
In Another World With My Building Skills, And Made My Own Kingdom

Kenta Nakamura, an ordinary office worker with an extraordinary passion for construction, finds himself thrust into an unimaginable situation when a divine mistake ends his life prematurely. Struck by a bolt of lightning intended for a malevolent spirit, Kenta is transported to a realm between worlds where a remorseful god, Elysion, offers him a second chance at life.

LyricalInk · Fantasy
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What Had Actually Happened??

Kenta Nakamura's life had always been ordinary. A 25-year-old office worker in Tokyo, he spent his days shuffling paperwork and his nights lost in the glow of his computer screen. He had few friends and even fewer hobbies, but he found solace in one passion: construction. Building things, whether in virtual reality or with his hands, gave him a sense of accomplishment.One fateful night, after another grueling day at work, Kenta trudged home through the pouring rain. The city was in the throes of a violent thunderstorm, lightning crackling across the sky like a frenzied artist's brushstrokes. Kenta hurried along, his thoughts drifting to his latest project in his favorite building simulator game. He barely noticed the dark clouds roiling above him.Without warning, a bolt of lightning tore through the sky, striking Kenta with terrifying precision. His world went white, pain exploding through his body before everything went dark.Kenta awoke to an expanse of endless white. He was lying on what felt like a cloud, soft and ethereal. As he sat up, disoriented, he noticed a figure approaching—a man of regal bearing, clad in flowing robes and radiating an otherworldly aura. His eyes glimmered with a mix of wisdom and regret."Welcome, Kenta Nakamura," the figure intoned, his voice echoing in the void.Kenta blinked, trying to process what was happening. "Who are you? Where am I?""I am Elysion, a god of this realm. And you, Kenta, are currently in the space between worlds."Kenta's heart pounded in his chest. "Am I...dead?"Elysion's expression softened. "Yes, you are. I must confess, your death was a grave mistake. A bolt of lightning meant for a malevolent spirit inadvertently struck you instead. For this, I am deeply sorry."Kenta stared, struggling to comprehend. "So, I was killed by accident?""Indeed. As a token of my remorse, I wish to offer you a second chance. I will reincarnate you into another world—a place of magic and wonder. Additionally, you may choose one skill, any skill, to aid you in this new life."A second chance? The opportunity to start anew in a world of magic? It sounded like something out of his wildest dreams. Kenta's mind raced. There was so much he could do, so much he could become. And then, it hit him—his love for building, creating, and constructing."I want building skills," Kenta declared, excitement lacing his words. "The ability to create anything I can imagine instantly, and to reinforce structures and objects."Elysion nodded thoughtfully. "A wise choice. Very well, you shall have the power to build and reinforce at will. Simply utter the word 'Build' to create, and 'Reinforce' to strengthen."The god raised his hand, a glowing orb forming in his palm. "May your new life be filled with the joy of creation, and may you forge your own kingdom with your extraordinary gift."With a wave of Elysion's hand, the orb of light enveloped Kenta, its warmth soothing and invigorating. The void around him faded, and he felt himself being pulled through a tunnel of shimmering lights.When Kenta opened his eyes again, he found himself lying in a lush meadow, the sun shining brightly overhead. Birds chirped melodiously in the distance, and a gentle breeze rustled through the trees. He sat up, taking in his surroundings with awe.This was it. His new beginning.Testing his new abilities, he closed his eyes and envisioned a small wooden hut. "Build," he whispered.In an instant, the hut materialized before him, sturdy and well-crafted. Kenta's heart soared with exhilaration. He had the power to create anything he could dream of, and he was determined to make the most of it.With renewed purpose, Kenta set out to explore this new world, ready to carve out his own destiny. He would build not just structures, but a legacy—a kingdom born of his imagination and skill.And so, his journey began.