is it? "

"R-Really! Then I got good new- Wait WHAT! "

Whatever she want to say will be for later.

"I'll go to the Bathouse first and I had to use my leg" I mutter loud enough for her to hear.

"Your leg? " Megumin somehow wasn't able to pieces it together fast enough as the next things that she know is that I yell out

" TO NIGERUNDAYOO! MEGU! " I stop time for a while then when time resume I'm already out sprinting outside the guild to the bathouse, oblivious that Megumin trying to keep up with me but still trying nonetheless but hey my Agility is Top Notch so it's party not my fault . And Jojo reference is a must in this world and I still have TONS if them or at least that I could use but hey I'm just a guy from the normal world that aren't at war for years of course I got to spice things up here and like I said I wouldn't really mind dating Megumin if she's just a bit older. And I really had to prepare myself first before the M-Rated Crusader coming at my party.

" *Sigh* Just another day in this Wonderful World. "