
In Another World With a God

Kyle Adley is an Otaku and Lazy genius from Earth, that is summoned by a God-like being that calls himself Sixth to another world for unknown reasons. Embark in Kyle's journey as he discovers this new world, bickers with an annoying god and deals with all the disadvantages or slight advantages he is granted, whilst being fated to fight five protagonist-like existences. All of this while a group of omnipotent beings moves in the background, their aims unknown even among themselves. (By the way, the MC is a necromancer if you are into that stuff. I know I am.)

DanteReinhardt · Fantasy
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37 Chs

General Happenings

Disclaimer: This chapter contains spoilers, please only read it if you have already read everything up to date. This chapter compiles important or notable happening or information in each chapter, with some additional jokes every now and then.


Kyle Adley, the MC. Has a mother, a dead father, and a dead friend. Studies computer engineering and is a lazy genius, with no friends and a difficulty to change his facial expression. His reaction to unusual things is as unusual as the unusual things that happen to him, he relates his abnormal reaction to seeing too much anime and reading too many web novels.

Sixth is the omnipotent being that transported Kyle to another world. He almost always has a mocking or smug smile on his face, but it changes when he's alone to a gloomy expression. Sixth has some sort of purpose that required him to summon many different beings to other worlds many times, yet his aims are unclear.

Chapter 1: Arrival.

Red Stone is a town that seems to be at the edge of a kingdom. It has many civilians, but its infrastructure is closer to that of a village rather than that of a town, to the point nobles and literate people wouldn't want to come to this place. It seems to have a heavy focus on mining the mountains that surround the city and producing grains. The lord of this town is a Magus, Lord Baron Angus of Red Stone.

Kyle used to be a sedentary person, but his body was recovered to peak health when he was transported, so his body would adapt to the new structure it should have in this world.

Sixth followed Kyle to this world, which he seems to know nothing about. He denied helping Kyle, which angered him.

The social structure seems to be mainly feudal, Kids work as adults would, however, the living conditions seem to be better than those on feudal Europe.

Kyle was confused with a scholar and thus discovered there was a need for a scribe in the Baron's household. The job seems to be mainly copying tomes, so he decided to apply.

Chapter 2: Kyle the Scribe.

Kyle is brought to meet Baron Angus. Angus suspects that Kyle might be a fugitive slave or the bastard son of a noble since he has no surname, but Kyle manages to bullshit his way through that and convinces Baron Angus to hire him.

Aqua, Mil Aqua, and Anti Mil aqua are the weight measures for this world. Equivalent to Gram, Kilogram and Miligram.

Kyle possesses a Yellow Magus soul, which enables him to become an Initiate Magus in his lifetime.

Kyle seems to be psychologically affected by the transmigration and feels lonely in the new world. Sixth seems somewhat empathetic to Kyle's loneliness.

Chapter 3: Learning: It's hard to seem intelligent when you don't know the name of your country.

Arledge of Flower Forest is a Scribe under Baron Angus and Kyle's roommate. He's a seemingly friendly old man, even if his sexual orientation is bent both ways. He seems to have taken a liking to Kyle's healthy body, but maintains a respectful relationship. Whether he did something to Kyle while he slept is up to debate.

Enki is the head of Baron Angus' guard. There isn't much more information aside from that.

Kyle is currently on the Eastern Argent Kingdom that neighbors the Western Argent Kingdom, that were separated by a civil war centuries ago. He's inside the Golden State Duchy, in the Red Stone Barony that is ruled by Baron Angus.

Kyle learned about the kingdom's history and general geography through one hour of tedious study, before he discovered he's too lazy to study using books.

Chapter 4: Learning: Why is magic so biased?!

There are ten grades of Magus souls: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Silver, Gold, and White.

Each soul above Orange represents a maximum threshold for Magic practice, that threshold cannot be broken.

Magic Circles are the basis of casting spells, and they are used to record the non-memorized spells of Magi.

Chapter 5: Sorry mom, but your son will become Evil!

There are three categories of non-orthodox magic: Foreign Arts, Strange Arts and Dark Arts.

Foreign Arts and Strange Arts depend on the Core.

