

Jumping down from the building Jun dashed towards the giant hollow. Dodging all the people running towards him, he gathered his demonic energy into his right hand and summoned out the demon sword Yamato. Raising his hood up he hid his face just in case some idiot decided to record this instead of running away.

Using his superhuman agility, he hopped onto a nearby building and used it as a launch pad to leap above the hollow.

Sensing his demon energy, the hollow raised its head and saw the white haired boy above it holding a sheathed katana. Feeling a weird type of danger emanating from the boy, it swiped its elongated arm upwards with the intention of swatting him out of the air.


Ignoring physics, Jun's body twisted in mid air and dodged the hollow's giant claw and fell towards the monster like a human shaped rocket.


Feeling the wind lash at him, a crazed smile spread across his face as the hollow's face entered his sight.

'Time to see how well Iaido works in this position.'

Gripping the scabbard with his left hand, blue light burst out of the sword handle as his eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Unsheathing the blade at a speed that no normal human could possibly follow, a radiant blue arc shaped light charged out of the blade and sliced through the hollow splitting it in half.

'Is that it?'

Jun thought as he watched it fizzle away into black particles.

'How disappointing.'


Hearing a child's scream, Jun remembered that the hollow was holding someone before he killed it.


Slashing at the air he cut open space and appeared above the wailing child. Once he was close enough, he grabbed onto the kid's hand and pulled them into his embrace. Seeing that the fall would probably dirty his clothes and most likely kill the child. He slashed at the air once again and fell through another portal.

Appearing only a couple of centimetres above the ground, both he and the crying child landed safely.


Although he removed most of the impact by teleporting a couple centimetres off the ground, landing on his back still didn't feel too nice.

Chuckling to himself he realized that the child that was being held by the hollow had passed out on his chest.

'Defeated a hollow and saved a child all within the span of a few breaths... Besides the landing, I'd give myself an A+'

Feeling a headache coming on, he deactivated his mystic eyes and allowed his vision to return to normal.

Rolling the child off of him, he pulled out his phone to check how long he'd been away.

'5 minutes… I'll say I was playing hide and seek.'

Putting his phone back in his pocket, he looked at the passed out child. Now that the hollow was dead and they were no longer falling to their deaths, he finally got the chance to look at the child properly.

She had tanned skinned that complimented her golden eyes and brown-like hair. She was covered in dirt and grime and her clothes were torn in many different places. From appearance alone, Jun guessed that she hadn't lived the best life. But even with all the dirt and grime, it couldn't hide her cuteness. Jun was certain that when she grew older she would definitely have plenty of guys waiting on hands and knees for her.

'What am I going to do.'

Shaking his head, he wanted to abandon her here as he felt that he had not obligation to help her. He had already saved her from certain death so doing anymore would be overkill right? But… for some reason doing that just didn't sit well with him. Although he didn't consider himself to be a good person, just leaving a child he had personally saved to die on the streets seemed a bit too heartless.



*Ding Dong*

"Who could that be?" Kariya asked looking up from his cup of tea.

"We're not expecting anyone today, maybe it's the mail man." Masaki answered walking towards the door.

Sergei looked up from his newspaper. "Do mail men normally ring the bell?"

"Not that I know of." Kariya said returning his attention back to his tea.

Opening the door, Masaki was surprised to see the white Jun standing there with a small child on his back.

"Jun? What are you doing outside? And who's that on your back." She asked seeing the passed out girl on his back.

Hearing the mention of Jun, both Sergei and Kariya ears peaked up as they came over. And just like Masaki they also didn't understand why he was outside carrying a small child.

"Young master Jun, what is going on?" Sergei asked feeling confused by the current situation.

'Are any of them going to let me inside?'

If not for his superhuman strength, Jun would definitely be complaining about carrying someone who was almost as big as him.

Seeing the annoyed look on his disciple's face, Kariya realized that they should probably question him inside.

Masaki called Ichigo down and asked him if he knew why Jun was outside. Obviously he answered no and even cried thinking that Jun had run away from him because he didn't like him.

'Was he always this much of a cry baby?'

Explaining that he thought that they were playing hide and seek, Jun finally got him to calm down.

'Children are so easy to manipulate.'

After hearing Jun's reason for disappearing, Ichigo became really clingy.

Seeing the two children make up caused the adults to smile.

"So Jun, where did this little girl come from?" Kariya asked.

"I found her passed out outside when I was hiding." Jun said without changing his expression.

"I see… can you and Ichigo play upstairs for a bit, we have something to talk about." He said not completely believing Jun's explanation.

Shrugging his shoulders, Jun took one last look at the girl who was laying on the sofa before heading upstairs with Ichigo.

"Hey Ichigo, how old are you?" Jun asked lying down on Ichigo's bed while reading a manga he found.

"I'm 5!" Ichigo said puffing out his chest proudly.

'So Masaki won't die for another 4 years.'

Thinking about the timeline, Jun nodded to himself and made some small talk with the little ginger.

"So what do you like to do for fun?"

"Fun?" Somewhat surprised by the question, Ichigo made a confused face like he was having a hard time coming up with something.

