
Chapter 23

“That’s not the point, and you know it. Wanting a girlfriend is a totally separate issue from wanting to call that bitch Valerie. Surely you see that.”

“But I do want to call her. I do! She said I would see her again.”

“What?! The woman hasn’t gotten in touch with you since last spring. You called her that time in the summer, remember?”

“Just shut up about it, okay? You don’t know her…you don’t know how I feel!” One small corner of Sam’s brain told her she wasn’t making any sense, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself. She got up off the couch and started up the stairs to their bedroom. Barry followed, still talking.

“If you don’t care that she knocked her partner down in the parking lot and went home with you the way she did, that she was basically cheating on Sally with you…that’s not like you, Sam.”

Sam sat on the top step and looked at Barry standing halfway up the stairs. “I just feel…like I have todo something…I feel so awful…I don’t know…”