Dark Arts are considered evil but can be practiced by anyone. They are incredibly OP and dangerous as well.

Copy Magic is stupidly high-level for unknown reasons.

Chapter 6: Death Trial I: Who would have guessed that watching a movie can help you raise the dead?!

Mana Essence dictates the level of a spellcaster. There are five levels and five ranks in each level.

A Magus Soul is an actual muscle that vibrates to generate mana essence and restore mana.

Kyle thinks his younger mother is hot.

Sixth feels a little empathy for Kyle, although he doesn't know why.

PS: Shota Kyle is cute.

Chapter 7: Everyone is the MC but me!

The Polar Death Core ritual spell creates a Connection between the Death Core in the Death Lord's body and their Magus Soul, that can be used to channel and exchange Necrotic Energy for Mana and vice-versa.

The Crystal Fiber Flower is the main ingredient for the Polar Death Cores spell.

Kyle was challenged by Sixth's brothers to kill five people with cheat abilities. If Kyle completes the challenge, he will be granted one wish without restraints. The five other challengers only need to kill him and will get their wishes granted; their identity is unknown.

Kyle has the ability to negate plot-armor.

Kyle thinks punching a rock is a promising idea.

Chapter 8: You have no shit on you, so you're a noble!

Not being covered in shit means you aren't a peasant.

Kyle's battle skills rely a lot on not wanting to die and instinctual reactions… As of now.

Gestures are necessary for casting magic.

Vortexes appear when casting magic, they won't be described usually since it is really boring to do so and it will free a lot of space.

Ghouls look like humans, but paler. Their blood becomes gray mist and their flesh becomes black, they retain intelligence but not their memories or personality. Natural abilities or dispositions still remain, such as a habit or compulsive behavior, the talent for creativity and technical knowledge. Their personality recovers over time, while their memories are forever lost.

Albert used to be the leader of a small bandit group and was killed by Kyle, becoming his first ghoul warrior. Kyle thinks he's stupid since he called Kyle a noble, however, Albert knew he wasn't one but deduced he may have been a peddler because of his bags. Calling him a noble was just sarcasm. He approached because he knew it would be impossible for a Peasant to simply walk away from their birthplace without any reason, and alone. His behavior became stoic and formal after becoming a ghoul, always referring to Kyle as Lord Knight.

Chapter 9: This world looks too much like an MMORPG…

Kyle doesn't feel too bad when killing people but does feel bad about not feeling bad.

Raise-type necromancy spells don't need to be cast multiple times; a single cast can raise as many undead as possible by the current maximum capacity. Since the Necrotic Energy acts as a beacon for another type of higher form of energy to act upon the corpses.

A first level Necromancer can learn five first-level Spells.

Normal Undeads can be converted into cores and be stored inside the caster's body.

PS: Bandits aren't XP nor trash mobs, they are human beings and should be slain as such, NPCs also have feelings!

Chapter 10: Vrygewig, your Friendly Neighborhood Necromancer.

Sixth's brothers were once mortals but ascended afterward.

Sixth's first brother created a unified timeline among many realities, that made it possible for a linear ascension, making Sixth the youngest seventh brother.

Kyle got used to Sixth's antics after one year with him.

Kyle believes that people can accept him even if he is a necromancer, as long as he doesn't act rampant and crazily like most Death Lords.

Kyle nicknamed his necromancer self Vrygewig. He presented himself as a friendly neighborhood necromancer. Even though no one in this world knows what a neighborhood is or would understand the reference.

PS: For some reason, even though I depict Albert as stoic and fearsome, I can't help but see him as a cute big uncle… I may just be weird though.

Chapter 11: Merchants are greys, so if you give them a profit you will never be treated badly!

Artmer of Black Gold is the grandson of the chairman of the Bosta Merchant Guild, and the son of the most likely successor to the position.

The Bosta Merchant Guild is one of the four biggest Merchant Guilds in the Easter Argent Kingdom. It deals mainly with Large-scale trading of mineral, which is it's strong point when compared to the other three guilds, while also having a moderate influence on the Kingdom's black-market trading, although not specialized in it. Because of it's influence in the black Market, it has an uneasy relationship with another big guild who is preeminent in the black market, the Pica Merchant Guild.

