
In A Reverse World As The Childhood Friend

Our protagonist thought his life would be easy after getting reincarnated in a world were woman ruled but then he found out he was reincarnated as the childhood friend of the heroine. So instead of following her on her adventures, he tried to dissociate from her. But why is the heroine trying to marry me, the crown princess is trying to lock me up and keep me for herself. And why are all these other women are after me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Although this is a harem novel, I truly want there to be romance. They will be yandere for the people who like that and I will try to make them like your typical reverse harem male leads (now female leads).After getting reborn in a world were woman ruled. One more thing. At first I will upload a chapter once a week because I want to have more chapters before I upload more. This will change.

Big_Fan_Of_Daoism · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Knight Training 1

"Young master, Its time to wake up". Said a manservant waking me up.

"Hmm, okay". I said stretching myself while waking up. They then put a basket full of water besides me so I can wash my face.

"Which clothes would the young master want today". Said another manservant showing me a few clothes.

"The yellow jacket with the yellow shorts". I said and the servants started clothing me. Because men are the previous woman, the clothes for man in this world have much more color.

My jacket was beautiful decorated with gold ornaments which blended good with the yellow. The shorts were simple having a white line just before their end.

Now I am dressed up well and woken up I go to the dinning room where I find my mother and father eating.

"Hello mother, Hello father. I hope both of you have slept well". I said greeting both of them before also sitting at the giant eating table filled with a lot of delicacies.

My familly could be compared to a millionaire in my previous world. Rich but there are people who would make you look like a beggar.

"Hello Nico, thank you for asking. I have slept good, I hope you have also slept good." Said my father.

"Yes, I slept good. Also Nico, after breakfast come to my office". Said my mother. Although I had some guesses why she would want me to come to her I am still curios.

"Okay mother". I said before also starting to eat. When I was ready my mother had already left.

"Bye father". I said before also going away.

"Bye Nico". I heard before leaving the room.

After walking trough the castle I arrived at my mother's office.

*KNOCK* "Hello mother, may I come in"? I asked.

"Yes, come inside". She said.

I saw a room full of books and 2 couches. And then behind a big bureau I saw my mother working on some paper work.

"Mother, for what did you want to see me"? I asked curiously.

"I know that you want to become a knight. And I just wanna ask, Are you sure you wanna become a knight". She asked me seriously. I have never seen her this serious.

"Yes, I truly wanna become a knight". I said full of determination. Although its rough you retire at quite the young age with a big pension salary.

"Even though becoming a mage is less though and much safer"? She asked. I know that but as a mage you need to work till old age because all you need to do is just sit behind a desk and do research.

"Yes, no matter how though it is I wanna becoming a knight". I said now basically oozing out determination.

"Good, I have already searched for a trainer. And although you can't train your body intensely you can train your swordsmanship, footwork, and aura". She said now much less serious looking more like the mother I remember.

"Thank you mother". I said jumping with true happiness before giving her a hug.

"No problem, you now I would do anything for you". She said stroking my head.

"Your trainer will arrive in 1 week". She said to me.

"Mom, Thank you". I said while looking into her eyes. Since I have reincarnated here I have never truly accepted these people as my parents. And although I may never truly regard them as my parents, they love me and I should at least love them back.

We kept in this hug for a bit before i broke it off.

"Mom, I will leave you to your work now". I say before running out of the office. I am very exited.

Not only because I can start my training as a knight but also because I can come in contact with aura. In this world there is something called Miracle energy or just M energy.

And trough history there have been found many kinds of uses for this energy which all got its own name's. For a knight it's aura and for a mage its mana.

The reason why it isn't all just called M energy? I don't know. I read in my free time but I haven't gotten that far.

1 week later.

I am currently sitting at the side of a training ground waiting for my trainer all nervously. Even though I am 19+6 that doesn't mean I am immune to stress.

I hear footsteps behind me and when I look I see a big figure. I can't see much because the sun is shining too hard but when he comes closer I can see his features.

He was very tall with muscles which only someone who train hard can have. He has medium long hair and a short beard. He had a big grin on his face. He looked to be about 50 years old and yes, I am sure its a man.

"Hahaha, I am sir Mark and maybe in the future also your trainer". He said while still having a big grin on his face

"Ah- Hello, I am Nico Adami". I said hurriedly while making a small bow after getting out of my shock.

"Hahaha, calm down, I don't bite". He said before setting himself down before me. He then signaled for me to also sit down so I did.

"My first question is, what is aura"? He asked.

"Aura is the Miracle energy knights us". I said all I knew.

"Good, but why is it called aura and for mages mana"? He asked.

"I don't know, sir Mark". I said truthfully.

"Don't worry, what you know is already impressive for your age. The reason is because aura and mana are different energies". He said which made me confused.

Seeing me confused he cleared it up.

"The difference comes from the way they are kept. A mage forms a magic core in their heart while a knight gathers aura trough their blood vessels and uses their whole body as vessel.

A mage can's mana can be used to create spells because of its unformed state while a knight's body will not only be strengthened because of the constant aura in their body but can also be gathered in one specific point". He said now serious which is a big contrast to his previous grinning.

"Now, If you had to guess, why can a mage make spells and a knight can coat their sword with aura"? He asked.

"Euuhhmm, because a mage 's mana can be separated of each other and then used to make a spell outside the body. And with a knight's aura is like a big ball which you can change of form but you can't split". I guessed. I have no idea and my knowledge of novels doesn't really help.

"Very impressive, your father was right when he said you were a genius". He said now back to grinning and laughing.

"Now that we have done the theory we can begin with the real stuff, keep sitting". He said while standing up.

"Close your and eyes try to feel the Miracle energy around. Don't move or adsorb it, just feel it. Once you feel it tell me". And just as he did. I tried searching for it, for what exactly I don't know but what I do know is that I am searching against someone.

And for about 5 minutes I tried searching till I finally found it. I found this energy which is all around me touching me and at the same time untouchable.

"Sir Mark, I feel it". I said in an exited voice.

"Good, now we will go on the next step". He said

'Wow, only four minutes, he is truly a genius among geniuses'. Thought mark to himself.

And for a while they kept training till it became late. They had spent the entire day just trying to control the Miracle energy which was quite hard but on the end of the day I had it quite under control.

I am currently eating dinner with my family.

"So Nico, how was the training". Asked my mom.

"It was very cool mom, I learned to control Miracle energy". I said like a six year old would. How embarrassing.

"Good, although its hard its better when you have fun". Said my dad chiming in. Yes, I have decided to also call him dad.

"Mom, can you tell me more about sir Mark". I asked curiously. He was a retired knight and know my teacher so I am curios about him.

"Sir Mark is a retired knight of duchy of Oro. He was a captain there who commanded over his own army of a few dozen people". She said before continuing with. (He didn't have like his own army but he did command over them as a captain.)

"For being a man who wanted to be a knight he received a lot of ridicule and hardship but with his talent and hard work he became a captain of a duchy, which is an impressive feat. And then in the war 20 years ago during the war he contributed a lot and got knighted". My mom continued talking and with each sentence my respect grew.

"Wow, sir Mark is really cool". I said with genuine respect. In this world which is mostly dominated my woman becoming a knight which is a even more woman dominated field is nothing but a feat worth respect.

"Yes, He is truly impressive. He is also one of the few men from this century to become a knight". Said my dad chiming in.

And that is all for this day.