
In Another World With My Building Skills, And Made My Own Kingdom

Kenta Nakamura, an ordinary office worker with an extraordinary passion for construction, finds himself thrust into an unimaginable situation when a divine mistake ends his life prematurely. Struck by a bolt of lightning intended for a malevolent spirit, Kenta is transported to a realm between worlds where a remorseful god, Elysion, offers him a second chance at life.

LyricalInk · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Rebuilding the City and Creating a Currency

Kenta stood at the edge of the forest, gazing at the ancient, abandoned city that lay before him. The once-great metropolis, shrouded in a veil of mystery and dark magic, now stood as a testament to the resilience of time. Its towering buildings, though weathered and overgrown with vines, still retained a sense of grandeur and potential. The city had been deserted for reasons now known to Kenta and his council: a malevolent force had driven its inhabitants away. But now, with the dark crystal destroyed, the city was ripe for renewal.Kenta turned to his advisors, who stood behind him, each one eager yet wary of the task that lay ahead. Elara, the wise and learned elder; Seraphina, the fierce warrior and protector; and Aiden, the newly appointed advisor who had brought his people to Kenta's kingdom seeking refuge."This city holds great promise," Kenta began, his voice filled with determination. "We have an opportunity here to not only expand our kingdom but also to honor the past by rebuilding this once-great city. We will restore it, infuse it with our own culture and values, and make it a shining example of what we can achieve together."Elara stepped forward, her eyes scanning the ruins. "The architecture is unique and advanced. We can learn much from it, and in turn, improve our own designs. But we must be cautious. The dark magic that once plagued this place may have left remnants."Seraphina nodded, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword. "We'll need to clear the city of any remaining threats and secure it before we can begin rebuilding. We should send scouts and mages to cleanse the area."Aiden, ever pragmatic, added, "We'll also need to transport resources and organize labor. This will require careful planning and coordination. The refugees who came with me are eager to help and would benefit greatly from new opportunities here."Kenta smiled, appreciating the input of his trusted advisors. "Then it's settled. We will take this city and make it our own. Let's return to the kingdom and start organizing our efforts."Back in the kingdom, Kenta wasted no time. He called for a grand assembly, inviting all able-bodied citizens to participate in the reclamation project. Craftsmen, builders, mages, and soldiers all gathered in the great hall, eager to hear their king's plan."Citizens of our great kingdom," Kenta began, standing atop the dais, his voice carrying throughout the hall. "We have discovered a city to the west, abandoned and in ruins. It is our duty and privilege to restore it, to breathe new life into its walls, and to expand our kingdom's reach. This will be a monumental task, but I have no doubt that together, we can achieve greatness."The crowd erupted in cheers, their enthusiasm palpable. Kenta outlined the plan: first, they would send scouting parties to secure and cleanse the city. Next, they would transport building materials and resources to begin the reconstruction. Finally, they would establish a new settlement, complete with markets, homes, and places of learning and worship.Elara and Seraphina coordinated the scouting parties, ensuring that each group was equipped with both combat prowess and magical expertise. Aiden took charge of logistics, organizing the transport of resources and the allocation of labor. Kenta, meanwhile, focused on the overall strategy, ensuring that every aspect of the project was meticulously planned and executed.The first wave of scouts entered the abandoned city, moving cautiously through the deserted streets. Seraphina led the charge, her keen senses alert to any potential dangers. The city, though silent and still, held an air of foreboding."Stay alert," Seraphina instructed her team, her eyes scanning the shadows. "We don't know what remnants of dark magic might still be here."The scouts spread out, systematically searching each building and alleyway. They encountered pockets of residual dark energy, which the mages promptly dispelled. As they ventured deeper into the city, they discovered signs of the former inhabitants: abandoned homes with personal belongings still intact, markets with stalls left in disarray, and public squares that once bustled with life.In one particularly grand building, likely the former city hall, Seraphina and her team found a hidden chamber beneath the floor. Inside, they discovered a trove of ancient artifacts, including books, scrolls, and mysterious objects that pulsed with faint magical energy."Take everything back to the kingdom," Seraphina ordered. "Elara will want to examine these."As the days passed, the scouts gradually secured the city. They mapped out its layout, identified key structures that could be restored, and cleared away any lingering threats. With the city deemed safe, Kenta gave the order to begin the reconstruction.The reconstruction of the city was a colossal effort that involved every able-bodied citizen of the kingdom. Caravans laden with building materials, tools, and supplies made their way through the forest, guided by seasoned scouts. Craftsmen and builders set to work immediately, their skills and ingenuity transforming the ruins into a thriving settlement.Kenta walked through the bustling construction sites, his heart swelling with pride. Everywhere he looked, people were working together, their collective effort a testament to the strength and unity of the kingdom. Walls were repaired, roofs were mended, and streets were cleared of debris. The air was filled with the sounds of hammers, saws, and the chatter of workers.In the city square, a large team of builders was restoring the grand fountain that once served as the city's centerpiece. Kenta approached the foreman, a burly man named Garrick, who was overseeing the project."How is it coming along, Garrick?" Kenta asked.Garrick wiped the sweat from his brow and smiled. "We're making good progress, Your Majesty. The foundation was still intact, so we just need to repair the structure and get the water flowing again."Kenta nodded. "Excellent. This fountain will symbolize the rebirth of the city."As the days turned into weeks, the city began to take shape. Homes were rebuilt, markets were reestablished, and public buildings were restored. The citizens worked tirelessly, driven by a shared vision of creating something extraordinary.With the city well on its way to recovery, Kenta turned his attention to another crucial aspect of their society: the economy. The kingdom had always relied on a barter system, but with the expansion and the influx of new citizens, it became clear that a standardized currency was needed to facilitate trade and commerce.Kenta gathered his advisors in the newly restored city hall, the grand chamber