Artmer wants to have a good relationship with Kyle, on the account of him being a reasonable Necromancer, which is rare. As well as him mistaking Kyle for a bastard son of a noble, which heightens his status beyond that of a commoner, as Artmer has prejudice against peasants. (As is common with all nobles and big merchants.)

Kyle learned how to speak in a roundabout way like politicians and merchants while in Lord Angus' Manor, although he's not proficient in it.

Kyle decided to escort Artmer to Golden Estate City, at the heart of the Duchy.

Ghouls can regenerate by eating flesh and can passively regenerate Necrotic Energy while battling.

Chapter 12: I'm Actually A Talented Wizard?!

Magic Circles work like computer programs. They must be written and executed in a specific way to achieve a certain result. Which is why casting a spell as a Magus requires knowledge of the theory behind the spell, accurate control of mana and knowledge of the activation method of the spell.

The Death Core is essentially the Cold core, and it does not vibrate and is unable to generate mana. But it can transfer energy to the Magus Soul, the Hot Core, which will transform it into mana.

Every breakthrough as a Magus will be aided by the Death Core, so the Death Lord level as a Magus will always be the same as his level as a Death Lord.

A Magus can learn twenty spells each level, that can be activated through normal casting. In later levels, they can learn double that amount for spells one level below their own, and there is no restriction on quantity for spells two levels below their own.

PS: Magic powers aren't gained by staying a virgin for thirty years unless that is caused by a specific training method.

Chapter 13: Necromancers are extremely terrifying when they aren't insane!

Slavery is legal, but native slaves are treated better than foreign slaves earned through war, which have no rights. Criminals and people with debts on the tax Levy are the most common type of slaves, while many peasant slaves are induced into slavery by Lords that wish to sell them for profit. The most expensive and harder to find are the Noble slaves, which are usually from war efforts. While noble slaves are treated well, they are only treated as such when their kingdom still exists. Nobles from fallen kingdoms are bound to become slaves, while the Noble Magi are usually contracted as slaves using a magic contract and treated fairly well. Fallen Nobles are almost always treated as glorified pets, and lose all their rights as a human, being reduced to a lower than peasant status.

A thousand people for a single magus is an estimative using the lowest level of magus with no special attribute, element or external aid. In reality, most Magi are able to even kill ten thousand peasants before dying, with enough resources they may even be able to kill hundreds of thousands on their own. However, that depends on the capability of the Magus and the enemy's equipment or possibly enhanced strength, the numbers vary a lot.

Kyle got older. He was 20 before and is now 21.

While Cold spell's characteristics are to afflict their enemies with cold whilst damaging them, different uses of spells, combining elements or even especially inventive spells that are particular to a family might have other effects be more preeminent. One ice spell might have a greatly enhanced hardness with virtually no cold at all, while another one might combine with an illusion spell to produce an invisible ice spear.

Doom Lords, Death Lords, and Demon Lords are the three kinds of Dark Arts practitioners, while each of them may or may not be Magi as well. The more types of Magic Arts they practice in that direction, the more mana they have naturally. A Doom Magus would have five times more mana than an ordinary Magus of their own level.

Chapter 14: Necromancers are extremely terrifying when they aren't insane!

There is virtually no difference between a second level Martial Artist and a first level one, while a third level Martial Artist is as Strong as a First level Magus. Using that logic, in normal circumstances a Martial Artist Grows in power every three levels, while equipment can change that drastically. A well-equipped fifth level Martial Artist can be as Strong as a Third level Magus.

Some soldiers can be trained to be Death-sworn. They are valuable warriors that will do literally anything their master tells. The training for one starts from childhood, and few experts can train them, while they can hardly grow much and are expensive because of that. But their abilities aren't much different than undead when it comes to having no fear of death and they also have high resistance to pain.

A spell can be cast more than once with a single casting, but consumes mana accordingly. The body of a magician also has a limit to how much it can cast without being burdened, it is common for a magician to be able to cast ten spells of it's own level at once. The same applies to Martial Artist, where they can pour different amounts of mana into attack and defense, but their bodies will be more burdened with more power. A martial artist can usually pour one quarter of his power without being burdened.

