
In Another World With My Building Skills, And Made My Own Kingdom

Kenta Nakamura, an ordinary office worker with an extraordinary passion for construction, finds himself thrust into an unimaginable situation when a divine mistake ends his life prematurely. Struck by a bolt of lightning intended for a malevolent spirit, Kenta is transported to a realm between worlds where a remorseful god, Elysion, offers him a second chance at life.

LyricalInk · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Rebuilding and Reinforcing

Kenta Nakamura had proven himself to be a capable and visionary leader, transforming the once modest village into a burgeoning kingdom. His coronation had solidified his role, but the true test of his kingship was just beginning. As the kingdom flourished, Kenta knew he had to maintain their momentum and prepare for any threats on the horizon.One morning, as Kenta oversaw the construction of a new marketplace, a familiar scout approached him, his expression grave. "Your Majesty, we've received reports of activity in the eastern forests. It seems a large group is gathering there."Kenta nodded, his mind already strategizing. "Gather the council. We need to discuss this immediately."In the great hall, the council members convened. The elder, Elara, Seraphina, and other key advisors listened intently as the scout relayed his report."It appears to be a well-organized group, possibly armed. Their intentions are unclear, but we must be cautious," the scout concluded.Elara glanced at Kenta, her concern evident. "Do you think it's the sorcerer's forces?"Kenta considered this, then shook his head. "We can't be certain. We'll prepare for the worst but hope for the best. Seraphina, can you send a few of your best scouts to gather more information?"Seraphina nodded. "Consider it done."Over the next few days, the kingdom was abuzz with preparations. Kenta ordered the reinforcement of the town walls and increased patrols around the perimeter. The newly trained warriors, now adept with the innovative weapons Kenta had crafted, drilled rigorously, readying themselves for any potential conflict.In his workshop, Kenta focused on enhancing their defenses. He envisioned new fortifications and weapons that would ensure the safety of his people. With a deep breath, he whispered the word, "Build," and watched as a series of powerful ballistae, designed to launch enormous bolts capable of piercing even the strongest armor, materialized before him."Reinforce," he murmured, touching the castle walls. Instantly, the stone glowed with a soft blue light, becoming impervious to conventional siege weapons. He repeated this process for the gates, towers, and other key structures, ensuring that the kingdom would stand strong against any assault.One evening, as Kenta was inspecting the fortifications, Seraphina returned with her scouts. "We have news," she said, her voice urgent.In the council chamber, Seraphina detailed her findings. "The group is a mix of refugees and warriors from a distant land. They are not hostile but are seeking asylum. They've fled a tyrannical ruler who has been expanding his territory through force."The elder leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "If they're refugees, we should offer them sanctuary. But we must be wary of spies and infiltration."Kenta nodded. "We will meet them at the border. If their intentions are true, they will find a home here. But we'll remain vigilant."The next morning, Kenta, Elara, Seraphina, and a contingent of guards rode out to meet the approaching group. As they neared the eastern forest, they saw a large gathering of weary travelers. At their forefront stood a dignified man, his clothes tattered but his bearing noble."Greetings," Kenta called out as they approached. "I am Kenta Nakamura, king of this land. State your purpose."The man stepped forward, bowing slightly. "I am Aiden, leader of these people. We have traveled far, fleeing a tyrant who has laid waste to our homeland. We seek refuge and are willing to contribute to your kingdom in any way we can."Kenta studied Aiden and the group. Their exhaustion and desperation were evident, but so was their determination. "You are welcome here, Aiden. We will provide food, shelter, and safety. In return, we ask that you abide by our laws and work alongside us to build a better future."Aiden's relief was palpable. "Thank you, Your Majesty. You have our loyalty and our gratitude."As the refugees were integrated into the kingdom, Kenta and his advisors ensured that they were treated with compassion and respect. The newcomers brought valuable skills and knowledge, further enriching the community. Among them were artisans, farmers, and scholars, each eager to contribute to their new home.One evening, as Kenta walked through the newly established refugee quarters, he saw children playing and families reuniting. Aiden approached him, his expression grateful. "Your Majesty, you have given us hope when we had none. We are in your debt."Kenta smiled. "You owe us nothing but your dedication to this kingdom. Together, we will create a future where everyone can thrive."As the weeks passed, the kingdom continued to grow and strengthen. Kenta's leadership and the unity of the people ensured that they were ready to face any challenge. The threat of the distant sorcerer and other external dangers remained, but with their combined strength, they felt confident in their ability to protect their home.One afternoon, as Kenta stood atop the castle walls, looking out over the bustling kingdom, Elara joined him. "You've done incredible things, Kenta. Our kingdom is stronger than ever."He nodded, feeling a deep sense of fulfillment. "It's not just me. It's all of us, working together. That's our true strength."Elara smiled, her eyes reflecting the golden light of the setting sun. "And as long as we stand united, nothing can break us."Kenta took her hand, squeezing it gently. "We've built something amazing here, Elara. And we'll continue to build, no matter what comes our way."As the sun set, casting a warm glow over the land, Kenta felt a renewed sense of purpose. The unexpected visitors had brought new challenges and opportunities, but with unity and determination, they would face any trials together. Their kingdom was more than just buildings and walls; it was a beacon of hope, resilience, and the unwavering bonds of its people.