
T-the Earth Is A Tsundere!?

Chapter 2: T-the Earth Is A Tsundere!?

In a place that could only be described as heavenly, 7 unconscious beings were lying in front of a heavenly beauty.

Goddess: Hello, you all have just died!... WAKE UP!

Hearing a mirror breaking scream resound the palace, six out of the seven people woke up. While the six people who woke up stared dumbfounded at their surroundings, the person who refused to wake up said a very iconic phrase

Luke: Just 5 more minutes… let me sleep for longer

The first person who came to their senses was Abeer, as even though everyone in the group have already heard of isekai/reincarnation in their lives before, Abeer was the only one who was familiar with the place they were in

Abeer *whisper*: Guys… This is the heavenly palace! In front of us is probably Nuwa

Immediately responding to the absurd claim that his friend made, Nathan spoke up

Nathan D: This is not Xianxia!

Catching the attention of the Goddess with those words, the Goddess realized that they have all came to their senses

Goddess: Welcome to my domain, mortal souls. Unfortunately… You have died!

Hearing that they have just died, and not just dreaming. Everyone panicked, even the sleeping Luke woke up

Hana: Nathan D has been forcing us to watch these shows for a while now, and I have long understood this trope, but I have a question.

Goddess: Ask away

Hana: As the omnipotent Goddess you are, I would... No we would like to ask what would happen to our parents, and things we hold attachment to when we move on

Goddess: The usual stuff. Some of them move on, while others commit suicide~ Oh! And your possessions would be thrown into the ocean, as that is where you died

Hana: O-oh… Can we wish for them all to move on peacefully

Goddess: Nope~ as that is the Will of The World~ but if you help me with something, I will interfere with it, and make it so that you never existed in the world in the first place

Nathan W: What is this Will of The World? And why does it dictate that we must die?

Goddess: It is similar to what you would call fate

Nathan D (thinking): Oh… This sub trope

Nathan D: My Goddess, this humble mortal would like to beseech you

Breaking character, Nathan D thew all of his ego and hubris out of the window, in order to achieve the best possible results

Goddess: Granted

Nathan D: We lowly mortals would like to ask, what can we possibly help you with?

Goddess: There are many worlds that have become corrupt, I am tasking you to clean them!

Lucus: But wh-

Nathan D: Shut it!

Doing a few hand gestures behind his back, combined with some morse code using his feet, Nathan D tried to convey the message that everyone should follow his lead right now, but the only person who understood him was Luke, as he was the only person who watched Gravity Falls thousands of times

Nathan D: I greatly apologize for my outburst earlier

Goddess: Forgiven. Since I have tasked you to clean these worlds, I have to also give you the sufficient power to clean them~ I will be granting you all 1 wish, and a system that will help you grow

Abeer (thinking): Supreme cultivation, authority of power, dao of shamelessness. There are so many things to wish for!

Hana (thinking): Maybe power stealing, or infinite wealth… What will Nathan choose?

Nathan W (thinking): What is this guy gonna wish for… Probably his waifu

Nathan D: I, as the self proclaimed representative of this group, would like to wish for a very humble ability…

Goddess: Speak you mind

Nathan D: I would like to ask for the ability to communicate through just thinking. The things we say can not be intercepted by a person who we don't want to listen

Goddess: Granted

Nathan D: I sincerely thank your heavenly majesty!

Goddess: No problem… For your respectfulness… I will allow you to chose the world you would grow and develop your power in

Gabe: Overlo-

Nathan D: Date A Live!

Goddess: So be it. Have fun on your journey~

Suddenly, a flash of blue light surrounded the group, bringing them to another plane of reality, leaving the Goddess a bit confused

Goddess: Huh… Blue light. The last time I isekaied someone, the light was gold

[Perspective change]

In a pitch black area, where no one could see each other, the group of seven friends found themselves wandering through the darkness

Lucas: Nathan, explain! We trusted that you knew what you were doing, as you are the anime expert, but what was that useless ability!?

Abeer: Yeah! I would have wished to become God or something

Nathan D: Please understand, if we are facing strong entities, then communication would be extremely important. And I have had enough of watching anime where the antagonist literary reads the minds of the protagonist

Hana: Just asking, but why did you act that way when facing that Goddess? Usually you still have some pride, but you threw it all away. Tell us, what trope would that Goddess be categorized as

Nathan D: Selfish bitch Goddess who is using us for ulterior motives

That declaration shocked everyone, though Gabe and Nathan W did pick up a trace of it, they didn't actually expect it

Gabe: Well there goes my plans of lewding her… But still, how did you know

Nathan D: Attribute it to me reading too much manga

Gabe: Mm… Sasuga weeb-sama

Suddenly, a ball of pure blue light illuminated the darkness. Though when seeing this scene, people would run away in fear of the supernatural, but the group of friends didn't, as they felt warmth from it, it was like visiting the homes of their loving grand parents

Suddenly the ball of blue light spoke up

Blue light: Ugh, this is a clear violation of code 12 in the How to be a God booklet. As these people were not in the borders of Japan yet. I can't believe it! Can you!?

