
In another world with demon lord

This story is about a human who finds his way to another realm....

Daoist29MFTZ · Action
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Vlad: Have you seen Transylvania?

Alec: No my lord, I only managed to visit one shop.

Vlad: Well I expected that you would have visited the entire city

Alec: Sorry my lord but isn't Transylvania above 100,000 km in terms of area? how could I have visited all of it in a single day?

Vlad: We don't consider all the areas part of Transylvania what I mean by Transylvania is the area in which vampires live. the vampire nobles are coming to the castle, so prepare Food for them.

Alec: Yes my lord but is it true that you are the strongest vampire, I know you are very strong but the strongest?

Vlad: Yes it is true but because I will live forever because of my immortality I will be bored with my strength.

(Alec leaves the room)

|2 hours later|

Vlad: Welcome El Alucard.

Alucard: What a nice day to meet you, Lord Vlad Dracula.

(Alec pushes Alucard)

Alucard: You dare to push me?

Alec: I am sorry

(Alucard attacks Alec but Vlad stops him)

Vlad: Excuse me this is my servant Alec.

Alucard: I am sorry!

Alec : (Lord Vlad is fast I couldn't even see him he was that fast)

Vlad: Alucard the other nobles are waiting.

Alucard: Yes.

The next chapter will be about the noble special meeting

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