The amount of mana that can be controlled without harm depends on one's ability to control mana, so it isn't impossible for someone to pour all of their mana at once, only extremely difficult.

Killing another noble is a grave offence to another's family and is a righteous cause for war. If a war is allowed by the King or someone appointed by him, the loser either has to pay reparations or lose their territory to the winner.

Chapter 15: Albert, the Undead Warrior.

It is common for Ghouls to lose all of their memories after being created, while in some rare cases, they might remember pieces of their memory and eventually even recover all of their memories. However, such events are rare. Albert is considered the leader among the ghouls exactly because of his memories of his past life, although Kyle doesn't know that since he never asked.

Ghouls and special undead may be resurrected if killed, but doing so isn't easy, and usually not worth it.

The ghouls, and Albert especially, think of Kyle as a Father and Lord, who granted them eternal life. Ghouls are, after all, not mindless idiots who only follow orders. They also have their five senses, even pain. Although their bodies' constitution changed, and their sense of pain doesn't affect their mentality. It isn't rare for ghouls to truly be grateful to their masters, since a life as a ghoul is as good as a new, eternal life.

Magic weapons can replicate spells, but the output of the spell depends on the wielder who uses it, unless it is powered by an external source. If a weapon replicates a fourth level spell, but is wielded by a first level person, it will only have the power of peak first level, or second level.

Kyle tries o make his undead have convictions, since he believes someone with convictions fights better than a mindless murderer. He especially quoted the chant Albert used, "Glory, Majesty, Unity, Hail!" from a metal band of earth.

PS: Albert is more of a berserker than an undead. Damn, that last run was amazing to write.

Chapter 16: Please resurrect my brothers!

Concentrated spells make spells that summon many things of one thing making it stronger for single targets, it has a better effect depending on the affinity to the spell. If a core ice magus who can summon ten arrows with the ice arrow spell concentrates the spell, it will be stronger than if a ice magus with major affinity uses it.

Aside from the five levels of magic, each level has five ranks. Advancing through ranks is easier than through a level. Necromancers have an easier time passing through ranks, since they only need to kill people to accumulate death energy. But they have a harder time breaking through levels.

That weird chant language originates from Sixth's brothers original reality and can be used in this reality as well for reasons that won't be explained now.

Kyle can communicate with his undead through his mind, not only with the special ones, but the normal ones as well.

Kyle's decision on the agreement with Sixth was interfered with by someone, but who?

Chapter 17: Programmers are the wizards of the real world!

Aside from Bosta, Pica and Mi-jo, the fourth guild is Rola, who's allied with Pica. It deals with the entertainment and service industries as a specialty, so it owns many brothels, restaurants, theaters, etc…

Sixth knows how to play RPGs.

Spells of a certain level can be simplified to a lower level. It decreases its potency and may make it lose some functionalities, but spells like these sell for more than a normal spell of that level.

Spells of a level can be layered. Basic spells are one-layered. Spells of the second layer cost double. Three-layered cost eight times as much. Four-layered cost thirty-two times as much and five-layered ones cost a hundred and twenty-eight times as much.

The amount of 'elements' of magic is abusively high.

There are many 'nationalities' in this world. The common tongue is 'English', but other nations may have their own language and share them with each other. Naveed is an example, since his family came from a nation in the desert lands.

Spell tailors are Magi who can make spells.

Yes. Those guys can cure cancer. They also solved the genetic problems caused by incest… Feudalism am I right?

Chapter 18: Loli Slave.

Magi that joined guilds are usually those that aren't entitled to inherit their states, those that don't want to get a baronet or baron territory from the kingdom, or those that descend from families that pledged loyalty to the Black Gold family.

They use walls, but obviously they also have barriers locking the air space. Flying isn't easy for mages though. Fly is a second level spell, while its practicality depends a lot on mana control. Most of the flying magi on Bosta use special tools to fly.

