
in another world with my farming level up skills

have you ever thought that there can be even a peaceful reincarnation novel where the MC isn't so powerful he just doesn't farming. and a peaceful farmer's life in another world with he's level up skills... then look no more because I've got it right here.. if you are in a peaceful and fresh mood then this novel will make it more better... try it yourself if you don't believe me

Dhoben_roy · Fantasy
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17 Chs

first harvest P.2

Now now now..

Let's see hmm wait isn't the potato growing faster then it should be?? I mean it's more grown then it would in earth..

Show status hmm. 69% watered 98% composed and 42% growth!!!! How's that even possible it's only been 5days since I planted them. Well maybe it's something because of the soil here or maybe because of my tools that I am using. What so ever it's growing fast and that's a good thing right?

Fate that shyam gave water to the plants everyday for 6more days.

Well then. it's been so long since I am eating meat and meat only! and it's not like my vagitables are grown enough to eat. I guess I can look around a bit if I could find a river or so. I didn't really explored much that day. And my plants will start production vagitable soon I think. So it's a good idea to look for a river it'll help a lot..

But because shyam could go look for a river he show two big big dogs they were more like worlfs then dogs but they were injured.. one looked like a female and one looked like a men.. so he can't just ignore someone who is injured.. he had some meat left so he gave the meat to the dogs and they seemed to enjoy it.. shyam didn't really did anything after that. And he cancelled the plan of finding river. Because these two were injured that's why they couldn't do anything but if there is creature like this hanging around then he absolutely needs some kinds of protection like a wall.. but he didn't seem to find anything like that so now he needs to build it but he's self. Should be no problem for him as he has already done something like this. In he's previous life. But the only problem is. he didn't chopped or made the lumber. He just bought from stores. That's why it'll be a big of a headache for him to cut down trees and chopp then into perrrfect shape. That's why he planned to just let it stay round for now and he'll give support from both sides so that it doesn't fall. After planning all that he tried asleeping for the night.. but he's stomach wanted food. It was like.... Food! Food! Give me food!!! I am hungry. But he managed to asleep somehow at midnight.. first thing in the morning he checked he's status of anything wrong has happened because of not eating.

Ah‽ How is this possible‽‽ My hunger is 39% full!!. Maybe because this world works like a game for me. And of course almost in any game when you asleep your hunger get's filled. In some games full and in some games half or less.. but in my case it's probably 40% now it's 38%

Enough of that.. aow my potatos are fully grown now I can harvest them and eat.. finally I can eat something good after so long.. and the radish also seem to have grown enough.. hmm but the only problem is. .. ... I still don't have salt!!!!!!..

Will see that alter for now let's harvest our first ever crops..

>>Probably 2hours later<<

hmm I finished harvesting all and these are more then I expected. Hey what if I have salt in the shop.. but yeah I don't have money!.hey jarv is there any way to earn money by selling these vegetables??

Jarv:- yes you can sell them directly into your shop by going to the shop and then to the sell option you can choose which item you will sell or want to sell and the amount of items you want to sell. But do remember the price isn't settled like for example.. if the potato sells for 2gold coins per kilo then there's a chance for it to be 3gold coins tomorrow or it even can drop to 1gold coins tomorrow.. it happens because in the future updates you will get a place order option in your shop and it's not only you who is using these things there are other Players or rather people's from other worlds or reincarnated by other gods to this world because it's the only world that accepts thses kind of things.. but you are the only person that is sended by the nature and life A.K.A life God > Vishnu and nature God > prakriti,

Oh is that so. Great so that means I can sell these harvest of mine now good.

Also I forgot to tell you something. You can only sell a item after you convert it into a sellable item..

Ha how can I do that?

To make a item sellable you just have to hold it in your hand any hands and ask for details. Then if there's a option for "add to sell" that means that item isn't sellable yet and you have to make it sellable first in order to sell it.

Ho okay let's try it then. Hmm option!! Ha it worked now where's the add to sell button a here it is. Good 'click' hu my potato it disappeared will this happen everytime I add something for sell?

Yes to add it to the shop it will need to be added in your GUI.

Oh great. Okay so now I can sell. But I Don't know how much potatos I have though hey jarv can you Messier weight?

Yes of course with my scaning ability I certainly can. Hm 'scaning. Sca, sca, scaning complete' there are 9.2kilo potatos here.

Great thanks you are a life saver you know.

Thank you. And I am made for this so don't warry about thanks hehe..

At that time the price of the potatos was 1.2gold coins per kilo meaning 1gold coin and 10silver coins. So he sold half of the harvest and bought 1kilo salt for 7silver coins not sure what he's going to do with all that salt. But good to have in stock right‽

After that he claimed he's weekly reward and this time he Got a scissor.

Hm. What is this a scissor. What does it do maybe to cut my tomatos should be right. Wait let me check the discription of this tool.

>Slayser scissors<

About:- this is a scissor made to harvest crops like tomato cucumber and more. It's ability is if you harvest or cut any plant or vagitables with this scissor the plant will not be effected and there will be a 1.2% chance that a new one will grow in that same place. And this scissor's sharpness naver rusts so no need to sharp it everyday.

Oh. Since I am growing Tomato this should come in handy. Let me put it in my inventory.

Ha. What the what's a rabuto doing here didn't I made a wall. Maybe it's not talk enough. Or maybe I can dig the outside of that wall. No it's not the time to think about that. I gotta do something before I die. Bhw bhw. Ha wait aren't these are the dogs I fed? I thought they left I guess they didn't.

>Animal talking that shaym don't understand< :- you dare coming to kill our master you phunky little rabit like monster. I am going to kill you your meat will test good hehe.

Or really you think you can beat me. You are not even near close to my power just go away and you will sevive.

Is that so well then gotta teach you who is the boss here.

>Animal talking ended<-:< p>

To be continued


Yo guys watcha doing good? I hope so. Did ya enjoy this chapter? If you have then add this do youe library helps me a lot. By the way sorry for uploading so late late it's because I am not the writing type but my mind is full with ideas so I can't help it 😅 okay bye.


Farming life another world with my level up skills. By DHOBEN ROY in webnovel.

Cyalter guys