
In search of information

How kind of you to gather all to welcome me properly"

Hearing the explosion coming from the gate, everyone is placed around Mei Terumi as they prepare to attack the intruder.

Regardless of the chaos caused by his arrival, Hajime walks calmly to the chair on the opposite side of them.

"What are you doing in this place, I don't think you're so daring to directly attack this base with the few Konoha ninjas you're in charge of"

Seeing the person's appearance, no one could recognize him quickly until Zabuza starts talking, they couldn't believe that the person they were talking about appeared out of nowhere.

"You didn't stay and talk so I had to follow you."

While Zabuza was chatting with Hajime, Ao the second in command of the group begins sending people to check the surroundings.

"Or, don't worry I came alone"

"So you have the confidence to enter this place just "

Even though she had heard Hajime's words, she could not verify whether they were true or a lie, as Hajime was in no hurry, she waits for the news from outside.

he was in front of the enemy, showed no fear or intention to attack so Mei asked them to do the same, after a short time a ninja came to report the situation, as Hajime had already said, he came alone to the base and entered the center of the place without killing or knocking anyone unconscious.

"And I can know to what we owe his presence in this Hajime-san room"

Getting Ao's information, Mei begins to speak quietly

"I'm here to ask for information"


"That's right, we don't know the real reason behind the Mizukage's request, anyone in Konoha has heard about the Mizukage's terrible attitude, no one would expect someone with such a bad temper to come down to ask for help"

"And that's why you came here."

"No one knows a person more than their enemy, so I think they may have some information regarding this"

"And what are you going to do after you know the information"

"Then I'll go for Mizukage himself to give me his side of the story and then make a decision, I'm only interested in this information"

Konoha had just finished the war and did not want them to join another for mere nonsense and lose more lives than the few that now count on.


"But Mei-sama"

"It's okay to just ask for information about the request for help and we'll just give you that"

By accommodating pages with information Ao handed it to Hajime, there was not much information on the sheets, it had not been long since the events occurred so they had not gathered much information but what it contained was essential, apparently before the request was sent a group of 3 people had been seen entering the Hokage building, they could not see their faces because the three wore black hoods and masks, the only thing they could notice was that one of them who appeared to be the boss was lower than that or was an older person after the Mizukage note was sent. They tried to follow the three people, but those who were sent ended up dying.

'Three people, that old man will be the one who's moving'

On the next page came the information of the related people in the mission, from the genin to the vice-captains including Hajime, even came with a profile picture of him when they arrived in Konoha.

"As they got the information of the people who would participate in the mission"

"Mmmm was simple came to us almost the same day that the note was sent for support, I wouldn't want to say it, but one of our spies quickly found it"

"The only people who should know this information are the people on the council, we did not know about this mission and we were contacted as a last-minute mission"

"That's weird"

Although Mei had confidence in her information network was not enough that they could get information from a mission when the people who were going to do it didn't even know of such a mission, the strange speed with which they received such information was rare because she had sent Zabuza to corroborate it.

"Well, that's all the information I want to thank you for.

Before Hajime could get up from his place a small leftover is placed behind him holding a small needle around his neck.

"Who did this Zabuza?"

Seeing the actions of Zabuza's protégé Haku, Mei asks with a somewhat angry tone.

"I'm not going to kill him, but if we can hold him, hostage, then we can get the people of Konoha to help us by making a surprise attack on Kirigakure's forces and we won't have to send our ninjas to die"

Although he did not agree with the way Zabuza's things were done was not a great idea, the bad thing was that after this his relationship with the leaf village would be very bad.

While Mei was thinking about the pros and cons of this decision. Hajime remained just as calm, confusing for people inside the room.

"Although I'd like to stay and play I have to hurry to get to each other."

After the end of his words, a change in the environment occurred as if the doors of the underworld were suddenly opened a huge killer intention is expelled by Hajime, from going from a quiet and calm person to walking death, this was different from the pressure they felt when they were in front of a Hokage since there was no chakra in it, was the purest killer instinct created from the lives of countless people.

"And they want to keep playing"

I'm sorry for the delay but the colleague who had to open did not have the keys so they woke me up at 5 am to go open and since I was there I stayed to work so I only got to sleep, the next chapter will be published between 1 -2 am so if you are already sleepy you can sleep easy and wake up calm to read another chapter.

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hinnk_uricreators' thoughts