
In another world but arent I Op?

Poweratgamer · Fantasy
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17 Chs


"Sorry kiddo I hate to be a bringer of bad news but I am sorry to say that you are dead"

"I see"

I woke up in a room and sat down,I look all over and noticed that the room was quite simple or had the classic feeling if the classic feeling was that your room had no walls nor roofs and is floating in the sea of clouds.The room was decorated with a small tea table,A TV,A set of drawers and a old style telephone.It really was classic.

But all that aside,I looked over at the old man across the table.Apparently he was Lord God.Or atleast he proclaims to say so.He had told me that a series of event's led to my death

"I am afraid to say that I made a bit of a blunder when I accidentally dropped a piece of lightning onto your world.I truly am sorry for my mistake.I never intended to strike someone and…The chances of it happening was very low to begin with.I cannot apologize enough."

"I see.uhm…So,Is this heaven?"

"No this is actually higher than heaven.This is where we Gods live and do our work.You can call this the Divine realm.I actually had to summon you here myself.you see,Humans or any ordinary living thing lower than a god cannot ever hope to come here.Now to the point A-art-arthur…uhm Arthur?"

"Arthur Nautilus.Arthur's my given name"

"Yes,yes,young Arthur"The old man God addressed me as he poured us both a cup of tea

"Young Arthur aren't you a bit too calm?you are actually dead so I thought you might panic or get angry at me"

"Actually I'm still having a hard time believing that this is real.Still,what's done is done.Getting mad at someone wont change the past"

"Ohohoho you have a way with words"

"So? What now? Heaven or hell?"

"Remove that thought from your mind boy.You died because of my blunder so I'll be taking full responsibility.You'll be resurrected in a moment,So no need to worry,But…"God mumbles his word.I couldn't help but worry.Am I gonna become an animal?!

"Don't worry boy you wont become an animal I can assure you that Its just that…I can certainly resurrect you It's just that I cannot revive you in your original world.There are rules to this, you see.I truly am sorry to what happened.Now back to the point"

"Go on to the main point."I spoke with a stern voice to encourage God to continue

"I can resurrect you in another world.With this you can start anew life.I understand if you don—"

"Great"I said with an enthusiastic voice and smile

"Really?"Finding his never ending apology cut short and finding out that I didn't mind being resurrected God showed a blank and shocked face.

"Yeah what's done is done.Even a god wont be able to change the past… I think.Honestly I'm happy to be given another chance at life, And getting angry is useless, unless you have the power that gives you the right to get angry which I dont"

"What an amazing young man your are…if you we're still alive down there you might've made a name for yourself arthur.I truly am sorry for killing you."Poor old God looked sad indeed.I was very close to my grandfather so I felt bad seeing God looking sad.I know what I'm feeling is weird but I emphasized with God.Even though I was glad being able to live a second life I was still sad knowing that I will no longer be able to see my friends nor family.Still even though I wasn't the religious type when I was alive I'm not that disrespectful to the point that I would get angry and demand something from a god.I was taught to forgive people and The God That I am talking to right now showed that they weren't omnipotent so they still class as people,I think.

"Still let me make it up to you.I am permitted to make small favor's so…Does anything come to mind?"

Going home would be nice but that's impossible. "What kind of world are you sending me in?"

"It's a fantasy world of nobility and swords&magic and a bit of tech"

Well… Oh?Thats it!

"There is one thing but I don't think that it's a small favor though"

"There is?State it and I'll try and do what I can"

"Can you give me knowledge from my world?"

"I see…!"God stand up and goes to his drawer and starts searching for something.God returns to his seat and puts a small book the size of his hand on the table. "Here,with this you can access any kind of knowledge that you need".God almighty hand's me the book and start's teaching me how to use it.To find the info that I wanted I had to type what I wanted then open the book and flip through the pages and It apparently is able to be used to watch videos.The item God had given was apparently named "Book Of Genesis".

"Really!I thank you"

"Not at all.This situation was all my fault to begin with.Ah,Speaking of which,One last thing"God raises his hand gently then a warm light surrounded my body. "With this you'll be able to use any kind of magic and you might even be able to create new kind of spells.Well good luck boy".

"Thank—W-Wha?"My sight begins to fade as I slowly lose consciousness