The employment mentality of this world's merchants are indeed great. There are also many who support abolishing noble slavery and stuff like that. A reminder, civilians aren't really humans in the eyes of magi, just glorified cattle.

Teleportation is a fifth level spell, but few magi practice space magic, and fewer reach fifth level. Space magic is a mainly offensive and support element that is incredibly complex, and is too difficult to control without having space as a core element, while creating magic formations (static magic circles) for teleportation is possible it usually can't teleport items with mana, or humans. Teleport formations of the fifth level are used, but they depend on two static points and fifth level Elemental Stones to fuel it, which are bullshit expensive and considered strategic resources. Space magic also only starts having significant spells starting from the third level. Because of all those shortcomings, space magic isn't popular, aside from certain families that found ways to make it useful, but those are rare and won't share their knowledge with others. All in all, space is a rare element but every Magus that reaches the fifth level with it becomes a powerhouse that goes down the history books instantly, they are also the main contributors to physics and chemistry on this world.

Magic staffs with spell storage functions can store a spell circle in it, that will act like the ones in the magus' channels.

Space rings are rare as fuck, since only fifth level space Magi can make it. The commonly used storage object are bags with the 'space expansion' enchantment and the 'space suction' enchantment. On a side note, expanded space can store human beings, so it's not impossible to store a living human being inside it, however, if the bag isn't resistant they will break out.

Void Souls are a type of Magus soul that doesn't conduct mana. Which makes the holder of this Magus Soul unable to practice magical arts, but also unable to be affected by spells that affect him with energy, such as a debuff or illusion.

Chapter 19: [Lord-class I] Warrior Daughter and Magus Mother.

Veritas Kingdom is a kingdom to the west, closer to the Dark Continent. Like many others, the Doom King assimilated it. It's citizens were mostly turned into minor ghouls or other minor special undead, something the Doom King created to fill his kingdom with the undead.

There are a few transcendent powers, that possess gods behind them.

The first is the Church of the Twelve Divine and Forty Sanctified, whose army of Gods' servants crusade against the demon worshipers and the Dark Artists of the western continent.

The second is the Church of Four Emperors and Twelve Kings, that leads the demon worshipers and prepare for the next holy war, extending their influence through the continent. Each demon god is as powerful as one of the Twelve Divines, but most of the twelve kings are still recovering, like most of the sanctified who are weaker.

The third is the Merchant's Guild, that stablishes itself inside the greatest empire of the central continent. It basically has a hand in all of the corners of the planet, not only the central continent. Their patron is one of the Four Gods of Balance: King of Exchange, Al-Kutba.

The fourth is the Vitaogon Empire, the greatest empire of the central continent, led by Charles the Twelfth, the 'Born-to-rule'. Their armies of Magi, economy, resources and talents are unparalleled by anyone else, aside from their economy that is worse than the Merchant's Guild. Their Patron god is the God of Sovereignty, The Golden King.

The fifth is the High Tribunal, the most respected court in the planet, where many kings and emperors go for especially hard trials that can have politic impact and can't be decided by themselves without infuriating the nobility. It's also a general place for a fair trial, where myriad judges are ready to help anyone who needs it, their fairness never questioned. Their patron is the God of Judgement, Rodu.

The sixth is the Enclave, who basically doesn't influence anything, but has the highest power of all. It is the alliance between the Four Gods of Balance: The King of Exchange, God of Sovereignty, The God of Judgement, and the head of the Enclave: The God of Love, Camoesh Baalat Astaroth.

Aside from those, there is also the Jianghu, helmed by Heavenly King Tiaokong Bao. They are protected by an even higher entity and have an agreement with the other transcendent powers of mutual non-interference.

Necromancy works on a completely different system from the magic system. Even if a Magus tries as hard as he can for his entire life, he can never understand how a Necromancy Magic Circle and Runes work. Only the Necromancers are able to do so.

Chapter 20: [Lord-class I] True Unlife.

Shaved… (Drools…)

This world is a lot more chill with sex-stuff, so extra-marital relationships aren't uncommon, although not everyone accepts it.

Killing intent doesn't seem to affect Kyle directly, but it can make him nervous.