filled with maps, documents, and artifacts from the old city. Elara, Seraphina, and Aiden took their seats around the large table, eager to discuss the next phase of their plan."We need to establish a currency," Kenta began, "one that will be accepted throughout the kingdom and beyond. This will not only simplify trade but also help us integrate the new city into our economy."Elara nodded. "I've been studying the artifacts we found, including some ancient coins. They were beautifully crafted and seem to have held significant value. We can draw inspiration from these designs."Aiden added, "We need to ensure that our currency is not only functional but also a symbol of our unity and strength. It should reflect our values and our identity as a kingdom."Kenta agreed. "We'll need a name for our currency and a design that represents our kingdom. Let's brainstorm ideas."The advisors spent hours discussing various aspects of the new currency. They debated the materials to be used, the denominations, and the imagery that would adorn the coins. In the end, they decided on a three-tiered system: copper coins for everyday transactions, silver coins for larger purchases, and gold coins for significant investments and trade.The coins would be called "Crowns," symbolizing the unity and strength of the kingdom under Kenta's rule. Each coin would feature an emblem of the kingdom on one side and a depiction of the grand fountain in the newly rebuilt city on the other, representing the kingdom's resilience and renewal.With the design finalized, Kenta commissioned the kingdom's finest artisans to begin minting the new currency. The artisans worked meticulously, crafting each coin with care and precision. When the first batch of Crowns was completed, Kenta held one up, admiring the craftsmanship."These coins will be the lifeblood of our economy," he said. "They will ensure that our kingdom continues to prosper and grow."The introduction of the Crowns marked a significant turning point for the kingdom. Markets flourished as merchants and traders embraced the new currency. The simplicity and efficiency of using standardized coins made commerce smoother and more dynamic. The Crowns quickly gained acceptance, not only within the kingdom but also in neighboring regions, enhancing trade and fostering alliances.Kenta and his advisors worked tirelessly to integrate the new city into the kingdom's economy. They established trade routes, invited skilled craftsmen and artisans to set up shops, and encouraged the settlement of new families. The city, now named New Haven, became a bustling hub of activity and a beacon of the kingdom's prosperity.Elara set up a grand library in the city, housing the ancient texts and artifacts they had recovered. Scholars and historians from all over the kingdom and beyond came to study and learn from the vast collection of knowledge. The library became a center of education and innovation, contributing to the kingdom's cultural and intellectual growth.Seraphina focused on the city's defenses, ensuring that New Haven was well-protected. She established a new garrison, trained a local militia, and fortified the city walls. Her efforts ensured that the city would remain safe from any future threats, allowing its inhabitants to live in peace and security.Aiden, ever the pragmatist, oversaw the development of infrastructure. He coordinated the construction of roads, bridges, and public buildings, ensuring that the city's layout was both functional and aesthetically pleasing. His attention to detail and organizational skills played a crucial role in the city's successful integration.Kenta often visited New Haven, walking through its bustling streets, visiting markets, and talking to the citizens. He took great pride in seeing the city come to life, a testament to the resilience and hard work of his people. The grand fountain in the city square, now fully restored and flowing with crystal-clear water, stood as a symbol of the kingdom's rebirth and unity.To celebrate the successful rebuilding of New Haven and the introduction of the new currency, Kenta declared a grand festival. The Festival of Rebirth would be an annual event, commemorating the kingdom's achievements and bringing together people from all corners of the realm.The preparations for the festival were extensive. The city was adorned with banners and decorations, and stages were set up for performances and ceremonies. Artisans showcased their crafts, merchants displayed their wares, and entertainers prepared to dazzle the crowds with their talents.On the day of the festival, the city was filled with excitement and anticipation. People gathered in the city square, where the grand fountain stood as the centerpiece of the celebrations. Kenta, accompanied by his advisors, took the stage to address the crowd."Citizens of our great kingdom," Kenta began, his voice carrying through the square. "Today, we celebrate our unity, our resilience, and our achievements. We have rebuilt this city, created a new currency, and strengthened our bonds as a community. This festival is a testament to what we can accomplish together."The crowd erupted in cheers, their enthusiasm infectious. Kenta continued, "Let us honor the past, embrace the present, and look forward to a future filled with promise and prosperity. Enjoy the festival, and let it remind us of the strength we find in each other."The festival was a resounding success. The streets were filled with laughter, music, and the joyous sounds of celebration. People from all walks of life came together, sharing in the festivities and strengthening the bonds of community.As night fell, the city square was illuminated with lanterns and torches, casting a warm glow over the celebrations. A grand fireworks display lit up the sky, the brilliant colors and patterns mesmerizing the crowd. Kenta stood with his advisors, watching the spectacle with a sense of pride and fulfillment."This is just the beginning," Kenta said, turning to his friends. "We have achieved so much, but there is still more to do. Our kingdom will continue to grow and thrive, guided by our values and our unity."Elara nodded, her eyes reflecting the fireworks. "The knowledge we've gained and the progress we've made will pave the way for future generations."Seraphina added, "We'll remain vigilant and strong, ready to face any challenges that come our way."Aiden smiled, his gaze fixed on the vibrant display. "And we'll continue to build, innovate, and create a kingdom that stands as a beacon of hope and prosperity."Kenta smiled, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for his friends and the people of his kingdom. Together, they had overcome immense challenges and achieved great things. The Festival of Rebirth marked not only the culmination of their efforts but also the beginning of a new chapter in the kingdom's history.As the last fireworks burst in the sky, casting a radiant glow over the city, Kenta knew that the future held endless possibilities. With the strength and unity of his people, there was nothing they couldn't achieve. The kingdom would continue to grow, prosper, and shine brightly, a testament to the power of vision, determination, and collective effort.