
In a Xianxia with a Smartphone

In the world of cultivation nothing is certain....dragons fall and mice thrive , seas boil and fire freezes . It is a magical and dangerous world that is held in balance only by the 'Dao', the great equaliser, but it's anything but equal. Cultivators roam the lands, monsters terrorise them, and dragons rule over them...in the meantime common folk suffer. Feng Jian is one of those commoners, but he isn't 'common' by any means as he has something that shouldn't exist in this world...a smartphone. *Ting* ( Upgrade of Camera features complete! Gained: Slow Motion capture 5000 x, 3D capture, Night Vision capture)

SilentTreatment · Eastern
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Trouble 4

Feng Jian looked at his sister and couldn't help but worry. If he agrees to level with the nun, the that would mean that he has to leave his sister all alone,  and that was not acceptable. He turned his head towards the nun who was calmly sipping some tea, and his brows furrowed.

"I'm not leaving. I appreciate that  you told me about the risk of demon cultivators,  but I think If I don't do anything conspicuous anymore,  then they can't find me. "

"Ohh...not a bad choice" calmly said the nun as she looked at Jian's eyes,  fear definitely seen in there" I respect your choice,   but you're underestimating how deep the world of cultivation is. Grudges for mortals may end if both sides depart from this world, but a cultivators grudge....it is eternal. Heeh, there are grudges that have spanned over centuries,  even millennia.  Such is the fate of a cultivator,  that is your fate."

"My fate....please stop joking with me. I'm no cultivation...

"But your soul says otherwise."

As soon as there was a mention of a soul,  Jian's expression changed.  It was clearly seen by the nun,  but it she was half right.  " You may be Feng Jian in this life, but the great wheel of karma and reincarnation is forever in motion.  Maybe 100 years ago, maybe 500, maybe even thousands of years before you were a powerful cultivator of the devine path, and your good karma has made it that you retain part of his knowledge and spirituality. 

How else could a normal human achieve to create a demon slaying weapon?"

"That,  I don't know. Maybe it was just an accident? I can happen you know....you said I yourself,  the world of cultivation is deep."

"Perhaps you are right,  perhaps you're wrong, but one thing is for sure,  you are a fish who has just gone out of the water,  and all kinds of things want to devour you. Maybe you will die quickly,  maybe you will be enslaved,  maybe you will be refined into a ghost warrior, but one thing is for sure, you're to weak for your own good."

After hearing those words Jian fell into deep thought. The situation presented to him by the nun was a pretty grim one, and going by her words,  she was his only salvation,  but he wasn't so trustful of her. Her appearance and demeanor heavily conflicted with each other, her demeanor unlike any nun he had seen at the temple.  She wasn't haughty,  but by no means was she humble,  maybe something in between.


Time passed with Jian arguing back and forth with the nun , until the sun set slowly over the horizon.  Jian looked tired as if he had worked for three days straight , but the nun across him seems as if she had just taken a masage. She looked calm and refreshed,  a complete contrast to Jian who was ready to fall asleep right then and there.

"Amitabha Buddha...Mister Jian, it seems that it has gotten late,  I better return to the temple and retire for the night.  You on the other hand have until tomorrow to give me an answer....hopefully a correct one." she cupped her hand in respect and Jian's sister saw her out. She had been unusually quiet during the conversation,  but now she finally spoke her mind.

"I think you should go with her."

"What.." Jian immediately turned his head.  He couldn't believe what he was hearing from his sisters mouth. She usually was so headstrong that it was her way or no way, but she agreed so quickly this time." Hey, hey,  didn't you decide to quickly? It's not certain if what she says is true,  and by the way, if I decide to leave with her to that temple....

"I know,  I know what you're thinking,  but....it's the best solution. I don't want to loose you too....


Jian saw a side he hadn't really seen in his sister. She was usually headstrong and didn't show any fragility,  but now that facade was beginning to fall of. She seemed to him like the frail young woman she was, and he gritted his teeth. He decided then and there that he wouldn't accept the offer of the nun.  He couldn't leave his sister all alone after all."I'm going to rest now, you should to. Tomorrow I'll go to the temple and speak with the nun."

"Okay..." was the only thing she said. Jian barely managed to hear those whispered word's,  but they echoed in his mind for a long time. Still,  even though he had all those thoughts in his mind,  sleep slowly creeped up and he finally entered the realm of dreams. On the room next door his sister had also fallen asleep, the silver moonlight shining slightly on her face, but soon even that silver of moonlight was blurred.  It was strange though as no clouds were found in the night sky.

"Hehehee..." The sound of insects was no more....only a small snicker was clearly heard.