
Chapter: 1 | The Mission

It was supposed to be an easy mission, in and out, but no, the enemies knew we were coming, the whole story? Sure! Lemmie start at the mission...

"So, whats the mission you want my squad to on,sir?" Says the commander of my squadron. " It is only a scout through enemy territory, we need to find their map, or record a map of our own," The commanding officer replies. "We will make sure the deed is done." And then the commander bows his head and turns.

We exit the camouflage of the base and quickly exit the range of our turrets, on top of the wall, and head towards the hangar to the left of us.

"We need a ship to take us to the enemy base, requested by the commanding officer," says the commander, "Comin' right up, sir!" says the young ship manager, who of which has a large scar on his cheek, as he leads us to a ship, which looks fast, and he states "This one should do, sir."

With a quick nod from our commander, we head into the ship, exiting the whitish-grey interior of the ship hangar and entering the dark coloured interior of the ship, lights on even before we entered, which was strange.

As the pilot of the squadron, I entered the head of the ship, and sat down, looking at the controls to find what I need, movement controls there, warp over there, and coms over there, that was the basics for a ship like this, and the guns, but there was ALWAYS something special to do with every ship, for this one, its the outside looks, one of a kind! A sleek front with equally nice thrusters, and a beautiful paint job, making white, red and black sink into each other like the shades of the sky during sunset.

I get my hands on the steering, a simple two-handed stick with a trigger on the back for the guns, and I push the stick forwards, exiting the hangar and going into the sky. Entering the coordinates of the enemy base in the ship, I sit back in the seat as autopilot takes the controls, and I leave to chat with everyone who isn't looking at the plans with the commander, my friend was there, so we had a conversation about our lives.

I am REALLY tired, and I cant finish this, so I might just realease a new chapter as many days as I can

Spirtucreators' thoughts