Luke: N-no we really can't… Who are you?

Blue light: Who am I? Well I go by many names, Hou Tu, Tonantzin, Will of The World, Tellus, Bhuma Devi, Terra, Gaea, Heavenly Dao, Gaia, Earth, Rhea, Sol lll, and many more names. Though the name that you are most familiar with would be… Earth-Chan!

Suddenly, the blue light morphed into the picture perfect representation of what Earth-chan looks like… though flat

Gabe (thinking): Loli? No… Legal loli… But she is too flat f-

Earth-Chan: I am not flat! Screw you and your flat Earth society! You know! It is depressing to have a society that is dedicated to proving that you are flat! Wahhh! Wahhh! *crying*

Hana: I get it, I empathize with you as a fellow woman

Nathan W: Well I for one… Don't think you are flat

Nathan D: Umu! Same here

Earth-Chan: R-really?

Nathan D: Yeah, you are so round, that you are 7917 miles in diameter and about 25000 miles in circumference

Earth-Chan: *Blush* Kyuu! I… I don't know what to say…

Nathan D: You are so thick that your crust is 70km

Earth-Chan: *Blushes even more* Kyuuuuu! Y-you can stop now…

Nathan D: And I know, that even though you are cold on the outside, you are warm within

Earth-Chan: *Intensely blushing* Kyuuuuuuuuuu! B-baka… Don't say it out loud…

To the side, Gabe was writing on the notebook he had on his pocket

Gabe: Naruhodo naruhodo… So that is how to make a planet fall in love with you, noted!

Nathan W: I will keep reminding you of this, until the day you die… Until the day you fade from existence

After a few minutes, Earth-Chan finally recovered her composure

Earth-Chan: Baka human… You don't need to state the obvious

Gabe *whisper*: I didn't know the earth was a tsundere

Lucas *whisper*: Same here

Earth-Chan: A-anyways… I am terribly sorry for the fact that you died. There is no such thing as fate, or destiny. You died because that Goddess decided to use you to gain providence… I am terribly sorry for those Gods and Goddesses dragging you into their conflict. I will make sure justice is served, but I can't send you back

Hana: Why is that?

Earth-Chan: Because… You died… I can't reverse causality. But what I can do, is make it so that you are beyond causality!

Nathan W: So… What does this mean?

Earth-Chan: I will heavily modify that Goddess's system, so it is no longer tainted by the providence of the east, and I, unlike that frugal Goddess, will give you all 3 wishes! They all apply to the group, so if you wish for immortality, then everyone is immortal

Nathan D: Guys, think! Use your remaining 3 brain cells on this! Don't be a fool like Aladdin!

Abeer: I got it

Earth-Chan: Ask away!

Abeer: I want you to be with us on our journey!

Earth-Chan: Sorry! I have to stay here, as if I left then Earth would cease to exist. Though nice try! Pulling a page out of Konosuba won't work every time

Abeer: Mmmmm… Guys, let's discuss!

Luke: I have played many games. I suggest we go for infinite potential, as if we wish to become God, then what if a God killer attacks us? There is always bigger fish

Nathan W: I agree

Lucas: What about the training arc then!

Hana: Oh just tough it up!

Nathan D: Looks like we have reached a consensus!

Abeer: Alright! Our first wish is for infinite potential

Earth-Chan: Good choice! Though the potential is not infinite, it will take you as far as 3-A, as the path to reach boundless is one that you will need to figure out on your own!

Instantly feeling the change in their bodies, the group felt like their physical and mental limiter was suddenly removed

Earth-Chan: Two more! Let's see how creative you can be!

Nathan W: Back to discussion!

Hana: Guys… I think we should use this wish for something other than gaining power

Gabe: But why! I mean we can be overpowered isekai protago-

Nathan W: We just died. Let the reality set in for a while. That Goddess has already told us what would happen to our family… Some will turn to the sewer's side

After saying that, the faces of everyone turned dark, as what would the use of power be if they couldn't protect the people they loved

Hana: Don't make a joke about it!

Nathan W: Sorry sorry, but as your god and savior, I need to make a joke to lighten the situation right?

Hana: I can't refute that, but still!

Lucus: I know what to do!

Lucus: Though we have not come to a consensus yet, I have been with these guys for long enough to know what they want

Earth-Chan: Alright! Tell me what you are thinking!