A Magus memory can be enhanced using many techniques. Remembering every major family of the continent isn't VERY difficult, although still an impressive feat.

Kyle isn't a lolicon, I swear. He has a cat girl fetish though.

Lord-class undead can revive their masters if certain ingredients are acquired, and vice-versa. The stronger the Lord-class and the Necromancer, the more powerful the materials needed.

Demon Lords are more powerful than common Demons… For reasons that can't be explained now.

Aside from Sixth and his brothers, there are other omnipotent beings. Sixth refers to them as Ascended.

Lord-class undead look like normal humans, without a single difference, even their blood is red.

Chapter 21: Let bygones be bygones.

Lord-class undead are the main reason behind the Necromancer's capability of fighting beyond their own level. Since Lord-class undead have the potential to grow, as well as amazing special abilities that can't be replicated by spells or science. A necromancer can only have a single Lord-class per level, and they can only be raised as one of the special type undead.

Most spellcasters don't strengthen their bodies, instead they use raw mana for close combat.

Death Creatures are special undead that are created from corpses of beings that aren't from the necromancer's race. They take on an undead form of their race and gain greatly enhanced physical abilities, although they have only as much intellect as skeletons and zombies. Death Creatures can also shapeshift to have the same appearance as their master's race. Retaining the physical abilities.

Although Mary and Violet won't hold any grudges against Artmer, that doesn't mean they now like him.

Chapter 22: [Third Brother] Devil.

Mary has an Innate Firestorm Magus Soul that enhance her innate abilities when handling Fire and Wind elements.

Increasing in rank as a necromancer increases also the capacity of undead. The numbers get ridiculous after a while.

Devil, despite how he looks like and his name, isn't a bad guy.

100D chess is an actual game that exists in this reality. But it is incredibly boring.

PS: Sixth is useful, he really is. After all, simply be existing he makes sure that Kyle won't develop paranoia. After all, there actually is always someone watching him.

Chapter 23: Brian

This chapter is self explanatory and doesn't need any additional info.

Just know that little sis is all right, even though she died she went to a better place. No loli was hurt in the making of this sob story.

Chapter 24: Kyle Adley of the Bosta Merchant Guild.

If you are asking yourself, if Violet is a young girl or a grown man, the answer is a grown man. She might look like a loli, but she's still a man at heart and soul... Which makes it all the worst that she now needs to go through her monthly periods.

GM is still mysterious, his real debut will happen not much later. I'm eager to write it.

Will Kyle eventually get a girlfriend? I mean, really will he? I don't know for sure, I'll wing it if he ever does get one. I don't have plans for it.

Earth's goddess won't ever appear, nor will she be important. She's too busy getting massaged by strong men in the Caribbean.

Bartolomeo is amazing. I like him, he's cool. That's all I have to say about him.

Most ordinary methods won't work when killing a Death Lord that went berserk after failing a trial, which is why they are usually not allowed to advance unless they have some sort of special safeguard.

Chapter 25: Back Home.

There is a non-zero chance that Artmer is gay. I won't confirm or deny that he is though. So keep doubting it. One day, I might reveal the truth. Please rest assured, the truth is not what you think. No matter what it is you are thinking.

Yes, the eagles look exactly like that pocket monster you are imagining.

Chapter 26: Royalty and nobility.

I think it is due time I say what the titles for each level is. I will make another auxiliary chapter with the explanation.

Kyle has plot armor, but only on a meta level. On the lore level he doesn't have it.

Yes, the princess is a trap. Why is that? Because why the fuck not really? We need more traps in novels.

There is this breast fondling scene, but this novel won't have anything above that. So don't read this expecting ecchi things you fucking pervert. (Says the biggest pervert of all.)

Now for some important lore. Let me put on my best lore voice... Wait, this is a book, you can't hear my voice. Oh well, just read this then.

A long time ago, before humans discovered how to use magic and stuff, they were dumb ape mammals that got done in daily by literally every other race that could think and wield magic. Elves, Dwarves, Sirens, Minotaurs, Orangutan Beastmen and such.

