
In a life time

A story about a girl whose life changed because of the choice that someone else made for her.

an_BTS_fan · Music & Bands
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6 Chs

The first time they met

-Everyone is asked to put on their seat belts. The plane will take off in two minutes. Thank you for understanding she said sitting in her chair. This is how the flights in which the girl has been for almost two years begin. Today, for some reason, she is just as excited as when she flew for the first time as a flight attendant. Although this week she didn't have flights scheduled, at the request of her friend she decided to replace her because after all only once her friend marries the love of her life and besides she did not have the opportunity to visit the destination, Seoul.

The flight will take some time due to the long distance the plane had to cover: Los Angeles- Seoul, so after takeoff, Ienefer went to the cabin with her two colleagues with which she will spend the next flight hours. In 30 min they managed to prepare the cart, although quite hard because of the jokes made by her youngest teammate at which she laughed with tears in her eyes.

The three of them decided to go out with the cart, starting with the first-class passengers helping those who asked them. Arriving in a more secluded area where there was only one passenger she looked at him. He wore a jacket whose hood covered most of his face and that, made it clear that he should not be bothered. When she was at the point of going on, she saw that the man was waving at her. Ien cursed in her mind and put on her fake smile that she practiced only for bossy passengers. Approaching him, she saw that he had an open tablet in his hand at which he looked without moving. The passenger sensing her presence closed it quickly. He looked up at her, and for a few seconds, Ienifer looked at his face: he was handsome, too bad he was wearing sunglasses.

-Can I help you?

-A glass of red wine miss!

''Miss'', the way he said that word gave her goosebumps. His voice was thick and a little hoarse.

— One moment sir. She immediately went to the cart and prepared his glass. When she returned, she noticed that he opened the tablet again. He was looking at that article again, so she put the glass on the table and left.

The leader of the famous band BST, MR, and the growing actress Min-Ah spotted on a date. Did he lie all along about his love life?

Why did this happen? I was as discreet as possible every time I went out with Min-ah just to avoid something like that, so why did it happen? Why?

BZZ, BZZ, the phone vibrated on the nightstand. Without looking at who was calling, he replied:

— Nanjoom what did you do? Why is your face on the first page of every single newspaper in Korea? He heard a voice shouting at him.

-What are you talking about Hyung?

-I'll send you a link to read and pack your bags. PD wants to speak with you about this right away.

That's how he got on this plane with the tablet in his hand and his mind running wild.

Night came and Ien decided to see if any passenger needed something. As expected, everyone slept except him. Without her knowledge, her legs brought her closer to him. Feeling her presence, he turned his face to see who it was.

-Can I help you with something?

-A glass of wine.

-One moment.

Returning with his glass of wine, she approached his seat when the plane passed through a turbulent area. In times like this, she congratulated herself for learning to maintain her balance in situations like this. She set the glass on the table and turned to leave. The plane passed again through a turbulent area and this time the young woman felt herself losing her balance. She closed her eyes and waited for the fall, but she did not felt it. Why? Because two strong hands grabbed her waist and a strong chest cushioned her fall.

-Are you okay? He asked, but she couldn't answer because of the shock, so she nodded.

-Are you sure?

-Yes, she said with a trembling voice. What's wrong with me? Why is my heart beating so fast? Why all I feel is the shape of his body? Why do I feel safe in his arms? Why do I feel that I belong there? Why do I like the heat that his body emits and the shivers that his breath transmits to my body? Her mind went crazy; everything she thought was about him. Sensing that he was moving, she came out of her trance and rose to her feet. Looking at his face, she felt her cheeks turn red, so she thanked him quickly and left. The rest of the flight went smoothly. All passengers debarked safely.

While inspecting the plane for the last time, she noticed that someone had forgotten a tablet. She knew whose it was, the young man who helped her when she was about to fall appeared in her mind, so without thinking she got off the plane and started looking for him, but without luck, he was already gone. Thinking about what to do, she concludes that the only solution is to find his phone number. And she did.

Arriving in the hotel room, the girl decided to take a long and well-deserved bath with her favorite aroma, lavender. When she finished, she started looking for her pajamas in her luggage, but she saw the tablet. She picked up the phone and rang. The phone ring twice until she heard a greeting.

-Hi, I found your tablet. It looks like you forgot it on the plane.

-God. Thanks! I looked for it everywhere. Can we see each other tomorrow?

- Yes, sure.

- Okay, then I'll send you a message with the address, and so he closed without saying goodbye.

-What a man without manners, but even so, he still managed to make her heart skip a beat and to bring a smile on her lips. Seconds after she climbed into bed, she got the message. With a sigh, she closed her eyes thinking that she would see him again tomorrow but her mind calmed down when she thought it would be the last time she would see him.

He was tired, for more than 10 hours he was thinking about how to solve the problem with Min-Ah, and he couldn't find a solution; I think that we will have to make our relationship public. What will the fans say when they hear? What will Min-Ah say? Shit! Shi. Suddenly, he felt the presence of a person next to him, so he turned his head to see who it was. It was a stewardess, and like every single time, he heard that fake politeness and saw that fake smile.

-A glass of wine, he answered her question. Immediately she returned with his glass, but it seems that the plane started to shake. An area of ​​turbulence he through, but it passed quickly. After putting the glass on the table, she turned to leave, but the plane passed through a turbulent area again. Looking at the girl who was just leaving, he noticed that she had lost her balance. Without thinking, he grabbed her by the waist, and because of his strength, her back came in contact with his chest.

-You're good? At which she nodded. The movements of her head brought with it her scent of lavender.

He asked once more to be sure she was okay, and this time she answered using her voice. So that's how her voice sounds like when she's not talking in that polite and false tone. Her smell began to envelop him, and he liked it, her body fit perfectly in his arms, and that made him pull her even closer to him. He immediately felt that the girl wants to get up and reluctantly let her go. Her cheeks faded, and that made him smile. She thanked him and left quickly. The rest of the flight passed without problems, and soon, he arrived in Seoul. He prepared his bag and looked at the girl for the last time. In passing, he saw the badge with her name: Ienifer.

Nanjoom got in the car and went to the agency. After many discussions, he failed to solve the problem, so he went to the bedroom. On the way, he remembered the song that he composed. MR started looking for his tablet but couldn't find it. That was all I needed; a flashback went through his mind, it was full of pictures with him and Min-Ah. What if anyone had found it and had already sent it to the newspaper. What will happen then? Nanjoom closed his eyes and let his head on the headrest. Could it be worse than that?

In his room, he throws himself on the bed. What will happen to my career from now on? He heard the phone ring and answered almost lifelessly. He heard the voice of a young woman:

-Hello. I found your tablet. It looks like you forgot it on the plane.

- God, no matter how much he tried to hide his enthusiasm, he failed. Maybe not all is lost, this thought gave him a little ray of hope. Thank you. I looked everywhere for it. Can we see each other tomorrow? He said without thinking.

-Yeah sure.

-I'll send you a message with the address. Being super happy with the only good news he received a few days ago, he closed the call without realizing it. In ten minutes he made a reservation at the café and sent a message to the girl. He was finally able to breathe quietly.