
Super Ido- *Cough* Genius

Chapter 5: Super Ido- *Cough* Genius

Interviewer: First question! Are you an alien?

Nathan D: Well of course not!... But to be honest, I don't feel entirely human ether

Interviewer: We in Japan understand that! Spending all of your time in a lab researching for the next big thing really does make it feel like you are not human

Nathan D: Yeah, to be honest I am jealous of the other people in my generation. A wise man once said, "One man's trash is another's treasure". What I mean by this, is even though everyone in the entire world admires me, I also admire them

Interviewer: What do you admire?

Nathan D: Normal school life

Nathan D (thinking): Please believe my nonsense!

Nathan D: Ever since I was a child, I was ostracized by the people I knew. So the thing I admire the most is a normal life

Interviewer: Mm, so even geniuses have their problems

Trying to change the topic of the conversation, the interviewer reached into the box and pulled out the next question

Interviewer: Next question! How did you discover all of those world shattering discoveries in such a short amount of time?

Nathan D: Humm… Well, the better question to ask is how long it took. These findings took me 6 years of contemplation and testing to achieve

Interviewer: Wow! Ever since 10 years old, you were contemplating industry shattering findings! You are probably the role model of all children right now

Nathan D (thinking): Yeah… I can imagine that… "You failure! Even though you got 99 percentile on the smartest person in the world test, this Nathan guy that is 2 years younger than you already got 100 PHDs from top universities, was knighted, and won the nobel prize!"

Nathan D: Then I have to be a good one!

Interviewer: I am sure you will be! Would you like to draw the next question?

Nathan D: My pleasure!

Picking out another question, Nathan said the question out loud

Nathan D: This question says… What are your plans for the future?

Nathan D: Well, I think I would like to experience some school life for myself, and after that… Secret~. But what I can say is that I have big plans!

Interviewer: Well, we will all look forward to these big plans!

[Perspective change]

In the living room of a mansion, a family of three, and their family friends were watching the broadcast. But the person who was staring the most intensely at the screen was Kurumi!

Kurumi: I know him! He was the guy that helped me get Marron-san back!

Mr. Tokisaki: Kurumi-chan, now is not the time to joke. This is a world shattering interview

Kurumi: But father! I really have seen him before!

Mr. Tokisaki: Now, now. Kurumi-chan. Lying is no-

Kurumi: I am not lying dad!

Mr. Yamauchi: Kyouzou-san, give her the benefit of the doubt. Kurumi-chan rarely lies

(Author: Get the reference?)

Tokisaki Kyouzou: I guess…

Sawa: Kurumi-san told me that he would be attending our school that starts next week! I can't wait for school!

Mr. Yamauchi: I am a part of the board of trustees of the school you two will be going to, and I can confidently say that he really is attending

Sawa: Owahhh! You are the best father!!! I can't wait for school now!

Giving a slight wink and smirk, Mr. Yamauchi conveyed a nonverbal message to Mr. Tokisaki Kyouzou

Kyouzou: Fine, you win. I will transfer the stocks tomorrow

Kurumi: Father? What did he win?

Kyouzou: Yamauchi-san and I had a bet on who could get their child most excited about school. The loser had to give the winner 0.5 percent of the shares they had on their company

Mr. Yamauchi: Yeah. This is the first time I beat you in a bet right?

Kyouzou: Yeah, but I will get back at you

Ignoring their parents dialogue, both Kurumi and Sawa were talking about school, and how they both really look forward to it

Kurumi: I really hope he is in my class… Oh it looks like I will have to practice my english

Sawa: Why is that?

Kurumi: One of his friends was not able to understand and speak Japanese. Besides, he is from the United Kingdoms after all

Catching the attention of her father, Kyouzou joined the conversation

Kyouzou: That super genius has a friend!?

Kurumi: He does have a friend, father. I met him and his friend when I was chasing Marron-san

Kyouzou: Mmmm… If someone of his caliber has a friend, then we should assume his friend is also of a similar caliber

[Perspective change]

In a halfway to decent looking apartment, Nathan W was practicing his sword skills using a kitchen knife

Nathan W: *Sneeze*

Nathan W (thinking): I thought I already cleaned all the dust… Well it is vacuum time!

[Perspective change]

Interviewer: Oh! It looks like we are now onto the last question!

Nathan D: Alright! Let's get to it!

Reaching onto the piece of paper, Nathan D suddenly felt like his Reiryoku was leaving his body for the paper

Nathan D (thinking): Westcott!? Ellen!? Karen!? Elliot!? Which magician is responsible for this!?