"I-I like playing with my friend Tatsuki chan."

"Tatsuki?" Jun asked with slight interest.

'The tomboy?'

"Yeah, Tatsuki is really strong! She's like the strongest ever!" He said with shining eyes.

"Is she really that strong?" Jun asked feeling like he could gain something from this.


"I bet I could beat her." Jun said arrogantly.

"I-I don't think so… Tatsuki chan does karate and even the adults say she's strong."

Seeing that the conversation heading down an interesting path, Jun mentally smiled.

"They only think that because they've never fought me before." He said confidently.

"Are you strong Jun?" Ichigo asked uncertainly.

"You don't believe me do you?"


"Okay, I'll prove it to you." Jun cut him off. "Lets go to the karate dojo tomorrow and I'll challenge her."

"W-What! That's a bad idea!! Tatsuki is very strong." Ichigo said flustered.

"No problem, I'm also strong." Jun casually answered flipping the page of his manga.


"*Sigh* Fine." Jumping off the bed, Jun put some distance between him and Ichigo.

"If you can land a hit on me within the next 5 minutes then I'll give up on challenging Tatsuki. What do you say?"

Thinking about what Jun said, Ichigo eventually nodded his head and put on a serious expression while getting into a karate stance.


(10 minutes later)

*Huff* *Huff*

Laying on the floor covered in sweat, Ichigo was breathing heavily.

Standing a bit away from him with his hands in his pockets, Jun found it hard to believe that one day this brat would become a transcendent.

'I even doubled the time limit to give him a chance.'

Shaking his head he held out his hand for him.

"Believe me now?" He asked.

Before Ichigo could say anything, Masaki and the others called them down.

'Is it time to leave?'

Walking downstairs, Jun caught sight of the child he saved standing with the adults.

Seeing that Ichigo and Jun had arrived, Masaki called the boys over.

"Boys, there's someone who wants to introduce themselves." She said softly and turned towards the tanned child.

Looking a bit shy, the girl slowly walked forward but kept her head down.

"I-I'm Hoshino Daruku . THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME!!" She bowed quickly.

Living in Japan for the past 6 years has given Jun an understanding of certain things that he didn't know in his past life. One of the major things he had come to understand was names. For instance Ichigo's name could be used for both males and females. Daruku on the other hand….. is strictly male.

'She's a goddamn TRAP!!'

[A/N: I will be referring to Daruku and any other traps that may or may not be in the novel as 'She' and 'Her'. Why you ask? Because fuck Japan!! HOW DARE THEY DRAW A GIRL THEN ADD A DICK ON HER AND THEN CALL HER A BOY!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW CONFUSED MY DICK FEELS!! THIS IS MY WAY TO REBEL!!]

[2020 A/n: My dick is still confused to this day...]

"N-Nice to me you." Remembering how he previously thought that she was beauty, he felt like going back in time and slapping himself.

Seeing Jun standing in front of her, Daruku blushed lightly remembering the way he protected her back when the hollow attacked. But since she was told by Maskai and the others that she was found outside their house, she figured that she must have been dreaming that Jun saved her from a monster.

A little bit later, Isshin Kurosaki turned up. Apparently he and Kariya were old friends and was the main reason we visited Karakura Town in the first place... Not that I was complaining.

After explaining the details to Isshin, we all listened to what Daruku had to say.

As it turns out, Daruku's parents abandoned her a couple of weeks ago and for the past few days she hasn't been able to eat and was struggling to survive. If it wasn't for me saving her from the hollow today then she probably wouldn't last the rest of the week with how weak she currently was.

Then came the topic that everyone wanted to avoid.

What to do with Daruku?

The talk went on late into the night. Ichigo and Darukuhad already fell asleep and were taken to separate rooms to rest while the adults talked.

Sitting on the sofa I silently listened to everyone's opinions. Isshin thought that we should give Hoshino to the police to be put into foster care in hopes of finding her a good family. Masaki on the other felt that Hoshino was too pitiful and wanted to adopt her. Isshin immediately turned her down as they had enough people in the house to feed and adding one more was more than they could handle.

Master Kariya sat quietly and sipped on his tea while Sergei stood behind me like a bodyguard.

After 20 minutes of arguing I decided to get involved.

'So what if she's a trap!'

'As the saying goes CUTE IS JUSTICE!!'

"She can join my family!!" I stood up proudly.

Hearing my sentence, both Isshin and Masaki looked at me bewildered while Kariya just smiled.

"That's very thoughtful of you Jun kun, but only adults can adopt someone." Isshin said to me while trying to make a gentle face.

'Don't patronize me old man!'

Turning to my master I raised an eyebrow.

"Didn't you tell him who I was?" I asked surprised that my presence hadn't been explained.

"I already told him you're my disciple." Kariya said sipping his tea.

'This sword loving motherfu-

"I mean my other identity." I say through a strained smile.

"Oh? And what identity is that?"

Feeling my eye twitch I almost felt like beating this old man to death.

Hoshino Daruku (Nanana's buried treasure)

Aradacreators' thoughts