But then, the dumb humans discovered how to use magic, and they started doing it very well. And with the help of magic, they started multiplying like a fucking plague and killing everything that moved. That was an era of absolute chaos where humans subjugated other races and committed mass genocide. Usually, the gods would stop that from happening, since they were the ones that created those races that were being brutally massacred. But most of them were sleeping to recover after an ancient clusterfuck where they beat heads with the demon gods until both of them got divine erectile dysfunction for many millennia.

Eventually though, many humans became gods or demon gods, and after speaking to the old gods, they discovered that mass genocide wasn't cool. So instead of killing off the few races left that they hadn't brutally murdered, they instead subjugated and befriended them. (Not because of pity or something, the races left were just to strong to murder fast enough and without huge losses, like elves and dragons.)

After that the era of humans started, which is arguably chaotic still, but that's just the normal amount of chaos for a world filled with magical jerks.

The remaining races, being individually strong as fuck, became important for the humans. The Argent Empire, for example, created the Elven Council which had just as much authority as the Imperial Family and even could vote on who would succeed along with the Archdukes. After all, elves are all capable of magic, from birth even. And they all can grow up to the fifth level given enough time. And they live a LONG time. By the time an elf becomes a toddler, at least 500 years would have passed, which is why elves couldn't put up much resistance against humans that just procreated like rabbits. Elves Have innate powerful magic though, as well as the ability to make the world be their source of mana, making it so that they never run out of it. They also don't need to learn new spells or such, they just tell nature what they want to happen, and if they are old enough, that happens. It's simple.

After the Civil war, the Elven Council was split in half. Two elf elders supported one side for the throne along with half of the Archdukes, and two elf elders supported the other side, along with the other half of the Archdukes.

That is all the lore you need to know about the ancient times and non-human races for now.

If you didn't notice, the Imperial family of the Argent empire divided into two royal branches. The Sulven of the East and the Aurven of the west.

Chapter 27: Brown Stone Village.

This world has a lot more people than earth. Since simply sustaining human life is easy. It should have about a hundred billion inhabitants. The whole planet is, of course, bigger than planet earth.

Kyle is now faster at casting spells. Good boy. I'll give him a treat.

A lot of development is wasted in this world simply because nobles hold all the power and disregard the peasants. Little do they know peasants can be useful for things other than glorified cattle. Merchants have a better sense of that, but most nobles don't see it like that.

Chapter 28: [Lords of Infinity] The Seven Lords of Infinity.

Yes, the most powerful omnipotent beings live in an apartment. Houses are overrated. Apartments are the best.

Atheist is less of an Atheist and more of an Antitheist.

Do not ask about Loli planet, I don't know anything about it either.

Void Lord is just as edgy as it sounds.

Scarlet is the Resident mom, no one dares defy him. His ability of handling Sixth's bullshit is unparalleled as well.

Rock's wife and Scarlet's wife won't appear in this novel. They are too terrifying.

The Bacon Dao is supreme, do not underestimate it.

GM's wisdom is unfathomable... It takes a great mastermind to create a loli planet.

Sixth is Sixth because Sixth.

If you haven't noticed it yet, I like white hair and red eyes. Sue me.

Chapter 29: [Lords of Infinity] A gift from Void.

Rock is a nice guy. The nicest in fact.

Gordon Ramsay ain't nothing compared to Scarlet. And even less compared to Kyle's mom.

The details of Void's relation with Scarlet is complex, they will be explained more through the novel.

GM doesn't like washing his hands... What a pig.

Void is indeed, the incarnation of edge.

Chapter 30: The Necronomicon, Loyalty, and a serious Kyle.

For those interested in knowing, it is humanely impossible to read all of the Necronomicon in less that a couple millennia.

Divine Elemental Crystals are just as overpowered as they sound.

Chapter 31: [Leisure Life I]: Training in the Sword and Hidden Bloodlust.

Kyle has maids, but is still a virgin... Disgusting.

Undead are able to understand necromancy to an extent, but they don't have the same innate knowledge as Necromancers.

Kyle actually has a demon that will destroy the world sealed in his soul... Nah, but it would be fun if that was it.

(I will be updating the General happenings either today or tomorrow.)