Just as the Reiryoku was about to leave his body through his finger tips, the Spirit used his {Reiryoku Manipulation} skill to struggle and pull his Reiryoku back into his body

Right now, billions of people worldwide were watching an invisible struggle. Between the First Spirit, and the Greatest Magician. A legendary but invisible tug of war

Right now, Nathan could clearly feel that he was losing the struggle, as every inch that the Reiryoku moved back, it would move forward by three inches

Suddenly, Nathan felt like his {Reiryoku Manipulation} improved by a stage, but it was not enough to win the tug of war. Only enough to reach a standstill

Interviewer: What is the question?

Immediately knowing what to do, Nathan opened the piece of paper and said the question out loud

Nathan D: T-the question says!... Are you from Britain?

Interviewer: Well, we ended with an anticlimactic question. Of course he is from the United Kingdom. His citizenship card says so!

Taking the piece of paper away from Nathan's hand, the interviewer proceed to conclude the program

Interviewer: That will be it for today's interview! For more information call (random number here)! I hope you all enjoyed this special program! This is Kenshi from Watashi TV signing off~!

With the cameras off, and the after program party beginning. Nathan contacted his friends

Nathan D (typing in chat): Westcott suspected that I was a Spirit!

Alerting everyone with the message, Nathan proceeded to type more

Nathan D (typing in chat): I almost died! Westcott, or a magician that works with him casted a piece of paper with Reiryoku extraction! I am a True Spirit! I would die if I lost all of my Reiryoku

Hana (typing in chat): Then how did you not die? I remember that your RM skill was at the trash level

Nathan D (typing in chat): Rude, but I survived bc my skill upgraded mid struggle

Hana (typing in chat): I see, so that is how to upgrade the rank of skills. This is good knowledge

Nathan D (typing in chat): Can u not be this analytics? I could have died!

Hana (typing in chat): But you didn't, so I am just making the most out of this situation

Nathan D (typing in chat): Fine. But what are we going to do going forward

Hana (typing in chat): Well…

While the friends were communicating about their next move, a group of four magicians were also conversing about their next move

[Perspective change]

In a round table room, four magicians were talking about what they just did

Karen: Can we assume that he was not a Spirit? The communicator did not detect any Reiryoku

Elliot: The Spirit of Origin was not created yet. Westcott, he is not Knowledge or Wisdom. He is probably just a once in a era genius

Westcott: Mm… But we should remain skeptical

[time skip]

With cherry blossoms falling left and right, a new school year started. Among the crowd of students trying to find their class, two figures stood out in particular. Causing gossip to spread wherever they walked

Student A: Guys look! Are they the heiresses of the Tokisaki and Yamauchi households?! I didn't know they were attending this school

Student B: I will draft my confession letter immediately!

Student C: Don't. Do you really think their fathers will let them date someone like you?

Ignoring the gossip, both Kurumi and Sawa made their way to their seats as instructed by the teacher

Kurumi (thinking): I wonder when he is going to come

Looking out the window, Kurumi pondered if the person she met would be in her class

Losing track of time, when Kurumi regained her focus, everyone was already seated and the teacher was taking attendance

Kurumi (thinking): Oh… So he is not in my class

Teacher: Unko-san!

Unko: Here!

Teacher: Yamauchi-san!

Sawa: Here

Teacher: Tokisaki-san!

Kurumi: H-here!

Having her thoughts occupied, Kurumi was not able to focus on reality

Teacher: Alright… We are missing one more person… That person is D-

Instantly recognising his world famous name, the teacher lost all of his focus and dropped his attendance paper for the entire class to see. Before the class could even recognise the name, the students were interrupted by the abrupt opening of the classroom doors

The perpetrator of the disruption then proceeded to make an announcement

Nathan D (in english): Wah! I am late! (in Japanese) Sorry teach, I have bad athletic skills! I am not good at running!

The class: Ch-ch-cho tensai!!!

(Author: I decided to write it in Japanese, deal with it~)

Kurumi: Nathan!?

Nathan (in japanese): Yup! The one and only

Teacher (in english): Mr… Dr… Sir. N-Nathan… Your seat is the one next to Ms. Tokisaki

Nathan (in japanese): Japanese is fine. I decided to learn in Japan, so the least I can do is know the language

Teacher: Un-understood. Class. Please extend a warm welcome to Nathan-san!

Not just that class, but the entire faculty and the classeses next to it gathered and broke into a round of applause

Nathan: Thank you, thank you. We are all going to be fellow classmates in the future, so please do drop all honorifics and just address me as Nathan!

As Nathan was making his way to his seat, the teacher and other faculty members had to escort a crowd of energized gossiping students from the classroom.

