
Chapter 1

  Wh-Whats that light?

  Am... Am I dead?

  I nearly puke at the sudden wave of smells that come my way. I cover my mouth and nose tearing up a bit from the putrid odor.

  My eye's adjust to the atrocities around me but that doesn't mean my sanity wants to accept it. The smell of blood, ash, and earth burns my lungs.

  I pull Titan away from a dead body and look up at the overcast sky. A moment ago I was walking my dog down the street in my neighborhood. Now I'm standing in a warzone with bodies laying about with large gashes in them.

  My eye's burn for a moment as a display appears in front of me. This confirms what's going on here. I have been summoned to another world... I step over the dead bodies checking out the display as I walk.

  The armor on these bodies is hard leather and the weapons are made of bronze. My display is built like a fantasy MMO with stats, a map, inventory, and even a store. I can buy things from my home world but everything is pricey. Titan is labeled my companion and can auto-loot just like your pet would in a game.

  I have him set to auto-loot money, weapons, and armor. I walk as far as I feel comfortable before heading toward a group of rock formations. I got a decent amount of money off these bodies, though I feel kinda guilty doing it.

  I can tell by the blood that they haven't been dead long. This battle was rough and both sides must have taken major losses. From what I can see bodies expand in both directions for probably a few miles.

  I hear a voice coming from the other side of the rock formation. I turn off my music and lean around the rock seeing a beautiful woman in armor. She has long silver hair tied back into a braid with a longsword at her side.

  From what my display says she's a commander. Her eyes dart over to me and I can't help but freeze. She points her sword at me holding her stomach. "Come out and face me you Vetra scum! I am a proud knight of the Haylen Kingdom. I will fight you to my last breath!"

  I step out from behind the rock slowly. "Easy, I'm not gonna hurt you."

   She glares at me. "You think I'd fall for your lies so easily?"

   I hear a thunderous sound headed this way. That's not good! I rush over grabbing her trying to carry her like a princess. "Holy- I am so out of shape!"

   I carry her into the small crevice in the rock falling over exhausted. The men ride up laughing as one of them speaks. "Find their precious princess. I want her head! I'll send it back to her father as a gift. That commander must have gotten away but she will get hers in time."

  She starts to speak and I cover her mouth. "What the hell are you doing?!"

   I whisper yell at her. She elbows me and I groan. "I am a proud knight I refuse to hide like a coward as they hunt my people for sport!"

   I cover her mouth again. "Listen as the commander you need to know when to say when. You're injured and can't fight right now. I will help you get your revenge but if you walk out there right now all of those men on that battlefield died for nothing."

  I look towards the exit and then back at her. "Are you gonna let me help you?"

   She nods slowly and I move my hand away from her mouth. "What is your plan?"

   I reach into my inventory handing her a healing potion. "Drink this."

  I was given a basic survival kit for this world and it's packed with a lot of useful items including healing potions.

   She looks at me and then back at the potion. I put it in her hand. "Drink it!"

    A few men walk towards the crevice and Titan growls. "Woah must be a wolf's den. I feel sorry for the poor bastard who got pulled in there."

  They chuckle and walk off. Im so happy that Titan growls at everything... She takes the potion and her wounds are healed instantly.

   She looks at me amazed. "What was that? I feel great. If it can heal wounds can you give it to my men?"

   I shake my head. "It doesn't work on the dead. I only have enough gold to get a single revival scroll. If there's one person you want alive I can use it on them."

   She points across the battlefield to a fallen flag. "The princess! She's right over there. If you can use that on her and we get her back to the kingdom this battle will not have been a loss. The king will reward you greatly."

  Her stats appear now that she's considered a companion. She has a lot of unallocated stat points maybe they can't do that here? She's strong but with these points, I could make her a whole lot stronger.

  I nod slightly and she starts to move I grab her arm. "Wait. I have a way to make you permanently stronger-"

   She turns to me. "Whatever it is do it!"

   I blush slightly seeing the conditions to use this on someone. "O-Okay... Well, I'm gonna need to touch the area above your heart."

   She takes off her chest plate and unbuttons her top. "Will this do?"

    She did that without hesitating... I guess that's a knight for you. I rest my hand on her soft warm chest. She moans slightly and I focus on allocating her stat and ability points.

   She's a level 23 knight commander and she's 19. You get 10 stat points every year on your birthday and 10 each time you level up. This world must have a way to allocate points because she's allocated only 10 of her 420 points.

  I allocate all 410 points she had and when I tap apply her body twitches as she lets out a cute moan her veins glow gold and she grips my shirt leaning forward gasping in my ear. "W-What are you doing to me?"

  I cover her mouth. "Try to stay quiet okay?"

   She grabs my face with a hazy look in her eyes as she kisses me. If this will keep her quiet till it's over then I'm okay with that. I kiss her back as she wraps her arms around my neck.

   Once the allocation is finished I lean back out of breath myself. I hand her a sword. "Here."

   She touches her chest. "I'm not sure what you did but I have never felt so powerful in my life."

   I look out of the crevice. "I'll explain it when we are in safe territory."

   She fixes her clothes and armor. She kneels beside me. "I will take care of those Vetra bastards. You get to the princess."

  I nod slightly getting ready to move and she grabs my arm. "Wait."

   I look at her and she leans over kissing me again. "For good luck."

   I blush slightly. "Right."

   I take off towards the princess and the men don't notice for a few moments. "Hey!"