Lucus and Nathan D: Freeze the time of the universe

Suddenly chirping in, Nathan D said the same thing that Lucus was about to say. Giving an understanding look towards each other, they both nodded, as if they knew what the other was thinking

Earth-Chan: Excellent decision! At first I thought you would be like the others, and forget their life on Earth, but I was wrong! *snap*

Suddenly snapping her fingers, Earth-Chan's hair froze, as if signifying that time has truly stopped

Luke: Heh… Looks like Einstein was wrong

Earth-Chan: Alright! Make your last wish count!

Nathan D: Guys, do you trust me?

Gabe: Yup

Hana: Conditionally, but yes I do

Nathan W: Nope… Fine I do

Abeer: Yee

Lucas: Yup

Luke: I am pretty sure we all do

Nathan D: Alright! Earth-Chan! This is the last wish I will ask for!

Earth-Chan: All ears!

Nathan D: I would like to ask for the ability to… Truly ignore resistances and immunities. The effect of this will be taken to its highest possible form, an example would be being able to poison the, say primordial god of poison, who has the highest poison resistance

Immediately after saying that, Earth-Chan's deminor took a 180 degree turn

Earth-Chan: Boy. Do you know what you are asking for!?

Nathan D: Yes. I do

Seeing that Nathan was not budging, and that his resolve was strong, Earth-Chan couldn't help but stomp on the floor

Earth-Chan: MMMMMNGH!!! Mou! Under normal circumstances I would annihilate you on the spot, as that ability is really powerful! But you know what!? Just because it is you, I will give it to you

Suddenly, Earth-Chan pulled a move that no one expected. She turned her hand back into the blue energy, and infused it into Nathan's body

Earth-Chan: Y-you owe my big time!

With this move being done, the entire group felt a great closeness to Earth-Chan. Before, they felt like Earth-Chan was their ancestor, but now, they felt like she was a close friend

Abeer: What did you do?

Earth-Chan: The ability that Nathan asked for is a conditional beyond omnipotent ability! There is no way I can just give these abilities out like Mr Beast handing out money! I can't believe it! You all now have 15% of my providence

Gabe: So… Does this mean be have become on-

Hana: Shut it!

Gabe: Alright~

Earth-Chan: Before you all go to another world, say {System}

All: {System}

Suddenly, a blue screen appeared in front of them, but there was a notification on it

Earth-Chan: Good! Now, you all know what RPGs are right?

Nathan W: We sure do

Earth-Chan: Alright! This makes explaining a lot simpler! Choose your path of growth! I know that truly choosing your path requires a lot of time, so I simplified everything!

After saying that, the system gave everyone a prompt. The prompt asks the group, "What would you like to specialize in?"

Three options appeared in front of the group, the options were Strength, Mana, Support

Earth-Chan: Choose the path you want to take! You can choose multiple~

After saying that, everyone started to announce what path they would like to take

Luke: Strength and Mana

Nathan D: Mana for me

Hana: Support and Mana

Immediately after Hana said that, everyone gave her a confused look, but moved on

Nathan W (thinking): Oh, my copy chose Mana… I will be the exact opposite!

Nathan W: Strength

Lucas: Yeah Strength and Mana

Abeer: Strength and Mana

Gabe: Just Mana

Nathan W: Both my copies chose Mana! I will prove that strength is superior

Nathan D and Gabe: We will see about that

Earth-Chan: Alright! Now, I need you guys to choose the race you would like to take on! What? Thought you could still be human after the insane powers and providence you have?

Luke: Then what species will we be?

Earth-Chan: Choose!

After saying that, the system showed everyone their individualized possible race changes. People who chose only Mana got to choose between Draconian, and Arch-Human. People who chose Strength and Mana got to choose between Cultivator, High-Human, and Elf. People who chose Mana and Support got to choose between Fairy, and Gremlin. And people who chose only Strength had only one option Grand-Human

Looking at the screen, everyone chose their picks, but on Nathan D's screen however, there was a slight glitch, as he had a third option. Spirit. Next to that option was a note, "T-thanks for complimenting me… B-baka!"

Chuckling, Nathan chose the third option, while giving Earth-Chan a smile

Earth-Chan: Al-alright *cough* it is time for you guys to go now… You will be arriving in Great Britain 1 year before the Euro-Asia catastrophe, is that fine?

Lucas: We will leave this decision to Nathan D, as he knows the most about this world

Abeer: Mm

Nathan D: Yes, that would be perfect!

Earth-Chan: Alright! Enjoy!

Being surrounded by blue light again, they finally arrived in Date A Live

I will get to writing my other book right after I finish this chapter!

nathan_playzzcreators' thoughts