Arriving at his seat, Nathan greeted the students that were sitting north east, north, north west, west, south west, south, south east, and east of him

Nathan D: Hello, as you all have known, my name is Nathan, and I look forward to working with you! Also I look forward to copying your answers for Japanese language tests! As I can only speak and listen

The people around him (thinking): Lies! It would be us that will be copying you!

Returning the greeting, the class started

Teacher: Hello everyone. My name is Ryuu Uta. I will be serving as your homeroom teacher for this year, so I look forward to working with you!

Bowing to the students, the students in turn did the same thing, as dictated in Japanese culture

Teacher: I am very excited for this year, as we have such a diverse class! And as you all should know, I may not be the smartest in class

Looking at Nathan, the teacher continued

Teacher: So if you find that I did anything wrong, feel free to correct me!

After that, the teacher proceeded to explain the basic rules of the school, and how the school works

Nathan (thinking): What? Teachers go to the classrooms and not the reverse!? Well that is unexpected

(Author: I did this because I don't want to think of more seating arrangements, and Kurumi and Nathan being in the same class for every class will be strange)

Since it was the first day of school, there was no classes, only the teachers introducing themselves


Mathematics teacher: Oh, it looks like it is lunch time. Class dismissed!

Dismissing the class, all the students started to gather around Nathan's desk asking him various questions

Student A: Why did you choose to come to this school?

Nathan D: Secret~

Student B: How old are you actually?

Nathan D: 16 years old. The same age as you all

Student C: I like you! Please be my boyfriend!

Nathan D: …

Literally everyone: …

Nathan D: I am… sorry…

Standing up, Nathan walked up to the rooftop to get away from the crowd. Though the thought of following him crossed Kurumi and Sawa's mind, they decided that it would be best to wait until after school

After lunch, and when class resumed. The rest of class was just the english and japanese teachers introducing themselves

After class. Nathan collected his stuff, and headed to the rooftop. Following him were Sawa and Kurumi, as they both had some unanswered questions

Opening the door that led to the roof, both Kurumi and Sawa saw him looking towards the horizon

Sawa: Eto… Nathan-san… Kurumi-san has a few questions, if you don't mind answering

Doing a monogatari style head tilt, Nathan spoke

Nathan: Gokigen'yo~ of course I will answer your questions

Kurumi: How do you do Nathan-san

Nathan: Good, I hope you and Sawa-san are also doing fine

Kurumi: Yes. We are doing fine. (speaking in english) I have a question

Sawa: Amazing Kurumi-san, I didn't know you could speak this fluently

Nathan (in english): And I have an answer

Kurumi (in english): Why does a super genius like you go to our school, or even know our names?

Nathan (in japanese): Well… I. Want. To. Be. Your. Friend~

That answer shocked them, as no one goes up to people just to announce that they want to be friends with them. But then they remembered that Nathan had really poor social skills as seen in the interview

Sawa: Why us? There should be billions of people who really want to be your friend. Why ask us?

Nathan: Well~ there are many reasons. Some of them are that I really admire Kurumi-san's sense of justice, and I like Sawa-san's protectiveness and care. I have many more reasons, but I think these should be able to satisfy your curiosity

Kurumi: I see, but how do you know all that?

Nathan: Secret~

Finally turning around to properly face the two, Nathan asked a question of his own

Nathan: How here is my question

Nathan: Will you be my friend?

From afar, Nathan could have sworn he heard someone say "Confession!!!" but he excused it, as he thought it was his ears being wonky

Staring at the world famous genius, both Kurumi and Sawa gave their answers at the same time

Sawa: Yes!!!

Kurumi: I… I don't know

Sawa: Come on Kurumi-san, why are you hesitating?

Kurumi: Because he is a stranger, at most a classmate

Sawa: Come on. Be honest. Kurumi-san, what are you afraid of? He is just asking to be friends

Kurumi: I guess…

Sawa: Alright, I think we need some bonding activities. Don't you think so Kurumi-san?

Kurumi: I guess

Nathan: Let's hear it!

Sawa: At first, I thought you were a figment of Kurumi-san's imagination

Kurumi: Sawa-san, don't say that!

Sawa: So I made a bet with her. I lost the bet, so would you like to come to my house to play with cats?

Nathan and Kurumi: We would love to!

Sawa (thinking): Both of them are cat lovers? I think it is only a matter of time until they become friends


This is the end of the prologue sub arc!

Will Nathan be able to successfully swoon his waifu!? Or does he have other objectives? Find out in the next episode of Dragon Bal- *Cough* In the next sub arc!

Bittersweet School Days!

Sub arc: Prologe

Status: Complete!

nathan_playzzcreators' thoughts