   I glance back seeing the knight commander rush out of the crevice at insane speeds cutting them down with ease. So cool! I look forward and hear a man shout. "Stop him!"

   I turn seeing an arrow headed my way. Am I gonna die already!?


   I close my eyes as a burst of wind makes me stumble. The knight commander covered that distance in an instant and cut the arrow in half cracking the ground in front of her and sending the men flying. "Keep going!"

  I get to my feet making it to the princess. I drop down beside her seeing an arrow in her chest. I grab her chest pulling it out fast making sure it was intact.

  I pull out the revival scroll and drop it causing it to activate. 4 magic circles appear around different points on my arm. I know this is a dire situation but this is so cool!

  I put my hand on her chest and the magic circles condense down to a single circle on her chest. A gold light pulses through her body causing her veins to glow bright gold and she gasps waking up fully healed.

  I extend my hand to her. "Come on princess we have to get out of here."

  I help her up slowly, the knight commander has already killed all 40 men. She brings over two horses and looks relieved to see the scroll worked. "Princess Liliana thank goodness. We need to fall back to the kingdom."

  The princess nods looking at the blood on the knight commander's armor. "Understood... Silvia, are you hurt?"

  She walks over touching her armor. Silvia nods motioning to me. "this kind gentleman saved me. If we could I would like to ask if he could accompany us to the kingdom."

  The princess smiles at me. "You must be quite the character for Silvia to take a liking to you. I would love to have you accompany us to the kingdom."

  I point at the horses. "But there's only two-"

   Before I finish speaking Silvia picks me up with one hand and puts me on the back of her horse holding Titan under one arm. "He's coming with us."

   I feel a little violated but I liked it... She picked my fat ass up like I was spare luggage. I think I made her a little too strong. She glances back at me. "Hold onto me."

   I grab her waist and she looks at me. "Tighter than that."

    I hug her tightly and she smiles. "That's better."

    I check the map as we ride, this continent is massive, and there are so many kingdoms, tribes, and occupied areas I doubt I could visit them all in a single lifetime.

  Princess Liliana rides up beside us. "What's your name?"

   I smile slightly. "Greyson Emory but you can just call me Grey. This is my pet Titan."

   Titan wags his tail under Silvia's arm barking. She smiles. "I look forward to getting to know you, Sir Grey."

   After a while, we enter the territory of the Haylen Kingdom. We stop at the Netroth village for the night. I stretch my back and rub my ass as the villagers come out.

  A woman comes out with a look of horror. "M-My baby... W-Where is my baby?! You said it was going to be a total victory... T-They all died and you came back!?"

   The princess tries to keep her composure and Silvia steps forward. "I am the one who was in charge of those men. Their lives rest on my shoulders."

  The crowd starts to get more hostile and I'm not sure if I can step in. A few men grab some tools and I step forward a bit nervous but at this point, they'll be more dangerous than the Vetra Knights. "That's enough!"

  Everyone looks at me. "Who are you!?"

  I clear my voice. "A friend of the kingdom. I understand your frustration at the loss of our great soldiers. All of them fought valiantly until their last breath to protect every one of you. The people beyond that horizon. Every home, shop, school, orphanage, and town is safe right now because they laid down their lives. You say they died in vain but I didn't see a single one of your bodies on that bloody ground out there. It's easy to point fingers when you're not the one facing down an army of soldiers."

  I motion to the way we came. "If the Vetra forces would have made it past them they would have burned this kingdom to the ground before you had a chance to run. They fought them to a stalemate that forced both sides to retreat. We took heavy losses and one life is too many but this isn't where it ends. You will stand up as they did and fight for your home. The princess could have stayed protected in her castle far away from the battlefield..."

  I glance at the woman who started the attack on the princess. "But she didn't. She went out to war with your son and every other soldier and fought alongside them. The commander fought until she couldn't and even when mortally wounded she was willing to fight. Do not look at them with hate for surviving. Because... those that survive live on for those who didn't."

  I think I made my point but I went a little overboard I hope they don't chase us out of town because that horse killed my ass.

  They all drop to one knee resting their hands over their hearts. "Princess, Commander Silvia you have our deepest apologies for our rudeness and greatest thanks for coming back to us."

  The princess gathers herself wiping her tears. "I promise not a single soul that was lost today will be forgotten. We will keep our home safe together."

   They cheer and I sigh in relief feeling my legs shaking. That was so stressful! I walk over sitting down on the steps of the adventurers guild. I hold Titan between my legs as I rest my head on his back. I hate public speaking...

  The princess and Silvia left for a bit. "I guess it's just us two now-"

   I see two pairs of feet in front of me and glance up seeing the princess and Silvia dressed in cute villager clothes. They both bow a little. "Thank you for speaking up for us."

   I laugh slightly holding my hands up for them to stop the compliments. "No problem, to be honest, I felt like my heart was gonna explode. I suck at public speaking... I'm just glad everything worked out."

  Silvia looks surprised. "You aren't familiar with public speaking? That speech rivaled even my father's greatest speech before the march on the demon lord's castle."

  Princess Liliana smiles. "Well for your troubles we'd like you to accompany us to the tavern to get some food. The locals have welcomed us and even given us food and safe shelter for the night."

  I grab my stomach. "I can eat... What about you buddy?"

  Titan barks and I rub his head. "Let's go."

  We make our way to the tavern and I glance up at the sky as the sun sets. This world might be different from my home but Im looking forward to what's to come!